A Second Chance

When I woke up again I couldn't feel any pain in my body. In fact, I couldn't feel my body at all.

I down on at myself, and realized I was but naked. But it was hard to notice even that. It was as if my body was transparent, you could barely see the outline of it. I tried to move my limbs and felt that they worked just as fine as they did before.

But when I tried to clasp my hands together they just passed through each other, as if they weren't there.

I stopped trying to figure out what happened to my body and looked around trying to get a feel for my surroundings. But all around me as far as the eye could see was white. I was just floating in an endless space of white and I didn't have a clue what to do next.

I floated around for a few minutes trying to process the situation that I was in. I was stuck in the middle of nowhere with literally nothing around me.

And that when I started to panic. I tried to float around looking for anything that could help in this predicament. A hidden exit, an explanation as to what was going on.

Just as I was starting to give up hope a bright shining ball suddenly appeared in front of me. I tried to block the light with my hand, but because they were transparent, it didn't quite work.

Suddenly a deep voice sounded from the shinning orb in front of me, " Welcome Reidan, you have been chosen. You shall be judged on your actions and your fate shall be chosen."

Huh, what's going on, is this the afterlife? So I really did die when during the car crash.

"You are indeed correct you did indeed lose your life during the car crash," wow so the glowing orb could even read my thoughts now, just great.

"But that was not the only life taken! You have been judged and have been deemed to deserve punishment. With your foolishness, you cost another their life and you shall now pay by living one of struggle and misfortune ."

What, what do you mean I cost another their life? What pain and suffering? What's going on?

I moved my mouth to ask questions, but nothing came out of my transparent vocal cords.

Then the shining bright light grew and grew and soon consumed everything including me as my vision start to go black.

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"WAAAA WAAAAA," I felt a small tap in my butt as I couldn't help but start to cry. I tried opening my eyes but all I could manage was a small squint which let me see the figures of a man, a woman, and other smaller figures standing over me. Then I felt my vision dim as sleep overtook me once again.

When I woke up again I felt less sleepy this time and was wrapped around in something really warm. I tried to move my hands but they were stuck under what I think is a blanket.

I tried to open my eyes again and this time I managed to fully open them. I tried to look around but realized I didn't even have the energy to turn my head fully. But what I could manage to see was that I was in the arms of who looked to be a slightly chubby middle-aged woman, who was looking down on me with a smile on her face.

"Come Feitan, your son had just opened his eyes for the first time, come quickly." I heard heavy footsteps approaching quickly as I saw the figure of a well built also middle-aged man come into my vision.

"Ahh, he has your eyes darling," I heard him say as sleep overtook me once again.

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I drifted in and out of sleep for a few days trying to get the energy to actually figure out what had happened to me. What was going on? The shinning bright ball said that I was going to be punished but this just seemed like another chance at life after I had wasted my last one.

After a few days of trying to look around every time, I woke up I finally had a sense of what my new home kind of looked like. It was an old wooden house with a small living room, attached kitchen, and one bedroom. I could see a large bed in the middle of the living room with a small tv in the corner. I had a small crib in the bedroom next to another bed that was already there. I had seen a little girl sleeping there, she looked like he was 5 or 6 years old, she would occasionally carry me around the house.

Of course, as a growing baby, I had to get fed too. As much as it felt embarrassing to get breastfed when mentally I was already 15 years old. But strangely it felt a little natural also, I guess that's because of my new body.

I was starting to think my punishment was to live a life of being poor, but I wasn't too sure. While my new family wasn't very well off, they could even be called broke compared to what I was used to, we still had a roof above our heads and food to eat every day. So far I wasn't really seeing the struggle or suffering that was promised.

Life went on and months passed as I continued to live life as a baby. After about six months I had started to crawl around the house, I was trying to find any books or other information that I could find out about my new life. So far I had gathered that my dad, whose name was Feitan, was a farmer. He was out on the fields every day, but now that winter was approaching I'm not sure what he would do. My mom, whose name was Marie, was a housewife. She looked after me, and my sister Alice. O yea, I almost forgot, my name in this life was the same as it was in my last life, Raiden.

Life continued to be easy and comfortable for another few weeks when on a certain winter day my dad burst through the house door.

"Marie take the children to their rooms, a herd of triceratops is nearby. They already trampled over Betir's fields," he said through ragged breaths, he had probably run back to the house.

I didn't think much of it as mom picked me up and placed me in my crib when I realized, did he just say triceratops?!