
For a week we ventured over inhospitable terrain, forced to set up camp in areas less than comforting for those humans still following us.

At the moment I couldn't be certain if we'd be able to throw those hunting us off track.

I was eagerly wanting to lose them before finding the little ones.

Those damn goblins sure travel quick.

Their eyesight is better at night and they require little food, I underestimated how far they'd get in under a month.

Who could be leading them?

At least their tracks were found.

I just hope they're not dead by the time we find catch up.

Nonetheless, we've made it a fair bit and the mountains ahead of us could be seen from several clearings we passed in the wood line.

My goal to reach them wasn't far from being complete.

The goblins would do me a lot of good, speaking however of lesser beings.

In the morning before the others had packed their belongings, on a hill top I was sat observing the best path through the thick woods located ahead of us.

I stopped however on hearing the two women who'd cared for our recently acquired "cattle," my offspring had been birthed and as such a short statured orc daintily moved with the young adults.

"... Your daughter-" The two exclaimed and presented the little one. "She's grown within a day."

I flaunted a smile at the new-born and put my hand out, the little one grazed it's hand across mine and I felt a deeper connection.

"When did this happen?" I curiously asked with both eyes shifting up.

"Well, just about when everyone fell asleep. We had her mother shackled in our tent and I standing guard on hearing unusual sounds had a look. Thinking something was wrong, but she was just popping this little fella out her womb-" She smirked running her hand through the little girl's hair.

"Making such noises we couldn't help but think you'd come for round two..."

I had a cheeky laugh before shaking my head.

"Their way of speaking is quite crude, yet refreshing in the tone and honesty." I thought and pulled my girl to sit on my lap, she fondly put her head at my chest and seemed fond of her new mother.

"Then she was born around, midnight? What's her name, did you give her one yet."

They in turn shrugged. "Nope, we kind of thought it was your choice to make?"

Nonchalantly I responded. "She was born within your care- But sure I'll gladly name this one."

She's my first, the daughter between a human and an orc.

She's beautiful, how strange that I care for this creature so much.

Leaning backwards I glanced at the little one, she was the embodiment of me and growing by the day.

She'd resemble a youthful girl for a few weeks, then for months she'd stay as a teenager an ultimately become a fully fledged adult, with a long lifetime head of her.

Growing up so fast was natural for orcs.

Staying young isn't really part of being our cycle; I wonder if that can be changed?

That might change if more breeding with the human population is to take place where then halflings in mass might not live like flames; burn fast and be easily blown out.

Hopefully those to come are going to be stronger than their ancestors.

I gave the naming a bit of thought as I looked at the sky.

"I think, Nox, That will be a good name, befitting a child born in the dark," I ruffled the black purplish hair on the little one, her skin a somewhat lighter tone than my own.

"It's only a name but since her mother is ready again, you should bring the human to me and after that, take this one out and have her dressed.

I want you to keep her safe, don't let anything happen to her. The more of my kind that are out there, the better our chances of regrowing our strength is."

Both nodded at my words and within a few minutes the female knight had been brought before me, not so much a knight now as she's presented on all fours.

Naked and dirtied, a hairy patch growing over her crotch as her unsavoury armpits release an odour most pleasing, she was dazed to what was going on and seemed unable to hold a thought.

Having an iron collar put around her neck, able to be lead by an iron chain.

This is the contraption she'd use on my kin, how fitting she's wearing it instead.

I took her to a flat bed of grass where I whirled her onto her back whilst I eagerly moved in front of her, having my way with the human girl once more.

Inseminating her vacant womb that took on my orcish sperm, burning away at her normal cycle as the thick baby batter of an orc molds and contorts wombs of other races to fit their needs.

There was no time to waste in terms of pregnancies when it came to us, breeding happened whether capable or not.

An orc's sperm is quite potent and mating with most species taints them in that their wombs are restructured, burnt away by something magical.

There really isn't no such thing as waiting for an orc in heat, if there's breeding to be had then that is what's going to happen.

An egg is almost magically produced and therefore success rates are rarely less than ninety nine percent.

Knowing all that it takes about five days to a full week to complete a pregnancy as a human, it'll be easy too keep track of the process.

Even better if my daughter, Nox. Takes on the same responsibilities as I; being as she is as I down there we'd be able to roll over villages in no times.

I just have to see it through that she grows up, and doesn't meet her fate in a tragic battle.

* * *

The day progressed from morning to lunch as now my party was traveling through a dirt road, since we had a to deal with a large cart we were a bit slower.

But without it we'd never be able to carry all of our camp equipment, not at this speed.

We set up camp as usual and I stood guard for the night letting the others rest til morning.

As usual now I had a rest as they got everything in order.

Being decently rested before were once again on the road.

We had however been on the move for over a week and as such we'd escaped the former territories inhabited by orcs for centuries, having travelled into the wood elves lands.

Which was worrying as they're fairly skilled compared to humans, living long lives learning a whole lot more than most other races, to put it bluntly-

I wasn't to sure if we would make it through with everyone intact.

This fear grew as I'd during night watch felt eyes on me, heard far off whispers up in the trees and behind bushes, foliage covering the ambushers.

And now when moving along this perfect dirt path I felt the same eerie feelings as I had during night-time.

Attentively I picked up on a sound, but I were too late as a set of bows strings had been pulled back and their users were seconds from letting loose.

The others didn't have a clue as to what were about to happen, with virtually no chance of noticing the bloodshed that was to come. '

Without skipping a beat I leaped into a lesser orc and shoved her aside, Elba had a worried look to her face and moved to console me.

I however moved through and gripped the wagon's front using all my power turning it over as a barricade, forming a barrier to missiles.

And just as I had done so several arrows began hitting the wooden underside, the orcs quickly grabbed any weapon that had fallen down, the light cargo of ours littered the road.

"Stand firm and keep safe, protect another and don't die in vain." I exclaimed and felt reassured seeing them huddle in safety behind the wagon.

They nodded and held the few shields over their heads all whilst I was standing next to it, towering before anything around me, if I were the target then they would've hit me; surely elves don't miss.

Famed for their accuracy yet they aimed at the women.

As well as that the arrows which had struck the underside counted to only a handful.

Perhaps it was a warning and they might've only let loose one volley to scare us-

My theory was soon after shut down as when traveling into the open I found an arrow was let loose straight towards me.

It was deflected by Elba who cut it in flight, a green mist appeared around her finger tips that had a pretty glow.

Magic sure is handy!

I glanced with a thankful look, even if I would've taken it with ease my skin is much harder than what one might think and as well as that, I could've easily caught it by my own violation.

I sensed another arrow being notched, but this time the bowmen had moved in closer, perhaps eager to make this one hit it's target.

However eager to kill me this archer was, it'd foolishly gotten closer and revealed it's position.

I let out a roar that made the whole forest quickly quiet down, the birds and animals were heard no more.

Even the arrows being readied silenced, and in that moment of confusion I bolted through the bushes to find myself some elves.

I wasn't going to let these rouge archers get away with an ambush.

It'd been way to close when the first volley struck and losing even one more of my orcs, that's too much of a loss.

I wanted to make them bleed.

To see how futile their lives are when compared to mine, to think that they could've won, that's their own fault and I'll show them what loosing feels like.