That night, I was the last one to arrive for dinner and just as I thought, I would have to eat alone, Emilia showed up. She had waited for me for a solid two hours. Emilia really is a great friend, I just hoped I would be able to repay her one day for her kindness.
After getting healed by her, we went looking for Noelle and soon later we found her standing in the kitchen cooking. The regular cook had already gone home, so Noelle decided to cook for us. She was already a step ahead, as she had gotten ready when she saw me entering the dorms. I could taste she had really put her heart into it, as it had tasted even better than the usual food. I told her this, to complement her, but she blushed and didn't answer.
That night I couldn't sleep in right away as I drifted in thoughts. I was truly happy to have met so many dependable and nice people in this school, even after not only a week. I wanted to grow stronger to pay them back for their kindness. I set myself the goal to become one of the best of our class by the end of these first six months. I just had to do it, else I would disappointed everyone.
I sunk into sleep and soon slept like a new-born.
I wondered what happened with the weird voice in my dreams because it was way louder than usual but after opening my eyes, I saw Emilia kneeling on me.
"Yoru, you have finally woken up. The alarm didn't go off today and we are probably late for school already. Hurry up, we gotta go, else I don't know what Mr. Black will do to us", she fearfully said in a loud voice. She didn't want to let me behind, so she would also come late because of me.
"Oh damn it, is this thing broken or what. I was just sleeping so deep and now this. I will just jump into the shower and then we can head right for school", I said, trying to calm down Emilia.
We rushed towards the school, not that it mattered anymore anyway. As we entered the classroom, Mr. Black looked at us angrily and made us sit down at our seats for now. He said, that he would take care of our punishment later. Today's lesson focussed on the history of humanity but I had a hard time concentrating on the subject. To sum it up, humans had been exploited by both angels and demons for as far as know history goes. Humans tried different ways to get rid of the shackles put upon them by the celestial races, but every time they tried something it failed badly. Angels and demons never did take them seriously and always let them roll with it for a while to get rid of whatever they came up with later on. They had their fun with it ruining the hopes of humans. This new hybrid project was also to be eliminated by them sooner or later, so humanity was in a rush to get as many good fighter as fast as possible.
Once the lesson finished, everyone left the classroom expect for Emilia and me. Mr. Black sadly hadn't forgotten about the punishment.
He stared at us angrily for a while and then started speaking: "Because you came late today, you will be punished. Emilia is helping out in the medical department anyway, so I won't punish her this time and leave her with a warning. I got a certain hunch anyway that she only came late because of you, Yoru. Your punishment will be a special detention lesson in the afternoon instead of regular lesson. I informed Lisa already, so you don't have to worry about her. But she wants you to come to your separate training with her, depending on your condition after the detention", Mr. Black told us, looking at me with pity.
It looked like I would be the first one to experience the detention, which Mr. Black warned us about already some time ago. I could feel the cold sweat dripping down my back and Emilia also looked at my quite worryingly. I prayed that I may come out of this unharmed.
"Emilia, you go to the medical centre and Yoru you will follow me", he said as he went ahead.
After a short walk of around five minutes, we arrived in a room which looked quite unlike any other room I had seen before in the school. Instead of desks and chairs like the classroom or a wide open area like the training room, it was filled with all sorts of training equipment. It wasn't just regular training equipment for fighting, there were heavy weights stacked on piles lying around the floor. In the middle of the room, there stood a very big and muscular man, surpassing even Mr. Black in height. He was shirtless, which was weird at first but because of that, one could see his jacked upper body. If I would have to guess his weight is three times that of mine and his height double of mine and I was sure I wasn't overestimating him by a bit.
"I will leave you here. The man standing over there will take care of you for the rest of the afternoon", Mr. Black said leaving quickly.
Even he seemed to have respect before the man, which didn't help me by a bit. Mr. Black surely didn't feel comfortable around the man and was in a rush to go somewhere also. I walked up to the man and waited for him to say something.
"Now, you are Yoru, right?" the man asked after a while.
"Ye—Yes, I am", I answered fearfully.
"My name is Greg Red, I am the headmaster of this school and the one taking care of detention classes. Detention in this school means special training, you will see what this is soon enough", he introduced himself.
He put some heavy weights on a long metal rod and then proceeded lifting it. By rough estimation, he easily lifted 300kg of the floor, without any signs of exhaustion.
"You saw how it should look like, now it's your turn but with a little less weight of course. I have a hard time lifting too little weight of the floor with proper form but for you, 50kg should be enough as a starting point", he explained while changing the weights.
I took a similar stance as him but as I pulled on the metal rod, which the headmaster referred to as a barbell, nothing moved. I tried a couple more times and Mr. Red starred at me more and more angrily. After he realized this weight is still too much for me, he took off a couple more plates until only 25kg were left. I tried again and finally the weight started moving. It still wasn't easy and I was astounded by how effortlessly the headmaster lifted his weights earlier.
"Do three sets of five repetitions with short breaks in-between. Once you are finished, we will do a different exercise for another part of your body. This type of training is a great way to strengthen your body and will allow you to become a powerful fighter one day, but it's a hard training", the headmaster explained as he continued to show me different exercises.
After two hours of this detention class, I could feel every single muscle in my body aching. I could barely move anymore and had to sit down before heading back to the regular classes. Mr. Red decided to let me go off early because he didn't see much reason for me to continue onwards with the training as I was completely exhausted by now. At least I knew why Mr. Black warned us of the detention lesson. I just hoped I would never have to go there again. I decided to try my best to never get into detention another time.
But my bad luck would lead me onto a different path.