

What I love is the abstract. Or well, more precisely things that a human's mind can't grasp.

Knowledge that corrupts and destroys the mind. Just thinking of them brings one on the edge of insanity.

Beliefs that are forbidden or taboo. Morally unacceptable.

I love these types of things.

If one delves too deep into them... they, without a doubt, will lose themselves.

I believe I was born normal. But at some point in life I began to lose emotions. Well, not actually lose them, as I can still feel them, but I'm a lot duller to them now. I barely feel nowdays.

The only emotion I can constantly feel is boredom. If this even is an emotion, but it keeps on bothering me.

Thinking can help. But I have to think about the unthinkable. About the abstract. Abstract concepts can get rid of this curse.

I don't fear death. I can feel fear, but not against death. I believe death can release us from the curse of boredom.

But... as long as you can do something to not feel bored, you still have a reason to love. The moment you lose the ways to fight boredom, you lose the reason to live.

I know some of the things I have already mentioned in some of my previous chapters, but my thoughts were wandering tonight.