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The bus.

It was a very special morning so six people left on a bus so the idea was to look for pretty girls from 12-19 and 19-25 on the bus. girls from 7-12. The idea was that she would do the job of the farm and order in exchange for study and money, they would do whatever we wanted that is how our search began where my armed colleagues, we did not take schoolgirls and students, for our own benefits, So my dad also says look for two doctors, a nurse or nurses, we need several things that can help us and people who can help us with drugs.

So it was, we were on the first bus, about 39 people including the driver, so I arrived and saw a girl named Celeste because four girls called her name together, skinny tall, very Colombian, but next to her a very pretty chubby girl and I told myself here she was the first, I want all of them in my collection and the chubby girl will not take it the same ... we took out the weapons and the driver stopped, he went to one of my friends and with his bat, he went to hit her, the bad thing was that my friend had no mercy I shot him, the one who was accompanying him got off the bus, got under him and sent him one so that he wouldn't damage the plan, look for the schoolgirls and they tell me, please don't do anything to us.