




“Dadddddddddddyyyy, wake up.”

I shook my head and grumbled, “I don’t want to, Bella.”

“No. Bad Daddy!”

A small smile tugged my lips hearing the scream of my little demon. She learned that from her gorgeous mama. I opened my eyes and saw one of the most beautiful grins, even if it was missing one front tooth.

“Morning, Daddy!” She jumped on my chest, her small arms wrapping around my neck.

I sat up and cradled her small body to my chest, her pink pajamas smelling like coconut and candies. “Good morning, cupcake,” I mumbled when she kissed my cheek.

Her wild brown hair was in a mess. Her mother or I was going to have a field day with it. Whoever caught her first.

“Do you know what day it is, Daddy?” she asked cheekily, a small dimple poking her left cheek and her beautiful mismatched eyes blinking up at me.