Chapter 1

"Number 13, get up and take your medicine."

Liu Yun pushed open the ward and said what every nurse should say, but she didn't dare to enter.

She cursed her luck to the extreme. She had just graduated and had been assigned to a mental hospital.

she actually came here to take responsibility for this patient, who was called hospital's weirdo!

She recalled the strange events that the seniors had told her.

"He's crazy..."


She shook her head and tossed these thoughts out of her mind.

Good luck!Wasn't he just a mental illness!

There was nothing to be afraid of!

Liu Yun took a deep breath, as if she was going to the execution grounds and enter ward 13.


Even though she mentally prepared, she was still shocked by the scene before her.

One could only see that the room was empty. It was clearly a VIP room, but there was no extra furniture.

There was only a single bed.

It looked extremely spacious.

But that wasn't enough to shock Liu Yun.

She was truly shocked and even scared.

It was the bed itself.

On the bed, there were surprisingly five steel bars that firmly laid the patient on the bed!


Liu Yun gasped. It was important to know that regular mental hospitals usually did not use restraint devices. Even if they did, they would use standard restraint straps.

This patient number 13 actually needed steel bars?!

This was simply unheard of!

At this moment, the patient spoke:

"untie the steel bar. I'll eat it myself."

His cold voice was not as vague as a mental patient.

Liu Yun nodded, wanting to untie him

At this moment, she suddenly recalled the last words that the senior nurses said before sending her over to deliver the medicine:

"You can feed him medicine, but don't untie him!"

The movements in her hands were stunned as her thoughts drifted back ten minutes ago.


Ten minutes ago.

Arlington City's Third Psychiatric Hospital.

The nurse's room, which had been noisy, suddenly quieted down after the notification from the ward.

Every pair of eyes were searching for the some Person.

For Room 13.

Who would be responsible for this month?

They found it!

For a moment, everyone looked at Liu Yun. This made the newly graduated intern feel a little worried.

She said timidly," Why are you looking at me like this? Is there a problem with patient number 13?"

The moment they heard the number 13, everyone else shuddered.

"He's fine, but we don't know. One month later..."

The head nurse spoke. The middle-aged woman paused before continuing.

"Is there a problem with him?"

In the following period of time, the senior nurses told her about the horror of the patient in bed 13.

The patient's name was Tan Qi. He had no father and no mother. He was sent in ten years ago by a mysterious person.

Since then, apart from paying a monthly fee, that person had never appeared before.

At first, Tan was living in a normal ward like most patients.

However, no matter what patient he was, as long as he lived in a ward with him, his illness would get worse and he would be assimilated!

The most common symptom was to shout every day that he had mastered the truth of the universe and wanted to save Earth.

It was either as if he had been greatly stimulated, claiming to have heard the Evil God talking in his ears.

However, those people were also mentally ill, so all the hospitals didn't care.

It wasn't until a few of the big shots who came in to hide from the prison had gone crazy after staying with him for a few days.

The hospital had that it was too late, so they could only arrange him to the VIP ward.

However, this could only indicate that Tan and this person was very provocative and infectious.

As long as he was rational and prepared, he would not be affected if he wasn't with him.

The nurses comforted themselves.

Only a year ago, the previous head nurse, after taking care of him for a month, entered the hospital with honor and became Tan Qi's sick friend.

After that, every nurse who was in charge of taking care of Tan Qi either resigned and left the hospital, or claimed that she had mastered the truth of the universe and became a mental patient.

The remaining nurses summarized a set of survival rules.

Don't communicate with him.

Don't do physical contact.

Don't believe him.

After 11 p.m., don't enter Ward 13 alone.

One of the most important was

"You can give him medicine, but don't untie him!"


"Why are you standing there? Hurry up and untie me. Otherwise, how will I take my medicine?"

His cold voice still pulled Liu Yun out of her memory.

Looking at the figure who was firmly fixed on the bed by the steel bar, Liu Yun raised her courage and said:

"Don't try to lie to me. They've already told me that I can't untie you!"

Hearing this, Tan Qi sighed and said lazily:

" You're a newcomer. I thought I had a chance to go out."

"Stop talking. I'll feed you some medicine right now...Wait!" Liu Yun was about to leave when she finished feeding the medicine. Suddenly, she realized," How did you know I'm a newcomer?"!"

All the nurses had the same ponytail, and their voices were the same. Moreover, they wearing masks.

Most importantly, since the incident of the former head nurse, no nurse had been taken care of for the second time.

How could he know that she was a newcomer?

Tan Qi said still in a lazy voice. His face was covered with clothes and steel bars, and he could only speak slowly.

"They walk around the corridor every day. Everyone's pace is different."

"Nurse Wang is the fatter. He walks slowly and can shake the ground with every step."

"Nurse Li will take step five times a second."

"Nurse Zhang..."

The more Tan Qi said, the more Liu Yun's face turned pale.

She didn't know how many steps each second they take, but everyone's characteristics and names were completely matched!

Moreover, none of these nurses had ever looked after Tan Qi!

He shouldn't even know their surnames!

How was this done?

Liu Yun took a step back and wanted to leave the ward.

She was afraid.

Tan seemed to seemed to noticed her fear.

He sat up a. Of course, due to the steel bar, he could not sit too high.

Only one pair of eyes were revealed, one pair of eyes that seemed to have thousands of galaxies circulating within them.

"Let's not talk about that. Let's ask you something." That pair of eyes seemed to be smiling." Do you want to be rich?"

At this moment, Liu Yun knew that she was finished.