Chapter 7: The Black Ninja

Ash has finally felt an excitement for the first time after he was transferred here. After he heard that Harry was defeated by a woman with a black hair, he was so intrigued to meet her sooner.

"Interesting, I can't imagine that there's someone who can actually defeat you other than me."

"I can't believe it either. She might be like you Ash, but I never saw her using the mana technique. I bet she's already confident with her skills that's why she didn't use it or she doesn't know how."

Ash opened his inventory and grabbed his notebook and pen. He was scribbling with his notebook as if he was drawing something. After that, he showed it to Harry and Harry was so shocked.

"T-this is her! But how did you know her? Have you already played with her?"

"Nope I haven't yet, I just saw her working out last week, but I'm pretty confident that that girl must be a really good player."

"Am hey Ash? What's the point of that training of yours when you can actually increase your status when you level up."

"The thing is, last week I triggered a secret quest called 30 days workout, working out every day can increase your status dramatically."

"Oh… nevermind about that" Ash looked at him with a poker face.

", but the thing is how did you know that she might be a good player."

"When I first met you, I had the feeling that this guy might be an extraordinary guy, and I feel it towards her too."

The hungry wolves are now starting to roam around in the arena. Harry was so nervous right now when he saw the hungry wolves roaming around.

"A-ash? C-c-can i sleep in here tonight? I think the wolves might actually devour me first before I could make it to my room."

Ash puts his hands in his face and walks towards his bed and lay down.

"You sleep there on the sofa."

"Oh thanks."


After Ash finished his workout, he went to the portal. He saw the girl standing in the corner of the portal.

Ash selects the 10 vs 10 mode and waits for the other players to join in. The team is now full and the game will start in 5 seconds.


Ash picked only a knife and his team was looking at him with angry eyes.

"What is this man thinking? Is he insane?"

"He must be crazy, don't worry about it, let's win this game all by ourselves."

The other guys whispering and mocking Ash. He just ignored him and excited who will be his opponent.

When the game began, he dash towards the enemy camp and destroyed the crystal while his knife was glowing in blue aura.

He saw the black haired girl in the left corner and was so shocked of how Ash won the first round so fast.His teammates were jaw dropping after they witnessed how fast Ash is.

When the second round begins, Ash dash again towards the enemy. Before Ash slashed the crystal, the girl blocked his attack with her katana.

"I know you will do this again but this trick won't work against me anymore."

"I figured that out too."

Ash steps back and the enemy starts shooting him, he is too fast that the enemy could not hit him.

"You guys go to the enemy base, I will handle this on my own okay?"

"Okay we will leave this man to you."

"Got it"

Her teammates went to the Ash camp. Ash was laughing so hard when the woman challenged her a one on one.

"Hey, you're interesting. What's your name?"

"Irish, how about you?"

"I'm Ash."

After they introduced themselves they began sparring. They are so fast that they are twice as fast as sports cars.

They were laughing together while they blocked each other's attacks.

"Hey irish your pretty good, but not good enough!"

"Are you sure about that?"

While they're clashing, Ash teammates and Irish teammates also began clashing.

"You're also pretty good but you're just fast."


Irish used her a technique that creates an after image of herself. There are 5clones that she makes and she chuckles because she underestimates Ash.

"That's all you got?"

Ash smirked and copied her technique, Ash created 10 after images and shocked irish about it.

"H-how? How did you know this technique?! This is my family secret technique! How!"

Ash attacked her and won, he destroyed the crystal again before the enemy destroyed theirs.

When the third round started, Irish was the one who dashed towards Ash camp. Ash was just waiting there and standing in front of the crystal and smirked while looking at Irish eyes.

Irish used another technique and Ash still copied her movement and defeated her.

For the fourth and fifth round, he still copied her movements and won all their battles.

Ash's team won and Irish were so shocked and couldn't speak any single words. Ash walks towards her and reaches his hands towards her.

"Hey Irish nice game."

He smiled at her as if he didn't humiliate her. Ash grabbed Ash's clothes and looked at his eyes with the combination of humiliated and curious looks.

"Hey how did you all of my te-"

"The black ninja"

Irish were so shocked when Ash said those words. Irish steps back and glares at him with malice eyes, and asks Ash.

"Who are you?"