19. I Like You

19. I Like You


Seeing Kiara’s gorgeous face crumble at the sight of her mother’s painting stung my heart, but it soothed on its own when I noticed that her tears were happy tears. I rubbed her back when she gazed at the last painting, her amber eyes taking in each stroke and swirl of the paint.

I was captivated by her.


My Kiara.

Fuck, how badly I wanted her to be mine.

I clenched my jaw and tried to control the urge of spilling out how much I wanted her. Not just regarding her body, although I was very much in love with her shape. I wanted her the way I have always wanted her since I watched her apply cherry Chapstick on her first date with that asshole Paul who broke her heart when she was thirteen. I had hated the way she had dressed up for him and wanted to take her for an ice cream date with me instead.