
Didn't have good ideas for this pre written chapter, so I went with RWG.

So grains... you can make flour with them.

In fact there are all kinds of flour.

But one made from grain is most popular.

Once you have fine flour, you can make dough.

And guess what... there are all kinds of dough as well.

Well... I got it, I'll be giving you a small idea for some pancakes. Not the thick solid blocks of American pancakes, but REAL pancakes.

Now then.

Take a couple of chicken eggs, 3 should be enough for 2 or 3 people.

You can prepare the eggs different ways, how you prepare them changes the final texture of the pancakes.

If you aren't bothered to do anything special, or you lack the skills, just break the eggs open and but them into a bowl. Then mix them up a bit, just enough that the... not sure how you call them in english, but the yellow and clear are mixed together.

If you have skills, separate the yellow and clear parts into different bowls, then mix them a bit, separately. Now put them together, but don't mix.

Now then, add a bit of flour while mixing the eggs...

Now comes the liquid part. You can just use tap water, or if you want milk (only tried it with cow milk), or kefir (don't know if there is anything for lactose intolerant).

Now personally, milk tastes slightly better than water, but the difference isn't big so you shouldn't worry about it. The texture isn't any different either.

Making it with kefir on other hand, is by far the best. No matter if you compare it, by taste or by texture. Kefir beats them all.

If you have health problems, just use water...

While mixing, add both liquid of your choice and flour til it's of nice consistency, not too thick and not too thin, experiment how you like it the best.

Also, about a cup full of liquid, maybe two, is enough. I don't really know, I just eyeball it all.

Now if you want an even better texture you can add a little bit of butter into this mix, you can also use margarine if you want, haven't really noticed a difference.

While mixing this dough try to get rid of the air bubbles. You can't get rid of everything, but if most are gone then it's good.

Now heat up a pan.

But some oil on the pan (don't if it's a non stick pan).

And once it's nice and hot, pour some of that pancake dough on it. You can do so by directly pouring it from the bowl, or you can do it with one of those big scoop thingies.

For first timers use the scoopy things, they give you a very good estimate for everything you have done so far. The thickness/thinness of the dough, and how much you have to put on the pan.


Once you pour it on the pan, the dough should be thin enough to flow quite nicely, but thick enough so that the dough wouldn't cover the pan completely.

If you want bigger pancakes, just move the pan around to spread the dough. Or you can just put more dough on the pan. You don't really have to, but yeah.

The dough should stay flat on the pan, without any part rising up. If some part (especially the middle one) rises up, don't worry, it won't explode, it's just that the dough is too thin.

If it just like some whip cream on the pan, the it's obviously too thick.

Now take a couple of peeks underneath. If it's healthy brown, or even a light brown (find out yourself how you like it), flip it over.

What I just tried to explain to you is how I make pancakes.

It's not really a recipe. It's just how pancakes have been made for my whole life.

Also, I'm shitty in explaining things, so if interested look for recipes for pancakes online. I recommend the Helltaker one. It's a good recipe, very similar how I make them.

But remember, if your health can, try to make some pancakes with kefir. It's just heavenly. The taste is the best and the texture is nice and soft, like it's melting in your mouth.

The butter as well makes the texture softer, and so does the egg separation. Also, I don't know if it's placebo, but both of these things make the pancakes taste better as well.

Doing only one of them is nice, but all together... If you don't fuck something up yourself, even the best restaurants in the world will kneel before it.

The last line might be a bit arrogant. But trust me.

P.S. I don't drink kefir, I don't like it at all, I even hate it. But for pancakes... it's just too good.

P.S.S. 836 words, holy fuck (including both P.S. and P.S.S.)