
Forget about it.

I'm not writing a chapter about bricks, not today. I got an idea.

It's the troubles of rereading. I think there are two those of people who reread. And the types I bring up, just assume that they absolutely enjoy/love the novel they read.

So the first type, those that can still feel enjoyment of rereading a novel.

The second types is one who doesn't.

I am the second type. No matter how much I loved the book when I first read it, I can't feel the same when I do so the second time. I don't know why. But even then I can, for some reason, I can bare with it.

I guess it's the fact that I read things that I have forgotten. And now that I'm a more experienced reader, I can spot flaws that I couldn't during my first time.

It's kind of interesting. I usually remember the story itself very well, as in what happens, where happens, and who happens. These things I can remember very well, but I tend to forget the finer details. So rereading them is, in a way, a refreshing experience.

So what about you?