The Mark Of Nimueh

"Giaus come quick." An out of breath stable boy panted. Slamming the door open in his haste. His wild brown eyes gazed desperately around the room until he finally spotted his prey. Upon discovery he quickly ran over to the little old man, standing stone stock still by the table holding a vial of sleeping draught, and began frantically tugging on his shirt sleeve. Pulling him desperately toward the door.

"Now hold on a moment lad. Whats got your knickers in a twist." Giaus asked exasperated, gently freeing his shirt sleeve from the trembling boys grasp. Moving closer so I could hear I eagerly awaited his anwser. Curious as a cat to know what was going on.

"Its terrible Giaus. In the court yard its...oh please just come and see I can't really explain it." Sharing a worried look Giaus and I quickly gathered his medical supplies and hurried after the boy to the courtyard. Upon arrival I gasped in shock and dread as the sight of a dead body came into view. Giaus ognoring my shock quickly knelt beside the body, and using a pen from his bag, quickly flipped it over. I paled in fright at the sight of its pale blue and purple skin, black sunken eyes, and bright red raised veins lining its body. Its like something out of a scary story.

"Help me get him back to my chambers."

"Wait you actually want to bring that thing into our home." I squeak horrified.

"Merlin its a body not a thing, and yes I knew to fiqure out what killed this poor man before it spreads."

"But aren't you afraid of catching it?" Instead of responding he rolled his eyes turning back to the stable boy who still stood awkwardly to the side of the body.

"Now young man it is imperative that you do not tell anyone of this. We do not want to cause a panic."

"Yes sir." The boy quickly consented scurrying off back to his duties. Giaus grabbing a sheet from his bag quickly covered the body before having me help him lift the body into a nearby wheel barrel a local allowed us to borrow. Let me tell you trying to get this body through the courtyard without anyone realizing what was under the sheet was a right pain. We were almost there when suddenly we were stopped.

"Hey merlin whats that your carrying in that wheel barrel." Both Giaus and I groaned at the sound of Gwen's cheerful voice.

"Get rid of her. We can't afford a panic on our hands." Giaus whispered pushing me toward Gwen as he quickly made off with the body. Sighing I turned toward the curious maid forcing a smile on my face.

"Hello Gwen. Running errands for Morgana." I asked pointing to her basket of flowers, as i quickly changed the subject.

"Oh no i thought I'd pick some flowers for my lady. She's been a little stressed lately with these reaccuring nightmares about an illness and strange creatures in the water. I was hoping these might cheer her up some. Here why don't you take one. This pink one would look lovely in your curls." She stated plucking a pink and white carnation from the bunch, and placing it in my mop of dark hair.

"Oh thanks Gwen its beautiful. Well I will see you later." With that I quickly retreated before she had a chance to remember her unanswered question. Entering our shared chambers I quietly closed the door behind me as Gaius stood hunched over the body. A frown on his face.

"Have you discovered the cause." I enquired peeking over his shoulder as he worked.

"No. Whatever caused this isn't natrual." He sighed straightening and rubbing a tired hand over his face.

"You don't mean..."

"Giaus come quick. The king requires your presence in the throne room immediately. " A guard interrupted busting open the door in much the same fashion as the stable boy. Sharing a look between us we quickly gathered our supplies and headed to meet the king.


"What could have caused this?" Uther asked concerned as Giaus kneeled over yet another body with blue and purple skin.

"I am unsure as to the cause my king. All I know at this point is its the 2nd case I have seen this morning."

"There have been others and you didn't inform me?"

"I wanted to be sure of what I was seeing before causing undue panic."

"And what is it you've decided?" He demanded beginning to pace in front of him. Shifting slightly beside Arthur who had also joined us in the throne room I frowned not liking where this was heading.

"What i have found is this disease is not natrual. Its unlike anything I have ever seen."

"What are you trying to say Giaus?"

"Sire I am afraid that their is only one logical explanation for this. I am afraid its the work of..."

"Magic." Uther breathed finishing Giaus sentence. His eyes flashing angrily at the word.

"If thats the case than you will need all the help you can get to stop it at its source. Arthur let Giaus have the use of your manservant until all this is over."

"Father you can't be serious." Arthur exclaimed annoyed. Uther frowning at his son quickly turned to him gripping his shoulders in a deathlock.

"Arthur if Giaus is right about this being the work of magic than we are all at risk. This is the type of magic I have attempted to protect you from. Its sorcerers like this that threaten the very being of camelot. We must not sit idle Marvin will help Giaus. You will rally the knights and conduct door to door searches. This sorcerer must be found. Before the people turn to magic for a cure." Uther declared using the wrong name as he released his son. Nodding once to Giaus Uther quickly fled the room as the knights helped cart the body back to Giaus's."


"Is this really nessicary?" I sighed Watching the knights tare apart Giaus chambers.

"Do you honestly believe you are going to find anything?"

"Of course not." He promptly replied rolling his eyes as he ruffled through a stack of papers on the table.

"But just like everyone else your room also must be searched. Whats this?" He asked holding up a book, with wierd symbols on the cover, from the table. Giaus peeking over his shoulder smiled at the pages as the prince looked through it.

"Ahh that would be my life's work. The study of human autonomy." I have never seen someone drop a book so fast. You would think it was the study of bugs rather than the human body with how disgusted the prince looked. He can be such a child sometimes.

"Yes well... what about that room up there? Whats that for?"

"Oh thats my room." I anwsered as he began climbing the stairs to envade my privacy.

"What did you do with your magic book?" Giaus whispered leaning closer so as not to be overheard. I was just about to respond when a shout above us froze me in my tracks.

"Merlin come here. You'll never guess what I found." Giaus and I shared a worried glance before I slowly made my way to what I hope wasn't my death sentence.

"Look Merlin. I found a place to hang your clothes." He laughed aragontly sitting down on the bed where my magic book lay inches away from him. If he were to turn around it would be all over. As subtly as I could I pretended to be offended turning away from him as my eyes flashed gold. Turning the book invisible where it lay. A handy trick I pricked up just the other day while browsing through the different spells. Definitely glad I took the time to learn it now.

After a few more minutes of glancing boredly around from his perch on my bed. (the prat really wasn't even attempting to look. He is so confident I don't have magic. He's going to be so mad when I finally tell him.) Arthur sighed getting up and going back downstairs were the knights were just finishing up.

"There's nothing here men. Lets try the next house. " He called out leaving Giaus and I to our clean up.


We had just finished cleaning when suddenly the door slammed open. Next moment a flustered King carrying a pale and sweaty Morgana comes barging in followed by Gwen.

"Set her on the table quickly sire." Giaus commanded falling immediately into physican mode.

"Please Giaus help her." Uther pleaded moving out of Giaus way.

"Let me take a look." We all anxiously watched as Giaus quick nimble fingers moved across morgana like magic as he completed his examination. After a moment he stood back from her bed a sad frown marring his features.

"I am sorry your highness but she has the sickness there is nothing more I can do unless the sorcerer is stopped, and the cure is found."

"Please there has to be something that can be done." Gwen pleaded only to recieve a sharp glare from Uther for speaking out of turn.

"I'm sorry but unless the cure is found lady Morgana will die by tomorrow morning."

"Than we must double our searches the sorcerer must be found. Until than I will carry Morgana back to her chambers. She shouldn't be stuck to living in this filth while recovering." Uther promised scooping her up and waltzing from the room. Gwen at her heels.

"We just cleaned you know." I muttered. Not at all appreciative of our home being referred to as filth. Suddenly I smiled as an idea popped into my head.

"Don't." Giaus warned grabbing my shoulder as I turned to race up the stairs.

"Don't what?" I innocently asked smiling sweetly at my uncle. Which only served to deepen his frown.

"I know that look. You've had a stupid idea that will no doubt get you killed."

"Its not stupid I just thought I might be able to heal her."

"Thats what I was afraid you would say. Merlin my girl. You are proposing to do magic right under the kings nose. How prey tell is this a good idea?"

"Oh come on Uncle. Its the Kings ward. He isn't going to care how she got better. Just as long as she does. I doubt he will look to deep since its Morgana." I huffed jerking out of his hold and folding my arms over my chest.

"Merlin this is the King you are talking about. Ward or not he won't care who it is so long as magic is involved. You are playing with fire. Promise me you won't use magic to heal the lady Morgana."

"But Giaus..." I whined.

"Promise me Merlin." He demanded raising the dreaded eyebrow of doom.

"Fine I promise." I grumbled turning away from him and marching angrily from the room. All this power and yet I can't even use it to save one person. Whats the point of being born with magic anyway. I was just sulking angrily around the corner when suddenly a tearful Gwen ran into me. Knocking us both to the ground.

"Oof. Sorry Gwen." I appologized even though it wasn't my fault. Upon noticing the tears in her eyes my heart sank.

"Oh Merlin its awful. Morgana is barely even breathing now. Her skin has already begun turning blue. Its just not fair. Why did it have to be her. She doesn't deserve to die. Oh merlin." She sobbed flinging herself into my arms crying her heart out. I felt my heart break, along with my resolve to keep my promise with every new tear that was shed.

"Sorry Giaus." I muttered making a decision. That night after careful research, and much preparation. I carefully snuck my way up to the lafy Morganas chambers where I used my magic to place the guards in a deep sleep. Slipping past their smoring forms I slowly tiptoed past a unconscious Gwen. Who sat in a chair beside the bed. Dozing on her arms which lay folded on the mattress. Crouching down I attached the politice under the bed and smiled as Morgana's breathing already began to even out.

"Your going to be alright." I whispered smiling gently at my friend as I retreated. Waking the guards as I passed. Slipping into bed I smiled happily as I drifted off to sleep. Confident that nothing could go wrong. If only I had listened to Giaus.


"YOU STUPID FOOLISH GIRL!" I yelped in shock falling clumsily out of my bed at the sudden shout and bang from Giaus slamming the door open.

"G..Giaus whats going on? Why are you shouting?" I yawned getting up carefully from the floor and stretching my weary bones.


"Wha...what?!" I sputtered horrified.

"Imagine the Kings surprise when he came in to his wards room expecting to see her dead but finding her alive. He thought it a miracle.  That is until he found the politice you so foolishly left behind under her bed, and seeing as the only other person in the room was Gwen.... Well I am sure you can fiqure out the rest." He spat his eyes flashing in his anger.

"Bu... but even if she had done it. wouldn't Morgana being alive have merited a reward." He just shook his head at that. Giving me such a sad expression that my heart dropped.

"Uther doesn't care what the magic was used for the only that magic was indeed used."

"Even to save his ward?"

"Even to save his ward." He confirmed grimly.

"I have to fix this." I muttered racing from the room.


(Morgana's POV)


"You can't be serious! She saved my life and you plan to kill her for it!" I screeched horrified.

"She used magic..."

"To save my life."

"Which is why she has been granted a swift death rather than burning on the prye."

"Some reward having your head chopped off. Totally a merciful king." I sarcastically sneered. Glaring up at Uther with the utmost disdain.

"You should be grateful. She won't suffer before she dies." He sniffed turning his nose up at me.

"So she saves my life and the only reward you offer is a quick death. Sometimes I think you would have preferred if I had died instead." I said throwing my hands up exasperated.

"Of course I would. Who knows what enchantments she may have enacted upon you. For all I know you could be under her control this very moment. " He replied dismissivly. I stared at him dumb founded. Did he really just admit to preferring me dead than healed by magic? Before I could respond though there was a distrubance as Arthurs little maid came racing into the throne room. Dodging the guards as they tried to stop her. From her unruly hair, and hurriedly thrown togetger outfit, I would guess she just woke up.

"Gwen didn't do it. I was the one who healed the lady Morgana.  Not Gwen. Kill me instead." She panted stopping a few feet away from the king. My blood ran cold at this. No way was this scawnny little maid a sorceress.  Especially ecially one powerful enough to heal me like that. No doubt she is just spouting off nonesense to save her friend.  Well we can't have that now can we. Gwen would never forgive me if I let Merlin take the fall like this. So steeling myself I quickly stepped infront of the trembling maid. Blocking her from view.

"Your not honestly going to believe her are you. From what I hear from Arthur she's not quite right in the head. She's obviously just trying to save her friend.  After all how would this girl even be able to get past my guards to heal me like that. Do you really believe a scrawny girl such as Merlin capable of such a feat." I stated forcing a laugh, and ignoring the offended look Merlin was sending me. I held my breath as he silently regarded. Praying that he bought my lie. After a moment he nodded waving us off.

"Your absolutely right. I will pardon her for now as she was only trying to save a friend,  but if she ever dares do this again I will have her flogged. Is that understood." I quickly slapped my hand over Merlins mouth to stop her from arguing abd quickly nodded forcing a smile as I dragged her out of there.  Once out of earshot I quickly slammed her against, gripping her chin between my fingers as I forced her to meet my eyes.

"That was the stupidest thing you could have done?" I hissed glaring at her. Slapping my other hand over her mouth to stop her responding I continued.

"How is you dying supposed to help Gwen? I don't like this anymore than you do. Gwen is my friend to but lying to the king and claiming to have magic when you don't isn't going to help anyone. All it would do is get you killed, and once Uther realizes the plague has not ended he would than proceed to kill Gwen believing her to be the sorceress.  As much as I hate to admit it arguing with that tryrant isn't going to help. If we want to save Gwen we are going to have to solve this case ourselves. So will you help me or do I need to tye you to one of Giaus patients cots until this is over?" I asked removing my hand from her mouth to hear her response.

"I... I will help you." I smiled letting her go and stepping away. Relieved that she was willing to be resonable. 

"So where do we start?" She asked rolling her now sore shoulder.

"We start by figuring lut where the source of the disease is coming from." I gasped spinning around to face the new adition to our conversation.

"Arthur!?" I whispered shocked to see him striding purposefully toward us from the alcove he was hiding in.

"I heard everything you said and I want to help. I agree that their is no way Merlin and Gwen have magic." I frowned confused as I noticed Merlin wince as if in pain. Maybe I was a little to rough when I pushed her into that wall.

"So I want to help you clear her name. Lets start by seeing if Giaus has fiqured out where the disease is spreading from and if he has any ideas of how to solve this problem." Arthur continued breaking me from my thoughts.

"I guess thats as good a place to start as any." I agreed.

"Yeah I guess that works." Merlin softly replies no doubt still thinking of Gwen trembling alone in the dungeon.


(Merlin's POV)


"Yes I do believe I have fiqured out where the disease is originating from." Giaus says puttering around his room as Morgana,  Arthur, and I watch from our perch at the table.

"I fiqured it out shortly after the lady Morgana fell ill. As there is only one thing both commoers and ladys such as you Morgana share."

"Ok and what woul... the water." I gasped anwsering my own question. Gaining shocked glances from Morgana and Arthur.

"Yes exactly. Only the water is shared by both common and royal folk alike. Its the only explanation.  From there I began researching enchantments that had to do with water. What I found was this." We all leaned foreward curiously as Giaus plopped an old tome in front of us on the table. Flipping through it he stopped pointing to a picture of a water creature called...

"The Afanc. A creature conjured of the elements of earth and water. Once hatched in water it releases a deadly posion that is near impossible to cure so long as it is alive. If we want the people of camelot to survive and for those affected to recover than you must kill this creature. Preferably before more die. Its weakness is fire. Use that to kill it. I believe I also know where you can find it. Remember that old cave system you and Morgana would explore when you were younger. Do you also remember the pond you found down there? Well I believe that is where you will find the creature."

"Sounds like fun." Arthur stated getting to his feet.

"Merlin and I will leave to kill it tonight. Morgana you will stay behind. No don't argue. You are already on a tight leash as it is for standing up for your maid like that. Uther right now is convinced Gwen has magic. He will not believe us if we tell him of the creature. He might even move up her execution believing us enchanted if we press the issue. No if we want to save Gwen and camelot we must do this in secret and the only way to do that is if you stay behind. He will notice the instant you aren't in your room. So please Morgs for Gwen stay brhind so I can finally end this." Arthur begged shocking all of us as he actually said please. Sighing in defeat Morgana nodded.

"Fine but you will tell me the moment you are back." With that she left leaving Arthur, Giaus, and I alone.

"Merlin meet me outside the caves once everyone has gone to bed. I know you know where they are as I have seen you sneaking down there from time to time. No idea why nor do I care to know." With that he left leaving me standing there stunned. The prince knew I was sneaking down there? Guess I need to be more careful from now on.

"Merlin I told Arthur it would need fire to kill the afranc but i lied it needs both fire and air to kill it. While the prince is distracted you will need to cast a spell to produce the air. Otherwise your efforts will be for not." Nodding in understanding I left to get ready for tonight.


"Keep quiet Merlin we don't want to alert the creature of our presence." Arthur whispered as we began to pick our way through caves. A loud scuffling behind us had us gasping and spinning around. Only to groan at the sight of Morgana picking her way toward us. Upon noticing Arthurs annoyed look she stuck her nose in the air folding her arms over her chest.

"Like I was really going to just sit in my room while you had all the fun. Not likely."

"But Father..." Arthur weakly protested.

"Thinks I am sulking in my room. It will be fine Arthur." She huffed.

"Fine. Just try to keep..." Arthur began only to be stopped short as Morgana and I way ahead of him.

"Do keep up Arthur dear. Can't have you dawdling." She taunted laughing silently.

"Women." Arthur muttered under his breath following after us. We had just reached the pond when a dangerous sounding growl reached our ears.

"Stay close." Arthur whispered moving to stand protectively in front of us. Waving his torch from side to side illuminating the darkness he frowned failing to find the creature.

"I think its go..."

"ARTHUR!!" Morgana and I screamed as the creature suddenly appearex bowling Arthur over and snapping its fangs menacingly above him. Morgana picking up the torch Arthur dropped waved it at the creature causing it to turn its attention to her instead. I could see the fear on Morgana's face as she was slowly backed into a wall by the creature which completely ignored the torch. Deciding it was time to act. I quickly raised my hand, my eyes flashing gold at the spellI whispered.

"Lyft sy þe in bǽlwylm ac forhienan se wiðere!" Morgana and Arthur quickly buried their faces in their elbows as a strong gust of wind burst forth from the cave sending the flames from the torch onto the creature. Its screams of pain as the flames stripped its flesh from its bones turning it to ash echoed through the cavern. Until finally silence once more fell upon us as it finally turned completely to ash. Leaving us standing there staring at the place the creature once stood in.


(Giaus POV)


"Sire I must speak with you." I gravely stated walking into the council room just as the meeting let out.

"Can't it wait Giaus I'm really not in the mood right now." He tiredly said looking at some papers on the coucil room table.

"I'm afraid it really is quite urgent. Arthur found this in the cavern where the creature was discovered." I held up the broken half of the egg.

"It bears the mark of Nimueh." All the color in the kings face quickly drained away as he stared at the blue symbol on the side of the egg.

"Will I never be rid of her." Uther muttered turning slowly away and walking like a zombie, to his throne.


"Leave me."

"But sire..."

"LEAVE." Bowing amd quickly exited the room I left the King to his memories.


(Merlin's POV)


"Gwen! I happily exclaimed racing foreward to embrace her.

"Merlin, Morgana, Dad, Arthur. I'm so glad to see you." She cried tears sliding freely down her cheeks as she hugged everyone. Even the prince who just awkwardly patted her back not quite sure of how to handle this show of emotion.

"I thought I was dead for sure." She whimpered into her dads shoulder. As he gently steered her out of the dungeon. Arthur following closely behind. Soon only Morgana and I were left to slowly make our way back to civilization. 

"You know it was very brave what you did. Trying to save Gwen like that. Stupid. But brave. I don't think I ever thanked you for you help." Morgana stated as we climbed the stairs from the dungeon.

"Its was really no big deal. Gwen is my friend and she didn't deserve to die." I humbly replied awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck.

"Hmm maybe. Anyway I will see you around Merlin." With that she quickly left heading to her room as I headed to mine. Maybe Morgana isn't so bad after all.