Remember the chapter about mods?

So I've decided to play RimWorld again.

But I also wanted to clean up my mods, so I unsubscribed from all of them.

There were 649 mods that I had subscribed for. And to that around 10 extra RJW mods. And you get a shit ton.

But I still wanted to play with mods, so I looked for a collection. Found one with 320+ mods.

Removed a few, and added a few.

Total amount increased by like 5 to around 330 mods.

Now I have come to the classic problem of having so many mods... conflicts.

And not the types you can just ignore.

Like one where the UI is not working properly, so you have to restart the game (which takes like 20 mins, can take more depending on the PC).

Or you can attack anything, because conflicts with a couple of mods. And again a restart is needed.

And the problems bile up.

But then again, it is never a good idea to just stack up a couple hundred mods.

Had it been Skyrim, my laptop would have been bricked.