Diary Entries: 16-20


15th July, Sunday

Don’t get me wrong, I love my mom, but she can be very truthful and honest sometimes. Like how she knows I love you and am too scared to admit it because I am too scared to ruin our friendship.

Only if it was easy to admit what we feel and stop overthinking every decision we make. It would be so damn easy to confess my genuine feelings for you, E.

Speaking of, you don’t appreciate my dry humor, Ethan.

When you asked me to swim with you, I replied that I needed the swim lessons. You got that angry look on your face saying that it was Liam’s fault that he pushed me in the pool.

But how could I ever tell you it was my fault?

In his weird Liam way, he was trying to help me. He was right. You saved me. But it’s sad that I didn’t let you save me again as you are reading this.