The Gates of Avalon (Part 1)

"Merlin can I talk to you a moment?" Glancing up from where I was saddling the prince's horse for the patrol of the borders. I frowned as i saw Morgana nervously wringing her hands together as she stood there fidgeting. Her emerald green eyes darting every which way as her teeth nervously nibbled on her lower lip. Her normally kempt hair was all over the place.

Narrowing my eyes I stopped my work as I cautiously approached my friend. Placing my hands on her shoulders. I gazed into her tired green eyes. 

"Morgana what is it. Why do you look so frightened?" Sighing and lowering her fidgting hands she finally met my gaze. I blinked taken back as I noticed tears in her eyes.  Pulling her into my arms I held her as she burst into sobs. Rambling about a nightmare she had last night. I stiffened as she meantioned the prince. Ever since she was right about Valiant and his shield.  I've learned not to brush her nightmares off so easily. So I made sure to pay close attention to her explanation.

"It was at a lake. Arthur he...he was beneath the water. He wasn't breathing as he drifted to the lake bed. Above him wearing a blood red cloak, with choclate brown hair. Was this girl. She was smirking her hand outstretched and she watched Arthur drown. I woke up screaming shortly after, but Merlin it was so realistic. It was like I was actually there." She sobbed. Her hands clinging to the brown tunic I wore. Her face buried in my curls.

Patting her back and softly whispering assurances I frowned in concern. My eyes locked on the confused face of the prince who had just arrived. Meeting my gaze he raised his eyebrow in a question. Shaking my head I refused to anwser. Not like he would believe Morgana anyway. Just like Gauis Arthur would just brush it off as just another nightmare. I just hope this time they are right. For if this too came true... well I will just have to make sure it doesn't.  


"Hurry up Merlin. Even a snail could move faster than you." Arthur huffed from his perch on his horse. Rolling my eyes i gently encouraged my mare to quicken its pace. Pulling up along side the prince.

"Yeah yeah I hear ya pra..."

"Quiet." Arthur hisses raising his hand for silence as his narrowed eyes scanning our surroundings. After a moment of silence i open my mouth a question on my lips when I hear it. A high pitched scream coming from the right. Kicking his horse into action the prince charges toward the sound, me hot on his heels. We stop outside a clearing where a 2 people in cloaks can be seen fighting off some bandits.

Arthur giving a war cry slides off his horse. Sword swinging as he jumps into the battle. Its not long before the battle is over and all the bandits are dead. Arthur sheathing his sword and wiping away the sweat from his forehead turns to the cloaked stranger. The one wearing a blood red cloak with golden lining approaching the prince. Stopping a foot away she pulled down her hood. Revealing a head of brown curls and a silver tiara. Her violet eyes giving almost an erie glow as they gazed unblinking into the stunned blue eyes of the prince. After a moment she smiles. Her pale pink lips pulling back to reveal her pearl white teeth. 

"I thank you for saving us. I am princess Sophia, and this is my father King Aulfric of the western isles." She greeted gesturing to her father who approached, removing his ocean blue hood to reveal his smiling face. I blinked a sense of foreboding lingering in my heart as Arthurs eyes seemed to flash red as Sophia moved her ruby staff in front of him. Rubbing my eyes I frown as his eyes are back to his usual blue. Assuming it was a trick of the light. I turn my attention back to Sophia. Watching closely as Arthur takes her hand kissing the back of her hands. Eyes sparkling as he gazed at her face. 

"Well its a pleasure to meet you Princess Sophia. Oh and you too king Aulfric." He says the last part dismissively. Not even looking at the king. His eyes never leaving the princess. My eyes narrowed at that. Something wasn't right. Arthur wouldn't brush off a visting dignitary like that. No matter his intrest in the kings daughter. Deciding to keep a close eye on them. I returned my attention to the conversation. 

"Allow me to escort you to camelot. Where I am sure my father the king will be delighted to host such exquisite guests." Arthur stated looping his arm through the princess's and leading her toward his horse.  Lifting her onto its back and sliding on behind her. Arthur turns his attention back to me a faraway look in his eyes. 

"King Aulfric you are welcone to take my maidservant mare. She can follow behind on foot." He commanded. Grimacing but not about to argue in front of the guests I slide off my horse. Holding the mare steady as Aulfric climbs on. Smirking at me as though pleased with the development.  Flicking the reigns Arthur, Sophia, and Aulfric make haste galloping out of the clearing. Leaving me to stumble behind them grumbling the entire way. By the time I make it back to camelot it is nearing evening. My feet are screaming abuse as i pluck twigs from my unruly hair. My scratched and tired face lighting up in relief as the gates of camelot appear before me. Stumbling past the confused guards I barely make it into the physicans chambers before I collapse on a chair by the table. Gauis hovering worriedly over me. A tub of paste in his hand that he quickly uses to smear over my cuts and bruises.

"Where on earth have you been? The prince came back hours ago with the visting dignitaries." Gauis demanded. Ignoring my flinch as the cold paste touched my skin.

"The prat gave my horse to king Aulfric and made me walk back." I spat. Tossing the leaf I just pulled from my curls onto the ground. Gauis frowned at this. His forehead creasing in concern. 

"Thats unlike Arthur. I wonder why he didn't just have the king and his daughter ride together on one horse. While you and him ride the other like he normally does?" I scoff at this my anger bubbling as I laid my head on my arms on the table. My eyes burning with frustration. 

"Because he was too busy oogling the princess to carw about my comfort. What their story anyway. Why they come on foot if they are royalty anyway?" Gauis sighed at this. Setting down the paste as he sat down across from me.

"They told the king that their kingdom was overrun by bandits. That they barely escaped with their lives.  They were on their way to the stay with some family when they were attacked. Thats when you and Arthur supposedly found them." I hummed thoughtfully at that. Closing my eyes as my mind ran over everything thats happened. 

"A likely story." Gauis sharply gazed at me a frown on his face as he examined me.

"I take it you don't believe them?" 

"Hmm maybe. Its just something about them Gauis. Something that has my magic cringing away from them. I don't know what it is. Not to mention the auras they are giving off scream of dark magic." Gauis hummed in thought. His frown deepening at this new information. 

"Not to mention just before we left Morgana warnedme about a dream..." Gauis sighed exasperated cutting me off midsentence. 

"Don't give me that. Her dreams have come true before. Remember the snakes in Valiants shield. Morgana dreamt of it before he even arrived." I pointed out. 

"Yes Merlin but..."

"Don't you dare say it was a coincidence. We both know when it comes to mag..."

"MORGANA DOES NOT HAVE MAGIC MERLIN!" Gauis roared eyes flashing as he slamned his hands on the table. I stared at him hurt clouding my vision.

"Why are you so against Morgana having magic?" Scrubbing his hand over his face he replied. His voice dripping with exhaustion.

"Because if she has magic than that does not bode well for her being the ward of the king." 

"Maybe but if she has magic. Wouldn't it be better if I helped her. I could help her hid..."

"No Merlin. Morgana does not have magic, and I forbide you from telling her about your treasonous therioes." He cut me off rising from the table and heading toward his medicine cabinet. Where he began organizing the diffrent potions. I could feel anger and annoyance bubbling within me at his words. Standing from the table. I headed for my room an angry reply on my lips.

"Yeah because it would be terrible if she had magic." I spat. Marching into my room and closing the door, but not before his final quiet reply reached my ears.

"For her it would be."


"MERLIN!!!" I sighed in annoyance sitting on my heels and wiping my hand, not holding the rag, over my sweaty face. Turning to the prince marching toward me I groaned as I saw the twinkle in his eyes. What ever it is he wanted it wouldn't bode well for me. I was right.

"There you are Merlin. I have a favor to ask of you." I raised my eyebrow at that surprised that he was actually asking instead of ordering.

"A favor?" I asked. He smirked at my tone.

"Your right an order." I sighed. Yep thats more the prat I know.

"My dad has a concil meeting shecduled in a few minutes but Sophia and I want to have a picnic in the woods." I swallowed uncomfortably already knowing where he was going with this. 

"So I want you to come up with an escuse to get me out of the meeting." 

"So let me get this straight. You want me to lie to the king just so you can shirk your duties and hang out with princess Sophia?" I slowly asked praying that he would retract his order.

"Yep thats exactly what I am asking." He proudly sang grinning at me.

"And what pray tell do you think will happen to me when your dad finds out I lied? Not to mention what punishment i could receive if he believes my lie. Hmm?"

"Well probably the stocks i guess?" He hummed dismissively already gathering his items for the picnic.

"No Arthur I could be flogged or worse if he realizes I am lying." I said my voice rising in desperation. He merely laughed as he walked toward the door prepared to leave.

"Than i guess you better make sure he doesn't find out than."

"Arthur!!" I whimpered but he ignored me marching from the room, and leaving me to face my doom.


"So let me get this straight. The reason Artgur is not here is because you forgot to inform him?" I swallowed keeping my gaze firmly on the ground as I clutched my hands tightly behind me.

"Yes your highness. I am deeply sorry that i neglected to inform him."

"And where is my son than?"

"Showing princess Sophia around the kingdom." I replied trembling and praying that he believes my lie.

"Hmm. Well as this is the first time this has happened I will be merciful." I sighed in relief as I bowed to the king.

"Thank you sire." 

"Guards escort her to the stocks. She will spend the entire morning there as punishment. " i froze at that grimacing as I though of the scrubbing I will be doing to clean my clothes afterwards. 

"Oh and Marvin." Uther called butching my name as the guards dragged me away. 

"If you fail to inform the prince again especially in a time of crisis. The punishment will be ten times worse than just the stalks. Do I make myself clear." I gulped my face paling at that. I wanted to promise it wouldn't happen again but knowing Arthur it would. So instead I nodded allowing the guards to pull me away. All I could hope is that the next time Arthur does this the punishment won't be too bad. How do I always get myself into these situations.  


That night as I was trudging wearily back to my room I paused as voices drifted over to me from an alcove. Creeping foreward i peeked around a corner. Stifling my gasp as I saw Sophia scowling in disgust as she ranted to her dad. 

"He saved me father. I was leading him to the lake like we planned when a knight patroling the area. Miataked us for intruders and shot an arrow at me. If it weren't for the prince pushing me out of the way I would have been killed. Me a powerful sidhe rescued by a mere mortal. I have never felt more disgusted in my life." She spat allowing her dad to pull her into his arms.

"I know my daughter. Just hold on a little while longer. Soon it will all be over and all that we lost will be yours once more." He whispered brushing his lips over her hair. 

"Yes after tomorrow I will no longer have to put up with such an insufferable mortal. After I sacrifice him at the lake of Avalon. I will once more be allowed home. I just wish you could come too father." She agreed smiling sadly.

"Yes well because of my banishment I will never be allowed back, but you my dear have done no wrong. With the death of the crown prince. The gates of Avalon will be opened to you once more." He sighed brushing a strand of hair from her face. I panicked as I saw them start to head my way. Desperately looking for an escape. When suddenly i was grabbed from behind. A hand over my mouth as I was pulled into an empty room. The door quietly shutting and locking behind me. The hands released me as I spun around prepared to fight off my attacker. Only to find Morgana staring back at me. Her lips stretched into a thin line. 

"Morgana what..."

"I'm sorry Merlin but ever since that girl arrived I've been following them. I heard what they said, but when i was about to retreat i saw you listening in as well. You were right in there path too so I..."

"Its ok Morgana i appreciate it. I don't think i would have been able to escape before they saw me." I cut her off smiling at my friend. She relaxed once she saw i wasn't upset with her kidnapping me. She smiled a moment before a woreied frown once more creased her face.

"But what are we going to do. You heard what she said. They are planning to hurt the prince. Not to mention she is the girl I told you about from my dream." I frowned at that. I had my suspicions she might be but I had to be sure.

"Well we can start by talking to the prince. Maybe if both of us tell him about Sophias intentions he might lidten." She snorted at this.

"I doubt it but we can certainly try." She laughed following me out of the room toward Arthur's chambers. Pushing open his bedroom door. I shamelesdly marched in. Morgana on my heels. A squel of surprise and outrage could be heard as the prince bolted behind his dressing screen. In an attempt to hide the fact that he was half undressed. 

"Morgana! Merlin! Hasn't anyone heard of knocking anymore." His strangled yell huffed from behind his screen.

"Oh come now Arthur. Not like I haven't seen it all anyway when you would streak across the hall in your underwear. " Morgana laughed eyes twinkling in mirth. Arthurs exasperated huff echoed across the chambers as he reappeared fully dressed. Though his shirt was on backwards, but i wasn't about to tell him that. 

"Morgana I was 5." He whined crossinghis arms indignantlyover his chest.

"Hehe and what a rambunctious 5 year old you were." She giggled enjoying his discomfort. 

"Anyway we didn't come to talk about that. We came to talk about Sophia." I stated bringing us back on topic.

"Sophia? Isn't she wonderful."

"She's something alright." Morgana muttered crossing her arms over her chest.

"Arthur Sophia isn't who you think she is. She's a sidhe fairy. She plans to sacrifice you tomorrow at the lake." He scoffed at this rolling his eyes.

"Thats crazy talk Merlin. She is not some fairy or whatever. She is a princess, and one I plan to one day marry." For some reason those words caused a stab of unfamiliar pain to shoot through my heart. As quickly as it came it was gone. Strange. I thought placing my hand over my heart. What was that sharp pain just now. Hmm maybe i ate too much earlier. Anyway i prince.

"Arthur we are serious. Both Morgana and I heard her say it. Her dad and her are planning on killing you." I pleaded taking a step toward him. Only to freeze as a new voice behind us joined the conversation. 

"I told you people would try to keep us apart." Whipping around Morgana and I stare at the intruder.

"Sophia." Arthur gleefully exclaimed making a beeline for her.

"I told you that they wouldn't approve. They won't let us be together." She fake sobbed pretending to cry into her hands as she turned away from us. Not before i saw her smirk behind her hand though.

"I know but it don't matter what they say I love you and nothing will tare us apart. Even if we must run away together." Wierd theres that pain again. Maybe i should speak to Gauis about it later. 

"Arthur please listen to us. Your under a spell can't you see what she's doing to you. You barely know her yet you say you love her? You just met her yesterday.  Please Arthur." I begged reaching for him. Only for Sophia to smack my hands away her eyes flashing golden as she tossed me into the air. I yelped in pain as my head smashed against the wall. The last thing I saw before the world turned black was Morgana being knocked out by another spell. Than nothing my world turned dark.