
A few days later, in the Hut

On a red carpet, Long Chen was sitting in his usual cross-legged position. His eyes were closed, his body unmoving, and faint Spiritual Qi constantly circled around his body.

The Spiritual Qi formed an orderly line, obediently flowing inside his body, then travelling throughout.

His body had been continuously absorbing and refining Spiritual Qi from the environment, and his body was getting stiff from this rigid position.

Slowly, he opened his eyes, as a glint of light flashed within, while his mouth slightly opened to breathe out a mouthful of foul air.

On the floor, were placed with 6 Low-Tier Crystals that lost his luster, dull and plain.

His lips gradually rose up to reveal a satisfied smile

He had successfully refined 6 Crystals, and boosted his cultivation to the Peak of the 9th Qi Refining Realm.

And that left him with 10 Crystals left.

He was pondering whether to take this chance to enter the Elementary Realm.

Just like how each Great Realm had a huge difference in strength, the Qi Refining and Elementary Realm similarly had a world of a difference.

With his skills and current cultivation, he felt that although he could exchange a few moves with an Elementary Realm Master, he would not be able to defeat them.

He had planned to kill off a few Low Grade 3 Monsters, which were comparable to an Early Stage Elementary Realm.

His eyes were in a daze as he considered this matter for a while.

A few minutes later, a resolute glint flashed within his eyes.

It seems like he had to spend a few more days staying in this hut, and this was the longest he had ever spent cultivating so far.

He walked out of the hut to breathe in the fresh air and stretch his stiff muscles for a while, before he re-entered the hut and began to start his cultivation process.

Body Refining Realm was to refine the body.

Qi Refining Realm was to refine the Qi

Elementary Realm was to convert normal Qi into Elemental Qi.

Elemental Qi is a higher grade of Qi that possesses greater powers and destructive capabilities.

In order to convert Qi into Elemental Qi, you had to compress the Qi repeatedly till it becomes suppressed and compact, as if you were squeezing it to become a denser form of energy.

Long Chen placed the remaining 10 Crystals in front of him, as he began his cultivation process.

The pure energy from the Crystals slowly escaped from their shells, and revolved around Long Chen.

He moved the energy slowly into his body, accumulating it bit by bit.

A few hours later.

Long Chen's body now looked slightly bloated, after he had stored 10 Crystals worth of pure energy within his body.

It gave a radiant glow encompassing his entire being, seemingly ethereal and illusionist.

Long Chen then tightly gripped his fists, as he started to use the accumulated energy to put pressure into the Qi inside his body, faintly pushing them together, as they decreased in volume.

An hour passed.

His forehead was now throbbing with veins, his face tensed up as he clenched his teeth.

At the beginning, the compression was rather easy and straightforward.

But as the Qi Energy within his body became increasingly compact and dense, the difficulty also rapidly enhanced.

His efforts right now were like using a drip of water to crush a large boulder.

Futile and useless.

If you were to see the glance into the insides of his body, you would find that 99% of Qi had been suppressed, while the remaining 1% was as hard as stone, not bulging and resisting the pressure.

The veins around his bulged as he tried his best to compress the remaining Qi, but it did not seem to listen to him, as it stood there defiantly.

Was he…going to fail?

No way! He had to continue.

He had to resist the pain.

His entire fleshly body turned blood red, as he continued to exert his pressure.

Gritting his teeth tightly, the only reason why he was still holding on was due to sheer will-power and determination.

The Talent that he had been given by the System did not make him conceited and lofty.

Because he knew that without hard work, Talent was nothing.

Similarly, without Talent, hard work was nothing.

Only when you have both of them could you truly succeed.

So why couldn't he?

At this point of time, he was no longer using the pressure of the pure energy, but his mental pressure.

The persistence and determination vaguely exuded a dominance and overpowering aura on the remaining Qi.

The Qi Energy, under the pressure of his mind, slowly began to move, as they quietly pressed into each other.

Soon, all 100% of his Qi Energy was thoroughly compressed.

Suppressing the joy within his heart, he began the process to converting them into Elemental Qi.

Time passed, as seconds quickly flashed by.

In an instant, Long Chen abruptly opened his eyes, not hiding the ecstasy within, as he roared out in satisfaction.

At this moment, a sudden overwhelming aura exploded from within him, spreading throughout all four corners of his hut, and rapidly overflowing out.

In a secluded location within the Sect, the Sect Leader, Yun Che Liang opened his eyes. He was able to sense everything that was happening within the Sect, and naturally could feel that wave of powerful energy.

It belonged to someone breaking through in the new disciple's huts?

He rose from his position, and quickly made his way there. Within seconds, he saw that the energy originated from the number 1 hut.

His eyes narrowed in realization, and he hurriedly built up a defensive formation blocking and isolating the overflowing waves of energy.

The Hut, under the overwhelming energy, totally destructed into pieces. And as the dust and debris slowly settled, a youth raising his head and roaring out in delightful laugher was revealed.