The Prophecy


As Damien stared at the gun pointed at him, he could almost feel the cold metallic glint it gave off.

"Why are you here ?"

"This is my hometown."

"It cannot be! You are an angel!"

Damien could feel the tremble in the man's voice.

"A Fallen Angel!"

Suddenly the man opened fire as the angel ducked to the left and a punch flew towards the man.

Boom! His punch hit an energy shield.

'Advanced BES..fuck!'

The gun aimed and shot at his chest at point-blank range. Blood started dripping from his chest.

"Time magic - Hold."

The bleeding in his chest slowed down as he started running away.

"Space magic - Warp."

Yet, the situation betrayed his expectations. The magic did not execute.

"Die, you monster!"




Damien took a sharp breath when he woke up on his bed. The room was filled with a magic circle while he was in the middle of the room. The prophecy magic had been executed. His body shivering from the aftereffects while he uncontrollably muttered,

"I will die back on Earth."

The purple glow slowly faded on the runes as the night progressed. He sat quietly in one corner of his room, looking out of the window which he had unsealed. The starlight flooded the room and amalgamated with the eerie purple hue.

Damien slowly caressed his grey wings and thought about the past.

His family was murdered in cold blood by an angel who meddled in dark magic. The final step in the ritual was to torture the youngest by forcefully channeling mana into the person who had never dealt in magic.

Of course, it was torturous. However, due to the years of mental fortitude possessed from learning boxing, Damien lived.

The magic backfired. Instead of consuming Damien's blood, he consumed that of the fallen angels'.

Meanwhile, the first generation magicians, his so-called friends before the new era left him to die. The reason was obviously his lack of potential in magic.

Then that very race. That very family of angelic nobility came to his rescue after he consumed their daughter's blood.

They didn't have a son and this was a perfect opportunity to replace their useless daughter. Fucking hypocritic bastards.

On the surface, they were doing a noble deed and repenting for the failure in front of their Archangel Michael but his duty was to fuck and impregnate a designated lady to remove the humane impurities. There was no love lost between him and his foster parents. Of course, he had no choice in any of these matters as it was decreed by their Archangel.

The faces of the dead clung to his consciousness from the depth of his memories. Damien's emotions were in turmoil. A small streak of blood slowly flowed across

his cheek before settling on his chin. Soon the daylight broke and the runes which were purple turned black, cracked, and

peeled off the walls and ceiling onto the floor.
