A What Pillow?

Raiden was woken from his slumber rather early in the morning by movement next to him.

Groggily he opened his eyes to see Goku in front of Bulma's bed. She was sleeping rather indecently with her pajamas rolled up displaying her underwear for the world to see. For a second Raiden thought Goku was peeking but quickly got rid of the thought. The kid was 11 and hadn't even known what a woman was before a few days ago, no way he was having those kinds of thoughts.

"Uhh, Goku what are you doing," Raiden said softly knowing Goku would be able to hear his with his keen ears.

But of course, Goku didn't care that it was still 6 in the morning as he said loudly," I just remembered sleeping with my grandpa so I wanted to try out a crotch pillow again, grandpa's was really soft."


He wanted to try what? Raiden took a moment to try and decipher what Goku had said. He used to sleep on his Grandpa's crotch and because of how soft it was he wanted to try and do the same thing with Bulma...

"Uhh, Goku sorry to disappoint you but girls don't have balls," Raiden said roaring with laughter at what Goku had said. "And also don't put your head on other people's crotch area. Got it?" Raiden said lightly knocking Goku on the head.

"WHATTTTT NO BALLLSSSSSS," Goku shouted in shock to which Bulma shot out of bed and started looking around.

"Huh, what happened?" Bulma said waking up due to the shouting.

"N-n- no balls," said Goku in shock point at Bulma.

Bulma's eyes widened as she shot out of her bed and ran to where she had kept the 2 dragon balls. She sighed in relief when she saw that they were still there. " What are you talking about Goku, both the dragon balls are right here," she said confused.

Goku was about to explain what he was talking about but Raiden quickly spoke up instead, "I think Goku just had a nightmare that he lost his grandpa's dragon ball." He quickly shot Goku a look that even the naive kid could understand, shut up.

"Well now that we're all up might as well get started with the day," said Raiden taking out his toothbrush and some mouthwash from a capsule he had. He brushed his teeth and washed his face and Bulma also went through her morning routine.

Soon Raiden was ready and waiting in the living room with Goku as Bulma finished getting ready.

"Can you hurry it up, if you went any slower than you would turn into a turtle," Goku called out impatient at having to wait.

"Hmph you should treat me with more respect you know, I am 5 years older than you," Bulma called back annoyed.

"Cmon Goku let's go out and get some exercise while we wait," Raiden said trying to appease the energetic 11 year old.

"Let's go!!," Goku said as he ran out of the door and started lifting up large rocks.

Raiden had only just started his routine when he heard Gokus panicked voice try out.

"S-S She actually turned into a turtle! I told you, you were being too slow," Goku cried out seeing the giant turtle he had tried to lift thinking it was a rock.

Raiden started laughing as Bulma came outside and told Goku he was being an idiot.

"Uhh excuse me could you possibly get me some water? I would be very grateful," asked the giant turtle.

Raiden quickly got a bucket and filled it with water which the turtle drank gratefully. After waiting for the turtle to finish drinking the trio waited to see what he would say.

"Well, the truth is," the turtle started dramatically. "I am a turtle."

"We already knew that you were a turtle," Raiden and Bulma shouted.

"Actually I'm a sea turtle. You see I was near the shore trying to gather some mushrooms but I got lost. It's been almost a year since I've been in the ocean," the turtle said sadly.

"Wow you've sure come a far way for a turtle," Bulma said in surprise. "The oceans in the opposite direction though, I think around 120 kilometers the other way," Bulma said pulling out a map.

"Don't worry turtle we can show you the way there!," Goku said merrily.

"No, we cant Goku! We only have 30 days left until I go back to school. That means only 30 more days to find the dragon balls," Bulma said angrily.

"Actually Bulma I think it's a good idea. Also, I think I saw one of the balls in that direction in the radar," Raiden compromised.

Bulma quickly pulled out her radar and checked Raiden's claim.

"Well, you're right. I guess we could drop of the turtle on our way to the ocean," Bulma relented.

The turtle and Goku beamed happily and quickly took off with the sea turtle on his back.

"Goku wait! Damn it I still need to pack up," Bulma said annoyed.

"Haha don't worry you can take your time, we can catch up to them pretty quick. I guess it was time I told you I can fly," Raiden said with a smirk on his face.

"You can WHAT?!"