
I watched as Tabitha raced down the Halloween aisle, picking up several gravestones, fake spider webbing, and various strobe lights. Alex and I had yet to decide what we would be dressing up as, but I suppose now was a great a time as any.

"We definitely need these!" Tabitha exclaimed, placing a bag of fake spiders into the cart, "Why don't you two go look at the costumes while I grab the rest of the decorations." She suggested, turning towards us for a brief moment before going back to shopping. II followed Alex to another aisle that held costumes and face paint.

"We could be zombies." I suggested picking up a face painting container. "Or clowns, look, masks!"

He shook his head, "I think that one's too scary for little kids."

"Fine," I sighed, making my way away from the relatively 'scary' costumes, "You are hopeless, you know that?"

He grinned and handed me a tiara, "You could be a princess. That's not scary."

"So I can have an animal sidekick and sing every five seconds?" I asked, setting the tiara back down. "If I dress up as a princess, you're dressing up as something relatively scary."

"Okay, deal."

"You have to shake on it; otherwise, you're breaking your promise. His eyes twinkled as I offered my hand for a handshake, but instead, he leaned in for a quick peck on the cheek.

"Alright love birds, have you decided on a costume yet?"

"Yes," I said, playfully poking Alex on the cheek, "I'm going as a princess so that Alex would dress up in something scary."

"A princess?" Tabitha said, placing a hand on her hip, "You can't be serious."

"Hey, don't look at me." I protested, grabbing some face paint and fake blood and setting it in the cart along with a tiara, "Your brother decided children shouldn't be scared in a haunted house."

"That's the point!" Tabitha sighed, "Oh, well, let's pay, and get this over with."

By the time we paid and got everything in the car, it was nearly five. Alex and I still needed to make a list of what we were bringing to his mother's house for Thanksgiving.

"Hey Alex?" I asked as we made our way back to my house for dinner.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking over at me with an eyebrow furrowed.

"I was wondering if you might want to move in with me. I mean, we practically live together, so why not make it official."

"Really?" I watched as his smile grew brighter, and I wondered if he was going to ask me to move in with him. "You want me to move in with you?"

"Yes, I do. But this is a big step, and I don't want you to make the decision lightly." I said in a serious tone – or as much seriousness as I could muster.

"Of course, but I've been wanting to ask you if you wanted to move in, but thought you didn't want to." He confessed, his knee bobbing up and down. "When can I move in?"

"I'm free next Thursday. I could help you move your stuff."

"It won't be that hard," He teased, "Because someone keeps stealing my T-shirts."

"They're comfortable! Maybe you shouldn't buy so many comfy clothing, and I wouldn't steal them." I protest, sticking my tongue out at him as we made our way up the porch steps.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked, shutting the door after me as I made it into the kitchen.

"There's leftover lasagne in the fridge." I reply, grabbing plates and silverware from the cabinet.

"Where did you put it?" Alex asked as he opened the fridge.

"It's on the second shelf on the right." I reply, setting the plates down.

"Where? Oh, I found it." I watched as he set the pan down and dished out a serving for both of us.

After dinner, Alex decided we needed to go on an adventure. It was starting to get dark outside, and I wasn't too sure what this adventure entailed. But to appease him, I put on my swimsuit and a lightweight camisole.

"Where are we going?" I asked for the third time since we left the house.

"I told you, It's a surprise."

"I hate surprises. Are we going swimming? Are we going to the beach?" I paused for good measure, "Are you going to murder me and then bury me in the sand?"

"No, now that's just morbid."

"Well!" I exclaimed, teasingly, "You won't tell me where we're going." And then I hear the familiar lull of the sea and smile. "We're going to the beach!"

Alex chuckled at my realization and took off running towards the sea. "Hey! Alex, be careful." I pleaded as I followed after him. I instantly regretted it when he grabbed me from behind and lifted me out of the water. "Alex! Stop fooling around! It's dark outside, and one of us could easily get hurt!"

"You're right," I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was anything but sorry, "It was fun, though."

Shaking my head at him, he sat me down, and we continued to walk peacefully down the beach.


A week went by faster than I anticipated, and it was finally the week of Halloween. Alex had moved in a few days ago and it was a little different, but it was a good different. I watched as Alex poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Good morning." I chirped, wrapping my arms around Alex as I laid my head on his back.

"Good morning. Are you wearing my shirt?"

"Maybe," I giggled, letting him go to walk towards the coffee pot in search of some tea, "Did you make hot water?"

"I made it already." He replied, taking a sip from his coffee mug. "It's in the microwave."

"Awe, you didn't have to do that. Thank you!"

"You're welcome." He grinned, handing me my cup of hot tea with sugar and milk just the way I liked it.

"You're too sweet. You know that?"

"And you're too stubborn." He grinned, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Hey!" I paused, thinking it over, "Yeah, that's true."

"When does Tabitha want us over there to help decorate?" Alex asked as I sat across from him at the bar.

"I think she said eleven? She wants us to bring over our costumes so we can change at the house."

"Ah, okay." He paused, "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Waffles sound amazing."

"He turned to me, eyes gleaming, "Waffles it is then."


Tabitha had just finished placing the fake blood on Alex's cheek when the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of children wanting their yearly dose of sugar. No doubt their parents will regret letting them go trick – or – treating in the days to come. Grinning from ear – to – ear, I grabbed the candy bowl and opened the door to greet the trick – or – treaters. Three children stood before me, dressed as fairy-tale creatures, one a knight, the other a dragon, and a princess.

"Trick or treat!"

"Well, aren't you three adorable!" I paused, handing them each a piece of candy.

"Yeah," The knight agreed. "Our mamma made them."

"Did she? Well, you tell her she did a great job on your costumes." I beamed, waving them bye as two teenagers came up.

"Trick or treat."

"Do you guys want candy, or do you want to go through our haunted house?" I asked, looking over their costumes from recent horror films.

"It's a haunted house!" The girl beamed, "Can we go, Luke, please?"

The boy sighed but nodded, and the two walked past me and into the haunted house. A few minutes passed, and they were both screaming and running towards the exit just as the doorbell rang. After a few hours of handing out candy, I was beginning to get tired.

"Hey, I think I should be heading home." I said after the last couple left.

"What!" Tabitha exclaimed, "But it's just getting good."

"I know, but I have work tomorrow." I said, "And remember, you have to have your lights off by ten."

"Oh alright," She said, turning to Alex, "You aren't leaving me either, are you?"

"I- Well, I am kinda tired." Alex replied, scratching the back of his neck.

She sighed, "Fine, you can go. Have a good night!"

"Good night!" I called, grabbing Alex's hand and walking across the street towards our home. Our home. I never thought I would ever think to be where I am. I guess fate has a way of doing that.

After a quick shower and changing into a comfy t-shirt and pajama shorts, I crawled into bed as Alex got into the shower after me. My moment of silence was broken when Alex's voice fell through the bathroom door. I couldn't believe it, and when the shower turned off, and Alex came out humming, I wasn't sure how to react.

"Where did you learn to sing like that?"

"You heard me?" He asked as he got dressed.

"Yes, you were really good." I replied, snuggling deeper into the covers. "Did you want to make a career from your singing?"

"No." He stated firmly, crawling into bed next to me, "If I did get a career in singing, I would need to be on the road a lot. Away from my family, wife, and children, and I didn't want them to go through that.

"So, you chose to be a vet?" I asked yawning.

"Yeah, and I met the kindest and thoughtful woman because if it."

I gushed, half asleep, "Thank you. You're so mushy when you're sleepy. But I love that about you."

"Goodnight, Elsie." He said as I snuggled closer to him.

"Goodnight," I whispered as my mind drifted off into a peaceful sleep.