Preliminary Peril?

Raiden walked into the building the preliminaries were taking place and gathered around a stage that had the head monk waiting on top. After waiting about 30 minutes around the ring for the rest of the fighters to show up during the allotted time, the head monk finally started speaking.

"We will now begin the 20th world martial arts tournament which takes place every five years to determine the strongest martial artists in the world. Thank you everyone for traveling here from all across the globe..."

Raiden glanced around at the other competitors and there were indeed people from all across the world. Beastmen and humans of all different shapes, sizes, and colors stood in the crowd. It was quite a sight to see.

"This year a total of 125 fights have traveled here to take part in the competition. Unfortunately, only 8 of you can take part in the finals, so it will certainly be a trying preliminary stage."

Raiden heard a small murmur go through the crowd at the mention of the number of competitors. Maybe this was more than the last time?

"Now please allow me to explain the rules," the monk continued. " The fights shall be 1 on 1. If a fighter faints, falls out of the ring, or give up, they lose the fight. Also, the preliminary fights will only be 1 minute long, if it lasts any longer a judge will decide who won."

The monk's voice suddenly changed and took a very serious tone as he gazed into the crowd, " The most important rule is you must not kill your opponent. To prevent this we have forbidden the use of any weapons. If you do use a weapon or kill, you will immediately be disqualified and be kicked out. Now please go forward and draw your number." He said gesturing to a younger monk who was standing by the stage with a box in his hands.

Raiden, Chappa, Yajirobe got in line to pick their numbers and walked back to watch the other fights take place as he waited to be called for theirs.

"So what numbers did you guys get? I got 110." Asked Raiden.

"I got 17," said responded Chappa.

"49," Yajirobe said with a grunt.

"At least we won't have to fight each other in the preliminary rounds, wouldn't want to get you guys out too early," said Raiden with a smirk.

Yajirobe and Chappa just glared and him. There wasn't really anything they could say back, Raiden was indeed stronger than both of them now. Especially with his new technique.

After a few minutes of waiting Chappa and Yajirobe were both called to fight at pretty similar times because they were both early on in their blocks. Both of them finished the fight pretty quickly. Yajirobe with a favorite punch to the gut and Chappa with a chop to the back of the next.

When Raiden's number was called he floated up to the stage and shouts of surprise went through the building when they finally noticed he hadn't been walking.

Raiden levitated on the stage and looked at the opponent he was supposed to fight hoping for a challenge.

His opponent was a fair-skinned young man of rather large stature. He was at least 6 foot 2 inches, (190cm) and wore a pair of black pants with black boxing gloves in his hands. He was bare-chested and was hopping up and down to warm up.

Raiden didn't really want to waste his time and seeing as the ki of the man in front of him was almost nonexistent, he decided to make it quick.

As soon as the judge counted down and started the fight, Raiden ball of ki shot a ki blast at the man. It was way too fast for him to dodge and hit him straight in the chest causing him to fly backward out of the ring.

Of course, Raiden didn't want to hurt weakling so he had just put enough force to push him out of the ring, not hurt him.

Just as Raiden was about to glide out of the ring he heard his opponent start yelling.

"Cmon judge he clearly used a weapon, look at that thing. It's like a gun, but instead of bullets, it shoots light or something instead. You've got to disqualify him." The man shouted catching the attention of the other fighters.

More and more people started speaking up saying they should disqualify him if he was using a weapon and finally the judge hesitated and turned towards Raiden.

Before he could speak Raiden interrupted him, " Wait I can prove that it's not a weapon its a part of me." The judge looked at him with doubt in his eyes. "Here just look at my hands for a moment," Raiden added.

Everyone's focus shifted to his hands as they began to glow and another small white ball of light appeared out of it, although much smaller and dimmer than the one already floating around Raiden. Raiden dispelled it quickly, it took much more focus to handle two orbs of ki than one orb, but his point was made. The magical ball of light had indeed come out of his body, it wasn't any sort of weapon.

"That's impossible," muttered Raidens opponent.

"Well I am called the sage," said Raiden with a laugh as he finally descended from the stage, the rest of the competitors still looking at him in disbelief.