Blaire and I are shopping for my bachelorette party. We already have the food ordered. Now we are checking the list of who is coming.
We have about twenty people coming tonight and Blaire has a surprise for me tonight as well.
"Is there anything else we need for tonight?" I ask as we walk into Bath & Body Works at the mall.
"Um. I don't think so. I believe everything is covered for tonight." She says smelling a Japanese cherry blossom lotion. I nod my head at her saying "Okay."
"I'm going to get this one. It smells good." She says putting the lotion in my nose. "Easy there, we don't want it going up my nose," I tell her as I get a whiff of the lotion as I push her hand away.
"Sorry about that. But you should get it too. It's on sale. Plus we need to make our way to Victoria's Secret for their annual yearly sale since its the start of the new year." She says as we pay for our stuff.
"Alright, let's get going then," I say as we walk to VS before leaving the mall.
We look around the store to find a lot of the stuff is on sale. I found different pairs of panties, a couple of bras, some shorts, and perfume bottles with a couple of their lip Lacquer. I pay for my stuff to see someone from the far watching me.
I go to tell Blaire but before I can the man disappears into the crowd. I tell myself that I'm just seeing things that everything is fine.
I look around the store trying to get the man off my mind. I hear someone talking from the far on the phone "I have it insight...Do you want me to take...Okay, sir..."
I walk away fast to find a guard only to bump into something hard as a wall. I'm scared to look up at who it might be, but before I can panic the person speaks "Hey what's wrong?" I look up to see it's Richie. I relax into him. I feel his hands rubbing my back to relax more.
"I got scared thinking someone might be following me," I say holding onto him more tightly than before. "Love, its okay. Nothing is going to happen. I promise." He says as he kisses my forehead.
"What happen?" I hear Blaire ask. I turn to her to say "I'll tell you later. We have to go get the party started."
"Okay." She says.
"We'll drop you off at the place. Just don't walk home call me first." Richie says as we walk to the car.
The drive was quick but quiet. Richie kisses me on the lips before letting me get out. "I'll see you later night." He says to me. I give him another kiss before fully getting out.
"Let's go we don't have all day," Blaire says smiling when I turn to look at her. I stick my tongue at her as I pull away from him.
"I'll see you later. You two behave." Richie says before shutting the car door and driving off down the street.
I look at the place in front of us. Its small on the outside but when we walk into the place, it's very big.
We look around to find pictures of the early days of New York City. Where celebrities, congressman, and even a president has step foot into the building for a party.
"Ah welcome, I see you have found our wall of the past." A voice said behind us. We turn around to find a woman in her 50's smiling at us as she leans on her cane for support.
"Yes, this place has amazing history put into it," I say to her smiling. "I'm Ms. Stark and you must be Romeo's beautiful daughter I kept on hearing about. You look just like your mother." Ms. Stark says looking.
"You know my parents?" I ask confused. "They had their reception party here for their wedding. And your mother is my niece after all too." She says as we walk farther into the back room.
"My mother told me she had no family alive. Why would she say that?" I ask Ms. Stark.
"I guess shes ashamed of us." She says before walking up steps to her apartment.
After some time we finally got stuff set up for the party. The food got here early since Blaire ordered everything beforehand.
Right now everyone is here eating and drinking.
"Now I need to go change into what you got me for the party," I said to Blaire grabbing the bag from her hand.
She chooses to do a slumber party theme for the party.
"Go hurry women, we don't have all night to party." She says rushing me into the changing room.
I look in the bag to see something pink that says, the bride. I pull it out the bag to find its a silk sexy nightgown with shorts.
I change real quick, before walking out of the room to find everyone waiting for me to come out. Blaire walks over to me smiling and explains "We're going to play a game. Its called know the bride. When they get the answer wrong someone has to take a shot but if they get the answer right you have to take a shot."
We got started the game. It went on for a few hours by then we are feeling drunk to care.
We dance all night drinking more and eating as we celebrate.