Bullshit that keeps on coming

The title explains it all. Trust me. I'm not kidding. I don't just tell jokes like this randomly. I promise this isn't my attempt on increasing the pointless word count. This isn't an essay where I have to add random words at the bottom and make them white to artificially increase the word count without actually adding anything. I'm a honest man, you can trust me. Is anyone even reading this. Probably not. So why am I even writing this. For satisfaction, I guess. This is just some random rambling of a young man about to go insane. Not really. I don't have split personalities. I think. I think not. Are you bored yet. I am. I should stop, but I won't. Not yet. I feel like some mad villain about to do some evil to the protagonist. Why is that so. I don't know. I just remembered minecraft's ending after beating the ender dragon. Am I insane. No, I don't think so. How land can I make this wall of text. Someone probably will never read this. But if you are reading this. I promise I'm normal. In most cases. Why are you reading this. Why aren't you reading this. Don't worry I'm a good guy. Not like the reddit ones. I mean I'm a law abiding citizen. I haven't broken any laws. Except a couple of them. But none of them were serious. I think. I think therefor I am. But am I. Hi vsauce, Michael here. Where are your fingers. How long can I make this. Come on let's get this chapter to like a hundred thousand words. Let's not. That'll actually need some effort and I'm too lazy to do anything. Can I go to sleep. No, the sun is a deadly lazer. Why is my head empty. I have achived ASCENSION. No I haven't. How should I end this chapter. Oh, I know. This is the end. THE END.