
A week went by faster than I anticipated when someone knocked on my door. It was Saturday, and I didn't expect Nova over as she was working in her boutique. Confused, I set my book down that I had been reading just moments before, and padded towards my front door.

Swinging the door open, I immediately recognize the woman standing before me, her ebony hair and green eyes were unmistakable. Tabitha grinned in front of me; her eyes sparkled as she asked if she could come inside. I let her in, and immediately, she went and sat down on my couch. "So, what's up?" I asked, sitting next to her and setting my discarded book on the coffee table.

"I wanted to know if you were doing anything? I wanted to head over to Savannah for a fun afternoon."

"What do you have in mind?" I inquired, turning to her.

"I thought we could get some lunch together, maybe get our nails done?" She asked, tucking her hair behind her ear as if she was slightly nervous I wouldn't go with her.

"Sure, that sounds like fun, I could use a girl's day." Grinning, I went to grab my purse when Tabitha asked me if I wanted to bring Nova. "Her shop should be closing soon. I'll call and ask if she wants to come with us."

Grabbing my phone out of my back pocket, I dial Nova's number and wait. After the second ring, she answers.

"Hey sis, what's up?"

"Tabitha and I were going to have a girl's day in Savannah, do you want to come? We'll get our nails done and  have some lunch."

"Oh, sounds like fun! I'm closing up the shop now. I'll be over at your place in five." And with a sharp click, she hung up, leaving me with Tabitha.

"I'm going to grab a water, do you want anything to drink?" I ask, making my way into the kitchen and grabbing a water bottle from the refrigerator, "Nova said she'd be here in about five minutes, so we don't have to wait long."

"That sounds perfect, so, how are things with you and my brother?" She inquired, grabbing the bottle from my outstretched hand.

"I guess they're going good." I said, not wanting to give away my awkward love life to the sister of the guy I like.

"Good huh," She paused long enough to take a drink of her water and then  continued, "He hasn't asked you out on another date?"

"No, we still barely know each other."

Sighing, she placed a hand on her hip, "How do you expect to meet your future husband if you don't go out and meet people."

"I want to take things slow and be certain before I decide whether or not to pursue him as a candidate for marriage."

"I'm sure he feels the same way, that's why you take it slow together. It doesn't have to be a romantic date, and you could always get to know him by calling him." She held up my phone as evidence and began typing.

"Wait, what are you doing? How did you get my phone?"

She grinned mischievously as she continued typing, "There! My brother has your number, and I just texted him."

"What did you text him?!"

"Oh, just that you understand that dating is stressful, and you want to take things slow, and you want to be certain of who you are talking to before getting invested in a relationship. But you are willing to try because the only thing bad that could happen is that you say no."

"You did not just do that!"

"You're welcome!" She grinned as Nova came through the front door. Tabitha gave me my phone back and shrieked at Nova.

"Hey! How are you?"

"I'm fine, are we ready to go?" Nova asked, "Who's driving?"

"We are, and I am." Tabitha informed as she grabbed her purse and followed Nova out, I did the same, making sure to glance down at the string of messages Tabitha sent Alex.

"Great, let's go!" Nova exclaimed as I hastily texted Alex back to let him know that his sister stole my phone and texted him.

That was before he texted back, saying he knew exactly how I felt and that we don't have to rush things. After all, it's only been one date. I smiled as I thanked him and followed Nova and Tabitha out to the car. It wasn't relatively hot out near the coast, but I knew that once we got to Savannah, the humidity would skyrocket.

"So," Tabitha said as she unlocked her car to let us in,

"When's the little munchkin due?"

"How did you know I was pregnant? I was going to tell you tonight!"

"I have a sixth sense." Tabitha grinned as we entered the vehicle, and she started the car. "I saw you and your husband looking at cribs the other day."

Nova laughed, "Oh, well, we're due in April."

"I wish you both the best of luck with that little one!" Tabitha exclaimed as she backed out of the drive and towards the highway that would lead us to Savannah.

The rest of the car ride was spent listening to loud pop music, and the only words spoken were the lyrics coming from the speakers. I noticed that Tabitha and Nova seemed to get along well, and I wondered if this is the Tabitha Nova mentioned back when I lived in Missouri.

"So how long have you two known each other?" I asked as we exited the car after finding a place to park.

"Oh, for about a year. Alex and Tabitha moved in  just after we did." Nova explained, grinning, "And then I met my husband."

"Yeah," Tabitha laughed, "You were practically drooling when you saw him."

"Oh, I was not." She said, playfully hitting Tabitha's shoulder.

"Oh! So you're the famous Tabitha. How come you never showed me pictures?" I ask, following a step behind them.

Tabitha gasped, faining shock and disappointment, "You never showed her pictures of me? I have tons of my brother and I! We could have gotten them together already."

Nova gasped, "You're right! Why didn't I think of that?"

"Seriously? I don't need help with my love life!"

They both turned to me, grinning as they suddenly had an idea. An idea I knew I wouldn't like.

"No, whatever you both are thinking, the answer is no."

"Oh, come on, enlighten us!" Nova said as she locked arms with Tabitha and me, "It is a girl's day, and that calls for shopping!"

"I thought we were going to have a calm afternoon where we get our nails done." I paused to look at them both, "Or did you just say that to get me out of the house?" I took their grins as a definite yes and shook my head, "I told you I want to take things slow!"

"We're just going to stop by a few shops and buy you some new clothes," Tabitha explained.

"I'm pretty sure that my taste in clothes and your taste are two completely different things," I commented as we made our way to a small store that I assumed held woman's clothing.

I didn't realize it was a knock off of Victoria's Secret until we entered. Turning back around to leave, I was immediately stopped as Nova grabbed my arm. "Why did you pick this store!" I whispered in between gritted teeth.

"Just think of it as preparing for your wedding night," Nova said, pulling me towards a rack.

"No, you can put me in anything you want, but I am not giving up my ordinary everyday undergarments!" I exclaimed, rushing out of the shop and out into the humid air.

"Fine," they both said in unison as they pulled me towards another shop.

This one was larger and held rows of flowy dresses, skirts, and blouses. I watched as they immediately searched the racks as if this was something they were used to. I wouldn't put it passed them, they both seemed at home in a store.

"What about this one?" Nova inquired, pulling out a long pearl-colored gown with a plunging neckline.

"Um, I don't think so."

She shrugged, "It was worth a try. But I want to choose a sexy outfit for you. It doesn't have to be risky, but you should have an outfit for a special occasion."

"A special occasion? Like what?" I asked, fumbling through the rack of dresses.

I pulled out a long flowy gown off the rack and smiled. It was perfect! The cut covered my chest and would be perfect for an evening out gown.

"No way are you getting that! You have a million other dresses like it." Nova said, snatching the dress from my hand and setting it back on the rack.

"Hey! And you still haven't answered my question. What special occasion?"

"Can I help you find anything?" An employee asked as she came towards us. I was about to answer no when Tabitha responded for me.

"Yes, we would like to find something that is modest yet makes a girl desirable." I glared at her, entirely over the shopping trip. I can't believe they talked me into this!

"You two are buying me lunch." I said as we followed the employee towards another rack.

"Now, who are we shopping for today?"

Tabitha and Nova both pointed at me, and the attendant smiled, "Alright, I would say green is your color or purple since your hair isn't exactly ginger red." I watched as she searched through the racks before pulling out a dark purple gown. It was flowy, but the neckline was cut so it fell off my shoulders. The sleeves were cut short, and the dress looked as if it was made for me. "How about this?"

"It looks beautiful."

"Do you want to try it on?"

"Yes, she does!" Nova practically screened, snatching the dress from the attendant's outstretched hand and yelling a thank you as she pulled me towards the dressing room.

I sighed as she shoves me inside, handing the gown to me and shut the door. Why were they so Amin ant about finding me something to wear? Never-the-less, I stripped from my regular clothes and into the gorgeous green dress. I waited for a second and looked in the mirror, and it was in this moment where I truly felt that I understood Nova's want to dress up. I felt amazing!

Just for good measure, I ran out of the dressing room and screamed, "I love it!"


"Alright, let's pay!" Nova said, clasping her hands together.

"Um, shouldn't I change first?"

"No, you look perfect." Tabitha commented, "I made a reservation at the restaurant, so we should be heading over there."

"Um, okay," I said, grabbing my clothes off the floor. After we paid for the dress, we took the five-minute walk to the restaurant. When we made it inside, the classical found of a piano began to play, and I wondered what kind of restaurant Tabitha made reservations to.

"Can I use your restroom?" Nova asked the host, and he nodded. "Great, does anyone else need to go?"

"I do!" Tabitha replied, a little too excitedly.

"What are you?" Before I could finish, they escaped towards the back of the restaurant, leaving me alone.

"Elsie?" I turned around, recognizing his voice almost instantly. "What are you doing here?"

And then it hit me, the dress shopping, the strangely romantic restaurant, Tabitha and Nova just set us up on a date.

"Hi Alex, strange seeing you here," I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"You too, why are you here? You look beautiful, by the way."

"Thank you," I said, trying to stop my cheeks from burning. "I believe your sister and my sister teamed up to get us both here at this nice restaurant."

"Wow, that sounds like them. Tabitha tried to get me a girlfriend for a few months now. I think you're her newest candidate." Shaking my head, I sit down, weighing my options. "We don't have to go to lunch. We could take a walk around Savannah."

I look up at him, "I don't know."

"It's okay," He said, I noticed that the usual gleam in his eyes was gone. Maybe he thinks I don't want to go on a date with him again, or I don't like him.

"How about you drive me home, and we could play some board games?" He looked back at me, and the usual gleam was back again. I want to date how I see fit, and no one will be a matchmaker for me. I will decide if Alex and I are meant to be. I will try to get to know him even if I'm still afraid to get hurt.

"Sure, let's do it!"

And we walked together back to his car to play a simple game at home.


"So," I said as I plopped the stack of board games on the coffee table, "What do you want to play?"

Alex sat for a second, weighing his options before responding, "What about Monopoly?"

"Alright." Grabbing the game from the stack, I set it aside and move the stack out of the way. We set the game up, and Alex plays as the banker. After a few rounds, I suddenly regret not going to lunch.

Standing, I ask Alex if he would like something to eat, and he agrees. Padding over to the kitchen, I open the refrigerator and take out lunch meat, cheese, tomatoes, mayo, and mustard and set them on the counter. I was about to go and grab the bread when Alex came over with the loaf.


We stood in silence, making our sandwiches when my phone rang. Checking the screen, J saw that Nova was calling me, pressing the answer key I press the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Where are you? Why aren't you at the restaurant?"

"I'm at home eating a sandwich and playing board games with Alex." I said, putting her on speaker, "Are you serious? You both are hopeless, we set up a perfect date, and you decided to  leave and play board games!"

"Yep!" Alex and I said in unison.

"Well, I guess Tabitha and I will be having seafood!"

"Okay, have fun!" I said, hanging up on her. "She was trying, wasn't she?"

"Yeah, she was." He said, taking a bite of his sandwich. After lunch, we decided maybe a game of Monopoly would take too long, so we decided on a movie instead. Alex scanned through my online library while I popped the popcorn. "Oh, what about A League of Their Own?"

"Sure." I replied, grabbing the popcorn bag after the timer went off and emptying the contents in a bowl.

Setting the bowl on the coffee table next to the games, I plop down next to Alex as he hits play. As the movie began to play, I didn't notice that he had started to reach down to my lap until his hand started to clasp my own. And as our fingers interlocked, I felt the sheer sense of joy and confirmation: Alex liked me back.