Nagri Vs Yajirobe

Raiden watched as the two fighters made their way up to the ring. Personally, he wanted Yajirobe to win, he knew how hard he had worked over the last few months, and fighting him in the finals would also be a good challenge. He even remembered Yajirobe bragging about how he beat Chappa in most of their recent spars. But regardless of how much he wanted Yajirobe to win he still hoped Nagri gave him a good fight.

From his last two fights, he had sustained numerous injuries, especially the big one on his side because of the kick from Chappa. If Yajirobe managed to breeze through his fight with Nagri then he likely would have a very tough fight against him in the final, especially if Yajirobe used his brain for once and decided to draw out the fight.

Raiden watched as both fighters got into their stances. Nagri in his traditional sumo stance and Yajirobe with one leg in front of the other with both his hands by his waist as if holding onto something that wasn't there.

His katana. Raiden hadn't really noticed before because of his fights but now that he saw Yajirobe's stance he finally noticed that his signature weapon wasn't there anymore.

Of course, there were no weapons allowed in the world martial arts tournament. It looked like Yajirobe was just automatically got into the stance of preparing to draw his katana out of habit.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen we are about to start the second match of the semifinals of the WMA tournament! After that thriller between Raiden and Man-wolf, this match is sure to be just as exciting!" The referee quickly went through the rules as he had done for the previous fights and then yelled, "Let the battle begin!"

Like the last fight, Nagri started with a rush towards Yajirobe attempting to close enough to finish the fight quickly. But Yajirobe had seen Nagri's last fight and knew what was coming. Right as the fight started he sidestepped out of Nargi's path and waited for the large man to stop so he could land a blow to his side.

But Nagri stopped his charge when he was next to Yajirobe and with unbelievable flexibility used the momentum from his rush to spin on his heel throwing a kick at Yajirobe's hip. Yajirobe quickly raised his leg to block the kick but was still blasted away by the sheer force.

Using a backflip to mitigate the force of the kick Yajirobe landed on the other side of the ring, just to see Nagri once again in his sumo stance ready to charge. And charge he did. Yajirobe not ready for another attack so fast after landing managed to get his arms up in a cross block in front of his chest just before Nagri struck.

If he had been hit from any other angle Yajirobe would have surely been blasted out of the ring, but luck was on his side. He flew with astonishing force into the wall was connected to the ring and both he and the wall collapsed onto the ring in a pile of rubble, eerily similar to what happened to Raiden in his fight.

"Call the fight ref, no one's ever stood back up after being hit head-on by my charge," Nagri said in a surprisingly soft voice for a man of his size.

"Well, folks Nagri had declared that Yajirobe won't stand up again! Is it truly had no one really ever gotten up from Nagri's charge? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7," the ref started counting and when he reached 7 the pile of rubble began to move.

Yajirobe slowly got to his feet as moved the rubble around him. "Wow I've been hit that hard before, what are you made of. Stone?" He said as he got back into his battle stance. Then with a grin he said, " Looks like your charge isn't a one-hit knockout like you thought."

Nagri let a small frown show on his usually stoic face as he sent a small glare towards the ref, no doubt blaming him for not started the count fast enough.

This time Yajirobe made the first move before Nagri could charge him again. He flashed towards Nagri in a zig-zag pattern which caused the sumo wrestler to frown. Yajirobe had noticed that before he attacked Nagri would always take his sumo stance and after that do a brutal frontal attack.

This time he didn't give him the chance he continued his zig-zag pattern and threw a punch at Nagri from his side. Nagri deflected it with a slap of his hands and countered with another slap to Yajirobe's chest.

Yajirobe then leaned back showing his own flexibility and dodged the palm. Before Nagri could draw his arm back Yajirobe grabbed his wrist and pulled Nagri close to him, getting into his guard.

Then probably inspired by his signature gut-punch Yajirobe plunged his knee into Nagri's rather large stomach and watched as the Large man lost his focus for a moment. Not letting the chance go to waste Yajirobe kicked Nagri on the side of his arm not knocking him out, but it had enough force to send the large man flying out of the ring.

"And the winner is Yajirobe due to a ring out!!! We now have both our finalists determined! Folks, please wait for a small break before the finals start to let the fighters rest." Yelled the announcer.