



"Do you solemnly promise to uphold the honor of camelot?" 

"I do."

"Do you swear to take up sword and shield in defense of the kingdom."

"I do."

"Do you swear to follow the laws of the land, and fight for her people even at the cost of your own life?"

"I do solemnly swear so to do."

"Than I now crown you Arthur. Crown prince and heir to the throne of Camelot." Uther proudly proclaimed placing the golden circulet atop Arthur golden head of hair. Cheering along with the crowd I happily watched, from my spot amogst the servants, as Arthur rose to his feet. Turning to face the crowd. A small smile upon his pale pink lips. 

"How's it feel to be the maidservant to the crown prince." Gwen cheerfully asked leaning over to me. A teasing twinkle in her eyes. My lips twitching in amusement I replied. My eyes never leaving my prince's face.

"Like washing his socks will be even more of an honor." I laughed my own eyes sparkling  micheviously. Earning a giggle from Gwen. 

"Hmm ma...." Gwen's comment was cut off midsentence as a knight in pitch black armour, and a midnight shaded horse, burst through the glass windows. Sending it crashing to the floor where it promptly shattered into a million pieces. The sharp swish of swords being drawn. Echoed across the hall as the knights glared the intduder down. Yet the dark knight took no notice of this. Nudging his horse slowly forward before stopping directly in front of the king and prince.

Taking off his gauntlet he threw it to the ground. A loud clang ringing across the crowd as it hit the floor. My heart sunk in dread as Arthur took one look at the glove, glanced back to the knight, before sheathing his sword. I knew exactly what he was planning.  I hadto bite my tounge to keep from screaming at the clotpole as he bent down to retrieve the glove. Not that i doubt the prince's swordman ship but something about that knight had my magic going crazy. So with bated breath. I watched as Arthur, inches from the metal glove, found himself grasping air as another camelot knight snatched it away before he could grab it. The prince jerked upright staring at the young knight, that looked no older than 16, in shock as the kid glared the intruder down.

"I Sir. Owen accept your challenge." The boy spat sneering at the knight who didn't even flinch.

"Tomorrow. Noon. To the death." The stranger stated in a deep voice that seemed to come straight from the grave. Turning his horse around the dark knight retreated from the hall. Leaving everyone staring in stunned silence after him.


"Arthur you have to do something.  He is just a boy." Morgana pleaded as I pretended to be busy straightening his bed.

"What do you expect me to do Morgana. He picked up the gauntlet." Arthur sighed a pained look on his face as he leaned over his paperwork. Attempting to block out the girls begging. Even from here though i could tell Arthur wasn't actually reading the report he held just pretending to be. How do I know that? For one thing tbe paper in his hands is upside down.

"So. Just tell him he can't fight. Or better yet take his place." Morgana huffed waving her hands angrily in the air. A worried look on her face as Arthur tiredly rubbed the bridge of his nose. Still pretending to be immersed in his work.

"You know I can't do that. Its the knights code. The one to pick up the glove. Is the one to face the foe. Owen picked it up so he is the one who must fight." Morgana scowled at this. Slamming her hands angrilly on the desk and sending all his paperwork flying to the ground. Lovely more for me to clean up. 

"So your just going to let the kid die. He is 16 Arthur. He isn't even old enough for facil hair and your going to let him fight this monster?" Arthur abandoning his efforts to look busy. Tossed his report angrily onto his now cleared desk as he glared Morgana down.

"There is nothing I can do. Owen knew the risks when he accepted the challenge.  If you really want to stop this fight than go bug Owen and convince him to withdraw." At this Morgana sighed. Her face falling in defeat as she turned away from Arthur.

"We both know he would never do that. He is much too prideful for that." She sighed before exiting the room a defeated slump to her shoulders. Gwen who had been standing silently in the corner watching the exchange sent a single worried glance my way before following her lady from the room. Leaving me alone with the miserable prince. 

"A...Arthur." I hesitantly call taking a step toward him in concern as I notice his shoulders suspiciously trembling. At the sound of my voice the prince leaps from his chair. Hurrying toward the door, his face turned away from me so I can't see his eyes.

"Clean tjis mess up. I will be down training with the knights while your doing that." He barked rushing from the room before I could remind him training ended an hour ago.

"Oh Arthur."


"Alright you both know the rules. The last man standing wins. Begin." Uther bellowed. Making himself comftable in his throne as Owen and the knight begin to circle.I watched with bated breath behind the prince's throne as the knight made his first move. Striking out at boy which Owen expertly dodged landing his own hit to the knights ribs. Which the dark knight doesn't even flinch at before once more lunging toward the kid. Again Owen dodges. Getting behind the knight and thrysting his sword through the knights heart.

I cheer in relief certain the fight is now over. Only to pale in fright as the knight doesn't even twitch as he pulls Owen's sword from the boys grasp and throws it to the side. Sweeping his legs out from under him. The dark knight towers over the boy before plunging his sword deep within the boys heart.

Owen gasped in pain. Eyes widening in alarm before slowly closing. Body falling limp he takes one last breath before falling still. The crowd is frozen in horror as the knight retrieves his weapon from the corpse. Approaching the king and prince the dark knight once more drops his gauntlet onto the ground. 

"Who will face me." Arthur immediately goes to grab the glove. Only for an ashen king Uther to snatch his arm. Yanking the prince back to his side. The kings eyes never leaving the knights helmeted face as another camelot knight takes up the challenge. 

"I Sir. Pallinor will be your opponent."


"Shouldn't we tend to the black knights wounds?" I enquired later that night as Gauis bustled me back home.  

"What wounds Merlin? He doesn't have a scratch on him." Gauis replies giving me a confused look. I frown at that remembering the battle I witnessed.

"Sir Owen before he died got a hit on the knight. I saw it." Gauis hesitantes at this. An emotion I can't quite decipher flashing across his eyes before it vanishes. 

"Are you sure? Maybe you just thought you saw him get hit." I narrpw my eyes as Gauis poorly tries to sweep the issue under the rug. He knows more than he is letting on.

"Postive. In fact he should be dead. Owen stabbed him clean through." He hums at that avoiding my gaze as he pushes me inside our home.

"Hmm maybe you just imagined it. Anyway I have a meeting with the king. So I will be back late tonight." Gauis changed the subject at lightening speed as he quickly backed out of the room. His eyes trained on everything but me. Yet before I could question him on his odd behavior he was gone. Disappearing from view.

"That does it he definitely knows more than he is letting on." I mummured scanning the room for a clue. My eyes immediately zoned in on a book lying open on the desk. That I vaguely remember Gauis reading last night after the Knight appeared in the great hall.  Snatching it up and scanning the page it was opened to. I frowned at the information displayed.

"A wraith. A creature of dark magic and despair congured up by a powerful sorcerer. Wraiths are the corpses of those who passed on. They are an empty husk bent on completing the wishes of those who raised it from the grave. These creatures can not be killed by a mortal blade." 

"So thats what you are a wraith. Can't be killed by mortal blade. What about by magic. Hmm." I humed setting the book down and wandering toward the courtyard. Where the wraith sat on his horse staring up at the castle. Pausing a considerable distance away behind a food cart. I smiled wickedly at the unsuspecting creature. Whispering a string of words, eyes flashing gold. I watched in glee as he was engulfed in flames. Only for my smile to vanish in horror as the flames cleared to reveal the knight completely unharmed. He didn't even flinch at my efforts.  Ok so not magic. Time for Plann B than.


"Let him."

"W...what? You want me to let this thing kill the prince." I stammered shocked. Kilgharrah huffed in annoyance as he rolled his eyes at me. Wrapping his tail around his legs as he got comfortable where he perched. 

"No young witch.  Even from here I can sense the wraiths magic screaming his purpose. He was created to kill the king. It won't stop till that happens.  So I repeat. Let the wraith kill Uther." He yawnes resting his head on his scally paws. His giant yellow eyes tiredly blinking at me.

"But the king isn't tge one fighting it. As we speak Sir Pallinor is up there facing the creature. After he dies no doubt Arthur will attempt to take up the battle. The king isn't going to risk his life like that. Thats not his style." Kilgharrah sighed in annoyance.  Lifting his head and staring me down.

"Fine as I can see you won't just let things be. I will help you."

"Really?" I smiled excitedly.  

"The wraith is a creature of the old religion. It can't be killed by a mortal blade, nor magic alone. You must combine the two. Get me an untested sword. One never weilded by the hands of man and I will burnish it in my breath. You must promise me though that no one but Arthur will wield this sword. A weapon bunished in dragons breath is a power that should not fall in the wrong hands. For it can slay even the dead. Once the battle is won retrieve the sword and hide it somewhere no mortal can find it. Once Uther is dead and the risk of him weilding it can Arthur claim the sword as his own. Promise me young witch."

"I promise."


(Gauis POV)


"Sire please calm yourself." I sighed watching the king anxiously pace. His fingers running worriedly through his hair. At my words though he froze an exasperated look on his face.

"How can I calm down Gauis. Not only is another of my knights dead, but now my son has taken up the challenge. Against a creature that can't be killed." The king frantically replied, eyes shining in anxiety.

"Arthur is skilled you never know he may just find a way to come through in the end." I lied knowing as well as the king that unless a miracle happened Arthur was as good as dead. The king obviously wasn't fooled by my pitiful attempts to comfort him. Grimacing, eyes drooping in resignation,  he turned to me. A frown upon his solemn face.

"I can't allow the heir to the throne to die. I will take his place and fight in his stead." I startled at that. Shocked he would put himself at risk. 

"Not that I am saying thats a bad idea, but how do you plan to convince Arthur to step down from the fight. He is quite stubborn when he wants to be." Instead of looking worried the king merely nodded as if he had already thought of that. Which he probably did.

"Thats why I am going to invite him to dine with me tomorrowmorning before the battle. Where you will lace his drink with a sleeping draught. One powerful enough to keep him asleep through the fight." He calmly replied ignoring my look of shock. 

"Won't he see through that? Knowing your personality and all." Uther scoffed rolling his eyes in amusement as if I just asked a stupid question. 

"Arthur is very child like in his naive belief that I can do no wrong. I love him but he see's the world through a filter. So no he won't see through the ruse." Uther laughed shaking his head in fond exasperation. 

"You will remain in the room after you lace his drink. Just in case of complications, but in hiding. I don't want Arthur to see you and get suspicious. Is that understood?" 

"Yes sire." I sighed keeping my doubts to myself. Somehow I doubt the prince is really as oblivious as he thinks. 

"Good your dismissed."


The next morning after lacing the prince's drink. I quietly hid behind the kings curtains. I could hear the moment the prince arrived. The door opening followed by quiet conversation.  The quiet tinkling of metal hitting the floor followed by a quiet grunt from Uther had me frowning. I could hear what sounded like the king bending down to retrieve something.  After a moment the king could be heard toasting to the prince's future battle as they both gulped down their drink. The moment a loud thud of a body hitting the ground sounded I figured the plan had worked. Peeking out of my hiding place. I gasped as the smirking face of the prince stared me down as he crouched over his dads unconscious body.

"Hello Gauis. Funny seeing you here." Arthur laughed pulling his dads arm over his shoulders, and dragging him to the bed. Where he promptly tucked him in. 

"Sire.... I..."

"Oh don't bother with the escuses. I know you were only following orders."

"B...but how?" I stammered shocked as I slowly approached the bed where Arthur was tucking the blankets around his dad. 

"I knocked off my dads spoon, and while he was bent over retrieving it. I switched the cups." He boredly replied running a gentle hand through his dad's gray hair.

"But how did you know it was laced?" He smirks at this. A michevious glint in his blue eyes.

"Easy I know my dad. My dad has always been the over protective type. He always did feel the need to fight my battles for me. I just went off that information and assumed he would attempt to knock me out and take my place in the fight." Arthur quietly laughs. Eyes softening as he gazed down at his father. After a moment of stunned silence I sighed. Smiling sadly as I clasped my hands in front of me.

"I did tell your dad you might see through this, but he was convinced you still clutched tightly to his coat tail." Arthur chuckled as he headed for the door.

"Yeah my dad seems to be under the impression that I am still a child. He forgets I am going to be 18 next year. Anyway make sure my dad is ok. I am going to prepare for my battle." With that said the prince exited the room leaving me alone with the sleeping king. 

"Looks like the prince isn't as naive as you thought." I hummed my eyes trained upon the peaceful face of the king. 




"Arthur." I nervously called. My fingers anxiously fiddling with the cloth covering the newly burnished sword. After talking to the dragon during Pallinors battle. I went to Gwen to get a sword for Arthur. She inturn had given me a blade her dad had made for the prince when the prince was first born. He was apparently planning on giving it to Arthur when he turned 18. After retrieving the blade I rushed back to the dragon admist the devestated sounds from the crowds as Pallinor died and Arthur took up the challenge. Kilgharrah after reminding me yet agsin of my promise quickly doused the sword in flames. Creating a bright glow as the magic began to change the sword. When he was done it looked completely different.  With runes lining the blade along with the words "take me up, cast me away." On the front and back. Thanking the dragon profusely. I raced to back to my room excited to bestow the sword upon the once and future king. Which brings me to now. 

"What is it now Merlin. I am a little busy." Arthur sighed adjusting his gloves. Licking my lips I forced myself not to back off under my nerves.

"I have a sword for you." That got his attention. Turning to me. The prince carefully took my bundle from my arms. Gasping in awe as he removed the wrappings to reveal the blade underneath. 

"Gwen's dad made it for you when you were a baby.  He was going to give it to you when you turned 18 but since you are fighting tomorrow.  He asked me to give it to you now." I stated deciding to tell only half of the truth. After all its not like I can tell him the magic element of the sword. No I probably should keep that part to myself. 

"Its beautiful. Tell Tom I say thanks." Arthur said sheathing the sword in his belt as he exited his room and headed toward the battle field. I couldn't help but feel relieved that he hadn't rejected it. Shuffling to my place beside Gauis. I watched as Arthur explained that the king wasn't feeling well and that he would be filling in for him. With that Arthur approached the knight. Repeating the words Uther had spoken the day before and beginning the battle.  It wasn't even 10 minutes later after Arthur had dodged yet another sword swipe when the battle came to an end. Stabbing his sword through the knights chest I cheered with the crowd as the dark knight burst into dust. Marking Arthur as the winner. Later after Arthur had settled down for the night I silently slipped into his room and retrieved the sword by his bed. Wrappinfg it in cloth I made my way out of the castle, past the guards, and to the lake of Avalon.  Making sure no one was watching I whispered a spell to make sure only I could find it before chucking the sword beneath the waves. Smiling as I watched it sink I turned back toward home whistling merrily as I headed for my bed.