Meeting Dr.Breifs

Raiden waited outside the door to the briefs household as he waited for someone to answer. He wondered why he was feeling so nervous about this, he had fought and won against the strongest fighters in the world with hundreds watching. 'Yea no way I can be nervous now' he thought trying to give himself a boost of confidence.

He was still lost in his thoughts when he finally heard the door open. 'But with how large the house was it made sense it would take time to open the door,' He thought.

"Oh hello, I didn't know my husband was meeting with such a handsome young man today," said Panchy with a smile as she greeted Raiden.

Raiden felt his face go slightly red at her words as he said, "Uhh actually Dr.Breifs doesn't know who I am, but I do something important to talk to him about. Is there is any chance he's home?"

"Hmm he should be in his lab right now I could call him if you want. You can come in honey don't be shy," Panchy said pulling Raiden into the house and seating him in the living room.

Raiden couldn't help but fidget around in his seat as he waited for Panchy to come back with Dr.Breifs. Usually, he liked being alone without distractions, but that was outside in nature. Having to sit still like this and wait really wasn't his thing.

After a few minutes of waiting Raiden finally felt someone's ki start approaching though he couldn't tell if it was Panchy again or Dr.Breifs.

His questions were answered a few seconds later when a rather thin man with light blue hair and an impressive mustache walked into the living room.

Raiden quickly stood and gave the man a handshake. Meeting the world's richest person wasn't an everyday thing.

"Uh nice to meet you, I'm Raiden," he said awkwardly. He wasn't really sure how he was supposed to get into the topic of ki and dragon with the man.

Dr.Breifs seemed to notice his hesitance and asked, "So Raiden is there a reason you're here today? The guards said you had something incredible to show me."

"Yea I wanted to talk to you about a new type of energy I've discovered," he replied feeling more at ease.

"Hmm, a new type of energy you say. Is there any chance that you could show me?" Dr.Breifs asked, now interested.

"Well I think it would be best for me to show you," said Raiden once again putting his palm out in front of him.

He quickly formed a ball of Ki in his palm and forced as Dr.Breifs eyes widened in disbelief.

"What is that? Do you have something in your hand making the ball appear," he asked as he reached out to grab Raiden but hesitated when he realized he shouldn't carelessly touch the glowing ball of energy.

"It's not anything like that. It isn't a new type of technology, instead, the energy comes directly from within me. I guess you could say it's kind of like my life force because if it ever runs out I would probably die," Raiden explained.

"And it's not just me that has this energy," Raiden continued. " I can even sense your and your wife's energies, even though it is a lot less than what I have. I can even feel that there is someone else in the house. Maybe one of your children?" Raiden asked as he tried to steer the conversation towards Bulma.

"How intriguing," said Dr.Breifs as he looked to be lost in thought. "So what can this energy be used for? And how did you learn how to use it. You must tell me!" He asked Raiden with a hungry look in his eyes.

Raiden chuckled when he saw how Dr.Breifs reacted. 'So this is how people came up with the idea of a mad scientist' he couldn't help but think.

"Well, the way I learned how to use it wasn't anything related to science or any kind of studying," Raiden started explaining as the doctor paid rapt attention to his words.

"I actually discovered how to use the energy when I was training."


"Have you heard of the world martial arts tournament?" Raiden asked and the doctor gave a small nod.

"Well I was actually the winner of the last tournament," Raiden said with pride. "I discovered how to use the energy when I was training to fight in the tournament.

"But what does the energy have to do with fighting?" Asked Dr.Breifs.

"Well remember when I said the energy is a type of life force. Well, you would expect those who were fitter and healthier to a stronger life force/energy than other people right?" The doctor nodded in understanding.

"Well as I was training I felt a small warmth inside myself. Like of like a warm feeling that grew as I pushed myself to my limits and got stronger," Raiden said.

"So the only way to harness this energy is to train in martial arts? There is no other way?"

"Well, actually it isn't that simple. Along with just training, you also have to have some degree of talent to use ki. That's what I call it, by the way, ki. My two friends also took part in the world martial arts tournament and out of the hundreds of fighters that participated in the tournament, only the three of us knew how to use ki."

"But if you need talent and training to harness this "ki", why come to me? I have no experience with it."

"Well, the reason I came here wasn't really for help with ki. Well in a way it is, I guess. What I need with my ki specifically. So have you ever heard of the dragon balls?" He asked the Doctor.