The Posioned Chalice (PART 1)


(Merlin's POV)


"Lady Morgana I have your medicine." I cheerfully called gently pushing her door open. Making my way inside I frown at the sight of not just Morgana, but Gwen as well, looking like sleep was a luxury they weren't afforded. With their wild untamed hair, and deep bags under their eyes. Not to mention their much paler than usual skin tone. They looked awful.

"Are you two all right? You look like the living dead." I bluntly stated settimg her medication on the stand beside Morgana's bed.

"Thanks Merlin. We really appreciate your compliments." Morgana sarcastically yawned

"Sorry I meant no offence." I laughed holding up my hands in a pallacating gesture. She quickly waved off my appology downing the potion in one gulp.

"No its alright. Its true anyway. For the last few nights I have been waking up with a horrible nightmare of Arthur dying of a posion. Everytime I have this dream its the same. It happens during the banquet celebrating the treaty between king bayard and Uther. Arthur goes to drink from his goblet when he suddenly collaspes and becomes unresponsive. He dies a few days later. "Morgana sighs running her hand over her sleep worn face. Gwen placing a comforting hand on her ladies shoulder as she also struggles to keep her eyes open.

"Gwen also hasn't gotten much sleep ethier. As everytime she shuts her eyes and starts to drift off I wake her up with my blood curdling screams. I have tried to convince her to spend a few nights in the servants chambers to catch up on her sleep but she refuses to leave me."

"Of course I am not leaving. I will not leave you to suffer this affliction alone." Gwen huffed removing her hand from Morgana's shoulder and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Your a true friend. " Morgana softly smiled up at Gwen. Her eyes crinkleing merrily at the side.

"I just wish these dreams would stop already. Sometimes I wonder... Never mind its nothing." I frowned curious to what she was going to say.

"What? You wonder what?" I prompted only for her to shake her head in response. Forcing a smile.

"Its nothing. Anyway thank you for the tonic. I think I will try for a nap." Understanding her words for the dismissal they were I quickly curtisied before exiting the room.


"Make sure not to drop it this time Merlin. If I have to make yet another tray for the prince..." She let her threat hang unspoken. Giving the cook a sheepish smile I hurried from the room. You drop a tray one time and suddenly everyone expects you to do it again.  Ok maybe it was more than one time in the past week. In my defense though the floor has it out for me. Tripping me all the time.

I was just rounding the corner, a short distance from my destination, when I collided against another maid. Sitting up from my spot on the floor I groan in dread at the ruined remains of the prince's lunch.

"The cook is going to kill me." I muttered wondering how far I can run before she comes after me. I was pulled from my whimpering as the soft bell like voice reminded me why I had fallen in the first place.

"Oh I am so sorry. I should have been paying more attention to where I was walking." Glancing up I softly smile on the young woman frantically gathering up her fallen laundry. A tuft of black hair hanging gently down her face as it escaped the blue turban wrapped snugly around her head. Her doe like green eyes filled with tears as she shakily reached for a shirt just out of reach.

"No its my fault. I shouldn't have been day dreaming while carrying the prince's lunch." I laughed trying to calm the poor girls fright as I helped her clean up. If anything though my admission to carrying the prince's lunch only served to frighten her more.

"OH NO THAT'S THE PRINCE'S! WHAT HAVE I DONE!" She shrieked scrambling terrified to her feet as she snatched up her baskst. Stumbling wearily away from me.

"Oh no shhh. Its ok I will just get another tray from the kitchens. Nothing to be frightened of." I assured also rising to my feet with the now empty tray. Although she stopped her frantic retreat her eyes still scanned me as a possible threat.

"But...but won't I be punished for allowing the prince's lunch to be ruined." She hesitantly asked her hand unconsciously twitching toward the long brown sleeve of her dress. Where the faint outline of finger prints were visible. I frowned. My brain finally understanding her fear for what it was.

"Your one of King Bayard servants aren't you? he violent toward his servants. " I carefully asked my eyes scanning her features and finally picking up the bruised handprint on her left cheek, and split lip barely trickling blood down her pale skin. Instead of answering her eyes immediately fell to the ground. Shuffling her feet as she avoided my gaze. Frown deepening. I slowly approached her so as not to startle her and gently placed my hand on her right cheek. Glancing up and finally meeting my gaze, I smiled at her wiping away a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Its ok your safe here. Even Uther doesn't tolerate this kind of violence.  So long as you are here Bayard wouldn't dream to harm you publicly. And I promise before you have to leave again I will find a way to get you away from him. My names Merlin whats yours." I prompted attempting to distract her.


"What a lovely name. Well its lovely to meet you Cara." I happily greeted shaking her hand once before releasing it. Glancing longingly one last time at the ruined food littering the halls.

"Well I must go. The prince will be wondering where his food is soon. I will see you later." I cheerfully exclaimed waving as I turned away from her.

"Se..See ya Merlin." She called after me. If I had stopped and turned back even for a moment I might have seen the sinster smirk playing dangerously across her suddenly healed split lip. Or I might have noticed the haunting golden glow lighting up her green eyes as her bruises mysteriously vanished leaving behind unharmed pale skin. Sadly though I saw none of this. Too focused on what escuse to give the cook for dropping the prince's lunch to pay attention to the suddenly dark aura spilling across the halls.


I  groaned rubbing my sore backside as thoughts of the cooks borrowed riding crop coming down hard on my back end played on my mind. I think I prefer the stocks. I'm going to have bruises after that. I moaned in pain wincing at the memory as I refilled the jug of wine and headed back to the banquet hall. The peace celebration banquet was in full swing and the prat has kept me running all night getting ready for it. I can't remember the last time I was so sore. I was just about to enter the banquet hall when I was sudsenly yanked roughly into an empty alcove by an extremly skittish cara.

"Hey whats wrong." I worriedly enquire setting my jug down on the ground as I turn to comfort the trembling maid.

"I...its Bayard. I saw him lace the prince's cup with posion." She whimpered. Her eyes wildly scanning the area as if terrified Bayard was going to pop up at any second.

"Posion? Are you sure cara?" I seriously asked gripping her shoulders and staring intensely into her eyes.

"Yes. He was whispering about finally getting rid of camelot once and for all." She insisted. Letting her go and anxiously turning toward the hall I called back a quick thank you before bursting through the double doors.

"STOP ITS BEEN POSIONED!" I scream charging toward the prince and snatching away his cup.

"What is the meaning of this!" Uther angrily demanded glaring at me.

"The prince's cup has been posioned. Someone has informed me that they saw bayard lacing the cup with a deadily posion." I insisted holding the cup out of the prince's reach as he angrily grabbed for it.

"This is an outrage. Are you really going to let this insult against me stand Uther." Bayard spat glaring dangerously at me. His hand resting upon the pummel of his sword. Uther ignoring this turned to me frowning.

"Who was it that told you of this?"

"I..i promised I wouldn't reveal her name as she is terrified of retaliation. " I lied not wanting to endanger Cara by admitting it was her.

"Than how do we know your telling the truth. For all we know you could be lieing to ruin a good kings reputation." Uther hummed raising a disbelieving eyebrow at me. Looking around me and seeing that no one not even Arthur believed me I knew instantly what I had to do to protect the prince. Swallowing down my fear I steeled my self meeting the kings unhappy gaze.

"I guess you can't, but I won't sit back and watch the prince die because a servants word is meaningless to that of a king." I stated my bottom lip trembling as I gripped the cup tighter in my hand. I could see the moment Arthur realized what I was about to do for he immediately attempted to snatch the cup from my hand. Dancing out of his reach I smiled sadly at him.

"Forgive me Arthur but your more important than I." I softly stated taking one last look at the man I gave my life for. Lifting the cup to my lips I swallowed down the sweetened posion making sure not even a drop remained. There was a chorus of gasps through the hall as everyone watched me drink the posion to save the prince. The moment the last drop slid down my throat it happened.  I gasped grabbing my throat as I felt it closing up cutting off my air. Knees trembling I collasped to the ground. Tears pooling in my eyes as I saw the prince running fearfully toward me. The last thing I heard before my world turned black was the king ordering Bayards immediate arrest. I smiled knowing that now the prince was once more safe. I could die happy now. I thought closing my eyes for what may be the last time.


Arthur's POV


I watched in horror as my maidservant downed the entire cup, of wine, that she just claimed to be posioned. It was like the entire hall was holding their breath as the Chalice fell from her nimble fingers. Hitting the stone floor which a loud clang. Her choked gasps as she frantically clawed at her throat for air was the only thing to distrub the horrified silence that had fallen. Not until her knees buckled and she lay spread eagle across the floor did the screams of the observing guests begin.

"GUARDS SEIZE HIM!" My dad screamed over the excited chatter of the guests. Glaring hatefully at Bayard as he was led away in chains. Racing to Merlins side. I dropped to my knees my hands frantically fluttering uselessly over her still form. Only when Giaus appear and push me out of the way did I realize my dads glare had turned to me.

"Arthur...." He began only for me to cut him off.


"Arthur honestly control yourself she is just a servant easily...."

"Don't you dare say replaceable. Don't you dare brush off her sacrifice as if it was of no consequence.  She risked her life to protect me and all you can say is she is just a servant." I spat my blue eyes flashing in my rage.

"Arthur honestly you are acting like a child. Its the duty of any good citizen to die for their king. Now stop this foolishness I will allow you to choose your next servant if it will make you happy." He sighed waving off my anger as if I were a child whining about a broken toy.

"You disgust me. To think I wanted nothing more than to be like you. How foolish of me." I whispered helping Giaus to lift the limp Merlin into my arms. Sending one more disgusted look at the king I headed for the physicans chambers as Gwen retrieved the cup.


"Quickly sire set her down here." Giaus commanded pointing to an empty cot as  Gwen handed him the cup.

"Can you cure him." Gwen worriedly enquired wringing her hands together.

"I won't know until I can identify the posion." Giaus replied peering inside the Chalice.

"There's something stuck in here. Ah ha got it." He exclaimed using a stick to pull out a purple petal. Rushing over to a thick tome of medicine and posions. He frantically began flipping through the pages before finally stopping on one. He paled as he gazed down at the words.

"Giaus what is it." I demanded moving closer to look over his shoulder.

"Its the morteaus flower. An extremely deadly flower that can be used to create the most deadly of posions. The only cure is the posion itself. You need a petal from the same flower to be able to cure the posion. But the only known location is a cave in the forest of balor. An extremely dangerous place. Anyone who has entered have never come out alive." Giaus replied gravely.

"But what happens if Merlin doesn't recieve a cure?" Gwen asked chewing her bottom lip fearfully.

"I'm afraid if she doesn't recieve the cure in 5 days she will die. That flower is her only hope of survival." Giaus replied solemnly gripping the edge of the table in a deathgrip.

"Sounds like fun." Giaus head snapped up at that staring at me as though I had grown a second head.

"Sire you can't be seriously considering going after the antidote? You could die."

"So could Merlin if I don't.  She gave her life for me the least I can do is give mine to return hers." I snapped already heading toward the door.

"Merlin was right. You really will be a great king one day." A soft voice whispered behind me. Turning to face Gwen I gave her a soft smile before leaving to prepare for my journey.


"You are not going!" My dad yelled towering in the doorway of my chambers.  I could feel his disapproving eyes on me as I packed the last of my equipment.

"Dad if I don't go than she will die, and you have alreafy made it clear you aren't going to let the knights go so..."

"SHE IS A SERVANTS WHO CARES IF SHE DIES!" I stared at him stunned that he would say that.

"She is your citizen, and haven't you sworn a vow to protect your citzens?"

"Yes, but how am I protecting the citzens by letting their crown prince go on this suicide mission for one servant. You are not going and thats final."

"I'm sorry dad but I have made up my mind. I am going whether you approve or not."

"Than you leave me no choice. Until further notice you are confined to your chambers. You will not be allowed out until after she dies. Once she dies I will help you find a new servant. Guards do not allow the prince out of this room." Uther ordered sweeping from the room and bolting the door behind him.

"FATHER!" I cried racing for the door and pulling on it to no avail.

"One day you will thank me for this." My dads soft voice spoke through the door. Growling in frustration as his footfalls disappeared down the hall. I slammed my fist against the wall feeling helpless to save Merlin. It was as I was staring at my bag of equipment that an idea began to form in my head. Smiling and racing to my closet. I pulled out all my clothes tying them tightly together to make a rope. Tying one end to the bed post. I threw the other end out the now open window.  Checking that it was indeed stable. I took a deep breath and threw myself out the window. Using my rope to scale the wall.

Feet hitting the ground, I silently whooped in victory as I raced for the gate under cover of night. I resolved to talk to the guards later about security as I found it far to easy to escape without being spotted. Making it into the forest and far away from the castle I sighed in relief as I headed for the forest of balor.


(Gwen's POV)


"How is she."

"No better I'm afraid. Giaus just went out for some more water." I replied not even looking up as I continued to mop Merlins sweaty brow.

"I just hope Arthur gets back in time." Morgana sighed sitting down beside me and grasping Merlins clammy hand in hers. I didn't respond as at that moment Giaus returned.

"Oh my lady. Have you come to visit Merlin?" He asked surprise clear on his face as he noticed Morgana holding Merlins hand.

"Of course I have. She's my friend too. I just can't help but worry though. Uther was pretty mad when he discovered Arthur had snuck out through his window. I worey he may do something to stop the cure from ever reaching Merlin even if Arthur gets back in time." She sighed squeezing Merlins hand a little tighter. Biting my lip I glanced down at the still form of our friend as thoughts of Uther ordering Merlin killed raced through my head. Morgana's right. The king won't stand for this disrespect to go unpunished.  It was as these thoughts were running through my head that my eyes happened to land upon a bright red rash forming on Merlins neck.

"Hey Giaus whats this rash from." Giaus head, which had been bent over a tonic he was mixing, snapped up at my question. Rushing over he quickly began examining the red bumps forming on Merlins skin.

"This is not good. The rash isn't supposed to appear until the 3rd day."

"What does that mean Giaus?" Morgana asked.

"It means that magic was used to make the posion more potent. Which means Merlin only has 2 days before the posion kills her."


(Arthur's POV)


"HELP SOME BODY HELP ME!" Racing toward the source of the screams I quickly unsheathed my sword. I growl in anger as I see 3 bandits surrounding a young woman who sat petrified on the ground. Her wide watery green eyes stared in fright at the men towering over her.

"Awww don't be afraid. We will take good care of you." One of them laughed sneering down at her. Eyes flashing in anger I leaped down inbetween her and the bandits shielding her from their wandering eyes. Moving quickly I chopped them down where they stood before they knew what had happened.  As soon as the last bloodied bandit had fallen I once more sheathed my sword. Turning to face the cowering woman at my feet. I offered her a smile reaching out my hand to help her carefully to her feet.

"Your safe now. Are you ok?" I softly enquired peering into her eyes.

"Y...yes I'm ok thanks to you. How can I ever repay uou kind sir." She asked smiling up at me and placing a hand softly on my cheek. I frowned as a feeling a deep foreboding hit me. There was something about this woman that just set all of my instincts on edge. Shaking off the feeling as paranoia I decided to ask her for help.

"Actually I am looking for a cave in the forest of balor. Do you happen to know where that is?"

"Ahh so you are seeking the morteaus flower than." My frown deepened at that. Eyes narrowing in suspicion I slowly placed my hand on the pommel of my sword.

"How do you know what I am seeking?" She merely smiled at me. Eyes glinting with an emotion I couldn't quite place.

"Why else would you be willing to go somewhere so dangerous.  Everyone around here knows the only reason anyone would ever go there is for the flower." She laughed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Still suspicious but deciding she wasn't a threat I removed my hand from my sword.

"Anyway do you know how I can get there?"

"Of course, but it would probably be easier if I show you the way instead. Follow me." She said motioning me to follow. Still feeling slightly uneasy but not seeing any other choice. I took one last look back the way I came before following after her.

"By the way what is your name miss?"

"Cara. My name is Cara.