
I'm feeling kinda sick.

Well not really, but I do.

What do I mean?

Well... this morning, when I woke up, I had this tingling or burning (but not painful) feeling in my upper throat.

Around 3 or 4 hours ago, I started to feel feverish, not hot, but warm. Head spinning, legs and arms are weak.

At first I thought that I was just overheating (though this has never happened to me before). As it is hot, and I was and still am under a blanket with a relatively hot laptop in my lap.

I took my temperature twice, first time it was 36.3°C, second time it was 35.6°C.

So normal temperature.

I fear that the tingling in my throat is some kind of inflammation, but I'm not a doctor so I don't have a clue. Googleing a couple of symptoms won't give me any solid knowledge either.

Anyways, because tinnitus I was going to the nose-throat-ear doctor anyways (don't have a clue how it's called in English). So I'll just have them check my throat as well. To be exact I'll be going to the doctor on June 8th before noon, so I'll give you guys the report as well.

So keep yourselves safe.