Into the Forest

The next day, before the sun had risen, the group of eleven left the town. As he rode on his black mare, the contents of the tomes kept coming back to him.

Before crossing into the treeline, Sylvie suddenly halted the group and asked Damien for directions. Looking at the slightly bewildered young master, Morty laughed and said that the metal block should have the directions.

"Use your mana."

Sylvie pointed out when he saw Damien was going to prick his finger.

'What the fuck do I even know!'

He injected his mana. The block disappeared into his palm

-Starting AI

A message popped into his head.

-Permission to link to Command AI


It must be the badge.

-Program executed

-Listing Menu...




-Skill List

-AI upgradable resources provided.

-Upgrade AI?

Damien was completely dumb-founded.


- Utilizing resources...

- Upgrade completed...Optimizing processes...Completed.


- No menu available


- Direct utilization enabled.


A detailed map opened with the directions along with their current location.

"Let's go." Damien led the group into the Hollow Trees. In the meantime, he fiddled around with the interface.

'Skill List'

-1. Boxing Level 2; Proficiency: 34/10,000


He could see the details of his men. He was also quite surprised to see the 10 percent loyalty of one of his men.

'The Baron bought him...but...this guy probably forgot to tell the Baron that I have their command badges.'

Soon under his leadership, the group rode deep into the forest.


The sudden howl jolted everyone awake. It was the second night in the forest. Damien was meditating according to the tomes inside his tent while Alex and Morty were on night duty.

The campfire crackled while the burning wood crumbled from time to time. Around the campfire were four tents, one exclusively for him. Yet, at this time, everyone had gathered around the campfire, armed and alert. From time to time, an extensive four-legged furry beast would enter within their visibility, growling menacingly while showing their teeth, and then walk out into the depths of darkness.

"Silver Wolves"

Grub was aiming his rifle into the darkness. When Sylvie muttered the species, Grub's hands visibly shook. He jerked them off, only to aim with renewed focus.

"Captain, your orders?"

The Beastman asked.

"How many can you sense?"

"My scouting skill is telling me twenty in 100 meters."

"Fucking hell."

Morty said softly," Captain, we need to leave. Right now. They have already encircled us."

"We are sitting ducks."

The men were panicking.

"I suggest we try to break out of the encirclement."

'That's it. I have had enough! Suicidal Bastards!'

He spoke sternly.

"No. We defend till daybreak. We are not going to move into unscouted land in the darkness."

"But Master, the Barrier Magic that Kovorad and I have cast will not last that long. Mana consumption is too high!"

Just as he said that one of the wolves had smashed into the invisible barrier. The wolves can sense the flow of mana!


Damien shouted.

"Reiya, Grub, and Thormann set up the mounted gun."

"It will take an hour to set it up."

"How long will the barrier last?"

Damien looked at Sylvie.

"Master, the barrier will last for half an hour."

"Can you reduce the size of the barrier to reduce consumption?"

He had read about it in the tomes.

"Yes, sir. Then we should be able to increase the time by a quarter more."


"Yes, sir."

"Command the men to fold the tent and gather our valuables and weapons. Prepare to fight to the death!"

"Yes, sir!" They shouted in unison.