Chapter 1, Part 2: That Rainy Night

"Welcome players, I've summoned you to play the games I made, just for you."

"W-where are we?"

Some people were trembling with fear while others are just calmly assessing the situation. However, most of them are currently confused as to their whereabouts.

"Oh. Ahem, welcome to God's Games 2.0. All of you will experience a real-life simulation game that I made!"

"Wait w-who are you?"

"Me? I'm a God! God of Games, Lesar, and I'm the one who created the God's Games! Now every problem in this world must be solved by playing games. Wealth, power, and prestige can be obtained by playing games!"

"What are we doing right here?"

"Didn't I say that you will be playing games!?"

Lesar's tone became furious and grabbed the person's neck who kept asking questions, and whispered to him.

"I really hate people who didn't listen to my words."

"P-please spare me, p-please."

Lesar released his hand and continued the speech.

"You were summoned here because one of you is the chosen one. The one who can end this game."

'I think the one who was summoned here are the people who've finished the one-day event', Ash murmured.

"All of you have completed the one-day event that I release recently without prior notice or announcement, and all of you completed that event, and has the potential to end this game."

Everyone's looking at each other and looking around thinking what in the world is happening.

"If one of you can complete this game, you will receive a very great reward which you can never imagine."

Ash accidentally opened his Game Menu. He was shocked when there's floating object in front of him.





"What is this?"

"That is your Game Menu. If you swipe up your fingers in the middle of the air, that Menu will appear in front of you. You will see the available quest, your status, your items and the news where I announce something. Now open your Game Menu and select the News."

Everyone opened their Game Menu and read the text in the news.


1. You must finish all your quest or else you will be punished in according to your current level.

2. Cheating is forbidden; if you are caught cheating, your level will be reduced by 3.

3. Do not murder; if you killed someone, you will also die.

"And that's all the rules of this world, now I'm going to test you all if you are truly qualified to play this game"

When Lesar pointed his fingers to the ground, the ground started glowing and the venue changed. The venue is now an empty white room with no window and doors. As the venue changed, clones spawned and the people faced a clone identical to each of their appearances, sitting on a chair while a chess board floated in front of them.

"All you have to do is defeat your clones in chess. If you can't defeat your own clones then you will be ELIMINATED!"

Lesar was sniggering so much he couldn't wait to see how many noobs will get eliminated.

As the game started, Ash observed his clone first to know how the clone acts and moves. 'Does it have the same thinking as mine, or will it just act like a programmed AI chess player?'

After 10 minutes of playing with his clone, Ash finally figured out how his clone thinks, moves, and acts.

'So, this guy does not have such flexible thinking. All he did was choosing the best move to win this game, he neither have plans nor strategy to win this game.'

Many people died after 20 mins of playing.

'So, this clone is just trying to intimidate us so that we will get nervous and irrationally.'

Ash smirked and looked down to a pawn as if it's already game over.



Ash finally defeated his clone. After defeating the clone, it melted and evaporated up to the sky.

After 30 mins of playing, only 300,000 players survived from the 2 million people that were summoned. The other players who failed the test died after their heads popped like a balloon.

"Congratulations to the players who passed the test. Now you can proceed to the next level, and that's where the real game starts"

Lesar suddenly disappeared and the venue reverted back to the arena.



The Game Menu suddenly popped up in every player's view and there's a notification on their menu.





Ash opened his Quest Menu.


Item: Room key

"What's this key for?"

Ash's face was filled with a frown, holding the key and thinking how to find his room.

'How should I find my room? Are we gonna teleport in our room right now?'



Suddenly, another quest popped up in every player view


The people panicked after they accepted the quest, and Ash began to search for his room on the first floor.

After thirty minutes of searching, Ash failed to find his room in the first and second floors, so he proceeded to the third floor. Some people finally found their rooms while Ash was calmly searching for his.

After two hours, some people got attacked by the hungry wolves and were eaten alive, and some of those fought back and defeated those hungry wolves.

The people that had finally found their room were looking at Ash at their window, and they were so confused as to how Ash wasn't getting attacked by the hungry wolves.

'This people still haven't figure out how to play this game'

Ash chuckles about how the people still didn't know how the system works. After 20 mins later, Ash has finally found his room at the Ninth floor.

"Finally, I'm in my room. Wow! it's kinda big and fancy, there's a lot of free stuff around this corner. Oh, there's a food and drinks too"

Ash was busy exploring his room while trying to find some stuff that he can use. There's lot of stuff that he found in his room, like a map, a pen, paper, and clothes.


Ash laid on his bed and thought about how his sister was doing right now.

'Did Lily go to sleep right now? Is she cold right now? Is she okay right now?'

Ash was anxious and his tears started falling from his eyes. He can't sleep due to his worry and felt terrified at the thought of not being able to see his sister again.

"I will win this game and get back to my little sister."

He wiped his tears and opened the Quest Menu.

"I think I should accept this now."

