Ki Mastery

When Raiden and Yajirobe finally reached south city they headed straight for king Chappa's compound.

It had been a long journey and Raiden had enough of sleeping on the hard floor after months in a jungle. They reached the compound and Raiden dropped Yajirobe on the floor and collapsed in the room he had in the dojo.

When he awoke the next day the first thing Chappa wanted to do was of course spar. Chappa had been excited to see how strong Raiden had gotten, especially if he was confident enough to end his training early for it.

The fight was over before it had even started. Raiden who was used to Yajirobe's blinding speeds appeared in a flash behind Chappa's and gave him a small chop to the back of his neck, knocking him out.

Chappa woke up enraged that he was beaten so easily, then challenged Yajirobe to a match.

This one turned out much like the last with Yajirobe not being as gentle, simply punching Chappa in the gut. Chappa bent over holding his stomach in pain, but at the same time looking at Raiden and Yajirobe in disbelief.

"H-How did you get stronger so fast? And where did a find a freak like him to train with?" He said gesturing to Yajirobe while still grimacing from the pain in his stomach.

"Well it's a long story, but pretty much I stole his food, then promised him more food," said Raiden with a laugh.

"And what about you, how did you get so much faster? Last time you were here we were pretty much even when you didn't use your ki blasts."

"That's because the training in the forest did what it was supposed to do. All of my footwork and senses got better. Also, I refined my control over ki, letting me focus it almost instantly. For example, what I did just now was focus it on my feet and legs letting me flash forward with a burst of speed." Raiden answered.

Chappa's head drooped in defeat. Not only had he been defeated by Raiden, who he already knew was going to be stronger than him. He was also defeated by a random fat man! The humiliation.

Chappa gave Raiden and Yajirobe one last look before turning around and going back to his training. His progress with ki had slowed and he didn't know what the bottleneck was. "Hopefully I don't meet them until the final," he muttered as he walked away.

Raiden couldn't help but laugh at Chappa's plight as he also started to stretch, he still had 2 months to train before the tournament and he would use it.

Raiden glanced at Yajirobe who seemed confused about what to do, "Aren't you also going to train?" He asked.

"No, never have before," Yajirobe replied with a grunt.

Raiden couldn't help but curse the fat bastard in his head, how had he gotten so strong without ever training before. But he did live in the wild, maybe being in constant danger all the time was training enough.

"Here," Raiden said while handing Yajirobe a few thousand Zeni. " Go explore the city or something. Just don't stay here looking like a lost child at a mall"

"Mall?" Yajirobe muttered as he snatched the money out of Raiden's hand and walked away.

Raiden smiled looking at the now empty lot, finally, he could practice in peace.

He got into a meditative position and slowly floated off the ground focusing his ki. This idea had been nagging him for a couple of days now, since his last spar with Yajirobe.

He slowly drew his ki out onto his hand where he willed it into the shape of a ball. Slowly but surely the ki turned into a small ball in the palm of his hand.

He had gotten the idea by seeing Yajirobe use his sword and the way he channeled ki through it when he attacked, whether he did it consciously or unconsciously, Raiden wasn't sure.

If Yajirobe could use his ki outside of his body, then so could Raiden. The whole problem he had was having a vast pool of ki inside of him, but his body being too weak to utilize the ki. So what if he took his body out of the equation?

What if he kept the ki out of his body and learned to hold his ki out of his body. Then even if his body couldn't handle the use of his ki it wouldn't matter.

The only problem was that his body would still be a weakness, if it continued to improve at the rate it was, he would get killed with just one punch in the future. But he could worry about that later.

Raiden willed as much ki as he could out of his body and forced it into his hand. The process was slow and tedious, if he went too fast he could cause his arm to explode from the overload of ki running through it.

After hours of drawing the ki out of his body, Raiden opened his eyes from his meditation and looked at the enormous ball of Ki in his hand. It was almost as big as himself and measuring the amount of ki Raiden put in it, it could blow up a whole mountain.

Raiden frowned, he couldn't just go around carrying a huge ball of ki around with him, there would be no point, how would fight like that?. He once again closed his eyes and tried to control and condense the ball of Ki in his hand. It started to slowly decrease in size and grow heavier as the ki got denser.

Then out of nowhere, a droplet of water hit Raiden on the head. It started raining and the massive focus Raiden was putting into maintaining the ball of ki in his hands was shattered.

Raiden opened his eyes in panic as he felt himself starting to lose control.


If the ki exploded now it would create a blast that would level miles around it, killing Raiden and thousands if not hundreds of thousands in the process.