gtg driatkeltqtoeu to yosigcux

an economic crisis worse than 2007 one

In my country the price of electricity is rapidly rising.

Compared to last years winter (beginning of 2021) the price of kW of electricity has risen by nearly 10 times. And as it is it can raise to a nearly 100 times it was last year.

People who spent around 4-6€ per month during winter back then are currently paying around 30-45€ per month right now... in the middle of summer. And by the time winter hits, this price is expected to rise to 300-400€ per month, if not more.

Most people don't know this, simply because they do see the price for things like water and electricity separately, as it is just but under one price tag. This is even more so to those that rent their living space, as these prices are put under rent.

And why is this happening? Simple answer is corruption. These prices have been risen by companies (exactly 2, as there are not a single one more in my country) using the excuse of 'war' that is going on in Ukraine. But... these companies are owned by the government...

The companies and governments of other countries have reach out to help, but the government has been denying them the right to sell. This all goes under the table, of course.

Well, you might say 'Why not get yourself something like solar panels?'

Not allowed under the law, in most cases at least. Except for a few exceptions, producing electricity for your own use is pretty much illegal. It isn't blocked directly, but certainly government agencies will start fucking with you and start giving you fines that keep increasing til you stop.

And if you do manage to set up something like a solar generator with the help of the companies the government controls... you aren't allowed to use said electricity directly, instead to sell it to said company at a rate of around 4 cents per kW and have to buy the electricity from them at a much higher rate (which is now 10x higher than you sell it for, as the selling price hasn't changed), you might see the problem.

This is a massive economic crisis (at least to my country and it's regular citizens) about to happen. Especially if you consider that the average salary of your average guy is around 1100€ per month. The minimum salary being 654€ per month.

People can't even afford to buy food, especially considering that the price of everything has risen dramatically throughout this year.

Things like fuel and electricity are currently the things that have seen the highest rise as of yet, the price of water is about to double (though for regular people it doesn't do much, but it's still fucked up), and the price of food is slowly creeping up . All of these are quite literally essential for life.

The problem isn't that the numbers of thing are going higher (that's just inflation), the problem is that every number that is followed by this: €, is getting higher, while the pay isn't. And it would be a completely regular and normal thing (though fucked up), if the rise wouldn't be nearly as drastic as it is now.

Anyways, I had another idea to write about, that I forgot... so I just wrote about this.