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After spending almost 225,000 Zeni on a 5-star restaurant that Yajirobe chose beforehand Raiden was finally able to free his wallet.

Thankfully Yajirobe had picked a restaurant where you could buy an all you can eat option. So using 75,000 Zeni on each of them Raiden got to watch as Yajirobe went to work and the restaurant workers got more and more panicked.

Because they were in a high-class establishment they couldn't simply tell Yajirobe to stop eating, it would hurt their reputation. So instead after about an hour and a half of nonstop devouring through their menu, a waiter approached and said they would be closing early due to a "lack of supplies."

Raiden had almost hurt himself laughing at the depressed face Yajirobe had made when they told him the news, even Chappa had chuckled.

After they were done eating they prepared to leave Papaya island by ferry because South city was fairly close to the island. The journey took a few hours and after getting back onto the southern continent they still had to make their way to South Capitol. They would have just flown there, but since Yajirobe didn't know how they decided to go by car.

By the time they reached Chappa's compound in South Capitol, it was already the evening and all three fighters were exhausted from the long day of fighting, traveling, and eating.

Raiden bid his two friends goodnight and went to the room he had in the compound and fell into a peaceful sleep with a slight smile on his face, no doubt dreaming of his triumph at the tournament.

Raiden woke up naturally as small rays of sunlight made their way through the curtains of his room at the compound. Getting out of bed easily he felt refreshed from the night of rest.

He brushed his teeth quickly in the bathroom and checked to make sure the various bruises and injuries he had were healing correctly. He took a quick shower and changed out of the clothes that he had been wearing since yesterday, put on another pair of his training gi, and stepped out to the training ground the do his routine.

Even though Raiden had been heavily focused on his ki training for the last few months, he had never neglected his body workouts. He had even gone to the city library to check up on books for diet and nutrition. He had been shorter than all his friends in his last life and now that he had a second chance he wouldn't waste it.

After finishing his workout, which included a run and some bodyweight exercises he went to see what Yajirobe and Chappa were doing.

Chappa was practicing his multi-fist inside the dojo with some of his students while Yajirobe unsurprisingly was still asleep.

'Well he did have two hard fights yesterday, so I'll let him off for today' thought Raiden.

Raiden walked inside Chappa's dojo and Chappa stopped his workout when he saw Raiden coming.

"So it's time. How long have you been away from home?" He asked when he saw Raiden walk into the dojo.

"I don't really remember, I think around a year. Maybe my parents will be surprised by how much I look the same, the way I look didn't really change." He replied with a smile.

"So this is goodbye?"

"Yea, for a while at least. I shook Yajirobe awake to tell him I was leaving, but he fell right back asleep."

"Just don't slack off with your training, I wouldn't want to beat you too badly the next time we spar." Said Chappa.

"You wish," said Raiden as he walked away. He gave a small wave to Chappa's students, some of which he had spared with, as he floated off the ground.

He took to the air and with one last look down at South Capitol he shot off towards Sasebo city at lightning speed.

It took Raiden the rest of the day to travel to Sasebo city because he had to cross the ocean in between the continent and his tiny home of Amenbo Island. When he got to Sasebo city he decided to spend the night at a hotel since he was a bit tired from the journey, he could start flying towards his home early the next morning.

After a good night's rest, he woke up with the sun the next morning and decided to no eat breakfast at the hotel. If he flew fast enough he could probably make it back home back in time to eat with his family.

It took a few hours of flying but finally, Raiden saw his house surrounded by farmlands in the distance. The sight made him realize had he had been feeling a bit homesick during his training from how much he looked forward to seeing his family again.

He descended down from the air onto the yarn in front of the house, making sure not to make too much noise. He walked up to the door not knowing why he actually was feeling a bit nervous about being back home.

Slowly he walked up to the door to see that it was open and turned the knob. He opened the door and walked into the house.

"Mom? Dad? Alice? I'm Home" He called out.