How to Survive

When he tried to sort out the memories of his current body, he was very worried about the intelligence possessed by his current body. Aji is a knight who carries a spear on a horse who hunts deer in the forest.

"Since when can horses be used for hunting in the forest, Chihh ..." he stopped chasing the deer.

When he thought about his 21st century body, he was a little worried. However, his mind returned, "Now I can't go back anymore, what does this have to do with my body in the 21st century and me today? Nothing"

As for his parents in the 21st century, Aji didn't worry them. Because, their parents live in the village and many siblings accompany them.

While aji was thinking, hunger hit his body. Aji remembers that his body hasn't eaten since 3 days ago. He only drank in the river

Aji struggled to his feet, and he saw the spear next to him and a war horse that was grazing not far from him. This war horse is named abu, he is a gift horse from his uncle who often trades with traders from Arabia. At that time, Aji was 12 years old when his uncle brought a horse to aji. Aji Pangestu (former owner of his body) often fed, cleaned horse manure and brushed the horse's body every day to cultivate feelings for 4 years.

So, when aji fainted and fell to the ground, Abu did not leave him, but stopped and stayed around Aji's unconscious body.

Horses can eat grass to satisfy their hunger, but humans cannot eat grass. Aji who had just crossed had to face the hunger situation he felt now.

At this time, aji was still wearing his armor which weighed about 12 kilograms. As for the horse itself, Aji Pangestu's family did not have enough money to equip the horse with any protection. Fortunately his uncle provided a wooden guard for the horse, which was better than nothing.

Cruk ..... krukkk ... The voice of Aji's stomach reminds him it's time to eat.

"Hmm ... where can I find something to eat now". Aji feels helpless. Her body has not eaten for 3 days now and she continues to ride the horse. Even with his current martial arts and the techniques he mastered now nothing helped to get rid of his hunger. (In Java, there used to be the science of immunity to sharp weapons, rawarontek, etc.)

"Am I going to kill this horse and eat it to get rid of hunger?" Aji looked at Abu who was grazing comfortably.

Abu glanced at Aji like he felt something.

"No ... no ... that's not true, I'm now a knight, can other people believe that I'm a knight without a war horse?". You know in this age a knight without a war horse is only equated with a soldier who is used as cannon fodder, therefore Aji decided not to kill his horse.

"But I'm really hungry now!" Aji grumbled.

Seeing Abu who was eating grass voraciously. Aji could not hold back his drooling.

"Can I eat grass to fill my stomach? ..."

Instantly Aji remembered KOPASUS (Indonesian special military forces) that he had seen on YouTube, they ate everything when they had to survive in the forest and eat in a raw state. Everything the special forces eat, from the snakes to the roots of plants. Aji also decided to approach Abu who was seen eating grass deliciously. Aji tried to uproot the grass that Abu still hadn't touched and ate the grass roots.

The smell of grass roots is better than the grass itself. The grass roots obviously don't taste too bad. Later, Aji ate a lot of grass roots to fill his hungry stomach. After that, he took out a coconut shell, went to a nearby river to get water and drink it.

After resting for a long time, Aji felt that his energy had recovered a lot. Then he started thinking about the next survival.

Whether it's Aji Pangestu then or Aji now, they are people who have principles. Aji doesn't want to fall into a world of darkness to become a robber. He only has 2 choices, namely to return home or earn a living.

Unfortunately Aji was afraid that his father Seno Broto Diningrat would be angry and punish him with a bigger sentence.

Actually there is a third option, namely to become bodyguards of other families. However, Aji was only 16 years old, and still developing and didn't have the big muscles that bodyguards usually have. Although most people at this time were short and thin, this did not apply to aji. Because Aji as a knight has good nutrition and is not short.

In the end, Aji decided to hunt completely. With the proceeds from the sale of the prey meat is used for trips to Semarang to join Patih Unus to face the broken forces Raden who will attack Semarang. Therefore Aji is confident in his abilities and can stand out, especially with his knowledge of fighting in the 21st century.