
I decided to change up how my desktop looks.

So I downloaded a couple of stuff. 2 to be exact. One is to make the desktop toolbar transparent, and the other one to move the icons to the middle of the toolbar.

I then turned on the hide toolbar option. And speed up the animation a little.

I also added some more wallpapers, but I kept the change speed to a minute. The wallpapers themselves are just some relaxing ones, no memes, no nsfw, just calming ones. I'm also planning on adding some liminal space wallpapers.

I then decided to switch the browser I was using from chrome to brave. At first I wanted to go with mozilla, as it uses a different engine from chrome and brave, but I wanted to get the browser transparent as well. I couldn't so I went with brave, which was faster.

I also changed up the desktop layout, moving everything away from the edges, more towards the center, but still keeping the layout similar to when it was at the edges.

I've had these changes for a week now, and I must say, I'm definitely liking it.

Why did I do these changes? Well I just wanted to change it up a bit. Just that. The seemingly small changes are actually quite refreshing. I have had the one and the same look pretty much since I first got my computer.

Anyways I've gone back to playing RimWorld. The game's loading right now as I'm writing this. Just finished organizing the mods.

I watched a mute vtuber playing it, so it made me wanna play it as well.

But I really should upgrade my hardware. I can't since I'm piss poor, but I will in the future.... hopefully.