Fighting for Survival(2)

"It's a magical beast!"

Sylvie shouted but to no avail. Both he and Kovorad were spent. The magic was executed. The wolf arrived inside the entrenchment with a gust of wind.

"Shit, that was level 2 wind magic! Sir, he can cast another magic."

The wolf was in front of Damien. The dwarves stopped working and shot with their rifles. They jumped to the left and dodged.

"Keep working or we will all die!"

The dwarves understood Damien's determination and continued working.

"Two more. You need to hold on, sir."

Reiya shouted.

'Fucking gun. It better work!'

Damien shot the crossbow at the beast who was about to attack the men at the passageway. The crossbow struck true at close range. The beast's attention was drawn to Damien. It swung its foreleg and Damien blocked it with his shield. The metallic shield shook from the impact and he had to take two steps back.

-Command Buff: Chivalry activated. Speed and Attack of Commanded men will increase in inverse proportion to the Commander.

'Fuck, what about me.'

The wolf swung at him again. The impact on the shield was so hard that he coughed up blood. The shield cracked and fell from his hand. Damien quickly got hold of himself and hacked at the wolf with his sword.


A wound was left on the wolf's foreleg.


The wolf swung at him. He parried with the sword but he was unable to withstand the impact. The sword flew off.

The men in the passageway became stronger as got hurt by the wolf. Damien's mind was in overdrive. How to kill this beast?

-Boxing activated. Showing the paths to strike.

Damien suddenly saw a couple of red spots on the wolf's body. He knew what to do. The wolf lunged at the unarmed man with his jaw wanting to bite off the man's head. Damien quickly sidestepped and swung a left hook at the beast's neck.


The wolf staggered from the impact but his hand was numb.


The mounted gun fired at the wolf in the entrenchment while the rifles fired at the wolves in the passageway. While the dwarves were only able to push back the wolves at the passageway, the vanguard finished the job. Yet the wolf in the entrenchment was a different story altogether. It kept moving and dodging the mounted gun as the gun was slow in aiming.

Damien threw a few more punches but as they say, a cornered beast is the most dangerous. The wolf activated its second magic as its maw opened. The mana started condensing. It aimed at the enemy commander.

"Use your wings!"

Kovorad screamed.