Could be better

Imara's eyes widened on feeling me perversely rub along her slick gap, keeping them spread to observe the set of "squelch," sounds being produced, the pink soft flower was pushing out then back, her inner muscles working on enticing my mind; not that I needed more encouraging.

I pressed a finger back to vaginal opening and let go of my restraints, fucking her with the one finger whilst knowing it wasn't enough to please her, though with the minimal care her jaw hung with a slack as intangible whimpers and separated moans were made at every deviation, it wasn't long until drool of her's slipped from the slacked jaw.

Imara was easy, her body language is far to honest and tells you everything, far too simple when it came to giving in.

Didn't bother me, made my life simpler as I felt a more than restless throbbing between my legs, making me hunger no more as I was frankly starved, I was going to make her regret this, at the same time never forget how well an orc deity fucked her brains out.

Tugging on the knot holding the strings of the loin cloth up, it collapsed to reveal my pride.

Her eyes deviating from mine as she had a good look at the fat erect cock slapped onto her stomach, a loud tack, flesh hitting flesh, a sound that had her jolt, bringing in the hefty thump.

"Quite big, Huh," her deep breathe left with the last word, a soft unsure giggle then erupted, but it too died down, "no doubt it'll feel good wrapped up in my pussy..."

I gave her a big smile and nudged her chest, pressing her back against the bed as I crawled over her, missionary would be the way of my giving her my potent seed.

Before I had time to adjust myself I felt both her legs wrap around my hips, all I had to do was insert and she'd be loosening up real fast.

With a lustful stroke I pressed the head against her slit and felt the outer labia squish at my pressure, rubbing the thick nob against her was quite comforting, tingles erupted all over the body while my mind died down on thoughts, the droopy hole facilitating me in anticipation for the first thrust to churn her guts out.

There wasn't much waiting to be had, I were simply teasing her at this point, egging her female woes to beyond a limit.

I could feel her pain as my throbbing erection wasn't all too kind.

"Ready-" I asked as her hips seemed eager to answer yes, though before she could speak up I'd already parted her folds with the tip, striking her cavern and honorably sucker punching her womb into a spasm on taking my wild plunge straight towards her core.

The twitches were even seen from the outside, her stomach going from plush and soft to a mound now like a concave bowl, letting out a big gasp that stifled into a set of unintelligible rambles and moans.

"Nnnngh, Fu- urk. . . ! Ahn, so, sooo! De-ehhh ep~"

Relaxing at first to break up her defiant clutches, it wasn't hard on me to push in or out, but by the gods her pussy felt a tighter; clamping on my rod out of nowhere.

She wasn't just giving my dick a place to fuck, she was eagerly sucking me in.

"Soooooo good! Nnnngh!" She cried out, enthusiastically gyrating her hips in place, it felt damn good and I had the same need to let out a similarly pitched moan, but no such pitiful whimper left my lips as instead deep grunts replaced them.

Stopping her from moving with my firms hands kept her ass and lower half in my control, where I now took over and began rutting her with deep and long thrusts.

I slowly exited her hollow self, wanting to feel every inch pivot to her center, whereas on leaving the cock would collapse the farthest depths, that pain of losing the comfort of being stretched and filled would torment her, she was loving it but hating the pace; though I myself was enjoying every second.

"C- can't feel, my le-" She gasped and moaned,"I can't feel my legs~"

I can't tell if that's a good thing, but the fact her legs were all tensed up yet shaking, she's probably climaxing so hard she's losing control over the lower body, kind of hot if I'm honest, fucked her so good she lost control.

"Bet no human's done that before." I cackled and let my tongue caress her neck.

* * *

Sex was kind of daze, the warmth and heat filled with alcohol.

No less than twenty minutes later I found the chieftess's head in-between my legs, suckling my fat balls like a battered slut, beaten mentally as she's servicing her true lady of darkness.

Cum on occasion spluttered out her gaped pussy, light amounts of white yellowish goo leaking in a stream that's slowly lessening.

When all noise from us died down, (mostly Imara's moans) the first few who'd come to greet me as her best, bravest warriors, skimpily clad and showing clear signs of heat.

Now the breeding would begin in earnest.

"... You take the first ride, sis." A lighter blonde said, practically running on to the bed where she slowed to a halt, coyly trailing behind me as her front fell against pillows laid against my back.

The redheaded girl who was stacked overall seemed to be the first to try her luck on impregnation, her blonde friend put her arms around my back, fondling my chest from behind as her tongue lapped my lean left shoulder.

Both of our eyes witnessing Brinnie squat gingerly over my gleaming cock, creamy spots of pulpy release dotted it's length, leftovers from Imara, who also hadn't moved from her subservient position of lapping my sack, even as the others were rearing to have a turn, no less her lips kept placing kisses on the sack, with her tongue occasionally rolling across the two orbs in a mindless manner.

I felt Brinnie fall down with a calm unseen, squatting comfortably down the spire while her legs spread wide. Seeing my fat cock plunge into her depths was certainly a sight to behold; more so to feel as I were elated at the ease of her's to take me in.

She rode me with her weighty bod, it being the only obstacle as she struggled to bounce back up.

But my eyes were pulled away as I felt a set of thin fingers run across my chin, opening my lips to the light pressure, the blonde's fingers slipped inside and where met with a lathering of saliva, when covered with a warmth substantial in amount her fingers escaped my maw and left for her lower set of lips, leaning her chin over my shoulder her whimpers were something sweet on the ear.

It wasn't too long before Brinnie's moans were the same as the blonde girl's, the show was punctuated by slaps of flesh, her ass clapping against my thighs as she'd somehow managed to go from tip to base this fast.

But one deserved to cum as she was working for it, the other was pleasuring herself without cause.

Gripping the girl's neck from underneath, my thumb pressing against the throat as I whispered, "don't cum yet, bitch. Your turn will come soon, very soon."

This progressed throughout the night, where a group of Imara's best would enter, see the free equipment and use it for a joy ride, only to be filled with heaps of spunk overflowing their wombs.

Nothing like banging the brains out of cocky brutish humans, their musty scents so alluring as the group of thirteen women huddled around me for warmth, all the while seeping cum from their sweltering cunts.

A particularly bloated chieftess had left bright red marks on my cock and sack, several markings contributed due to her lips being dyed and the sweat and heat had made the colour leap from her skin to mine.

The room was by now completely silent; save for slight snores.

I wriggled out of the grips and gave Imara a soft rub across her stacked ass, she didn't wake but rolled into the space now left open.

I put on the little garbs I'd removed, moving into the courtyard where no one was seated.

Before leaving the castle I saw it only fit to grab a barrel of whatever alcoholic beverage they'd served.

The potency was clearly above average.

Whilst grabbing the wooden cylinder I was interrupted by a tap on my wide shoulder.

Behind stood a lanky white haired female, not quite as tall as me.

Her her body was sparse and lacking in all womanly departments; unlike the rest of her people.

"Teach me how to be stronger, please... Would you take me with you!"

The heavy cask of liquid sat perched on my shoulder.

A thought ran through my mind as I uncaringly asked.

"Your name?"

"... Julie, Harriet's dotter." The girl took a step forwards as if mimicking a guard.

"You're wishing to accompany an orc in search of strength?"

"... Strength, to become a fighter like my mother was."

I'd seen the tenacity in these brutish women, men of the marches are an apparent vigorous bunch and this female could become an asset in the future; she's not exactly a liability.

To have her join us wouldn't hurt, or would it?

"You carry a sword and shield? Do you know what my goal is, how many will die because of my existence? To stay as far away as possible from me would grant you a longer life."

I sighed.

"The north is not a domain I seek to overtake, if you stay here with your family and friends, you'll be spared a brutal future, fraught with grief and loss."

"I don't fear death!"

"Hmm, that so? What about pain, hurt? Leaving home, losing a friend or family, do you fear nothing that even I consider scary."

"... You don't understand, I'm all that's left of my family," apprehensive and unsure she stood there as snow began to fall, her eyes however unshaken in the shared connection we'd made.

"You will regret your decision, but I won't say no to a set of free hands."

She gave me a thankful nod and fell in line as we moved to enter the ravine, now in the morning light I saw a clear path we'd travelled at night and could clearly, far off in the distance in between snow flakes and mist see, a dark fortress in ruins.

I wonder how the others are faring?