Chapter 26 Kakashi With Stupid Face!

Hiro move through death, and the sound of the wind passed through his ears, Hiro's eyes condensed, looking for new competitor.

Combining flicker body jutsu with other ninjutsu, attacking some competitors here and there, let Hiro harvest several scrolls of heaven and earth. Of course, Hiro's Chakra consumes a lot, but this is not a problem at all. Don't forget, Hiro has elementary sage body, and Chakra will recovers quickly. In addition, he has the chakra pills from the bronze treasure chest, which can replenish Chakra.

Therefore, Hiro didn't worry about the consumption of Chakra at all. When he encountered his opponent's ninjutsu plus Shuriken, the scroll of heaven and earth was is to get.

Hiro glanced at what he got until now, there was twelve scrolls in his hand.

"Very good, but it seems I haven't meet the teams of Kakashi, Terumi, and Shisui..." Hiro secretly said.

Hiro searched for other competitors. Of course, this scene has always been in the eyes of the examiner Uchiha Tenmu who is monitoring the death forest, and not only Uchiha Tenmu, but Nara Shikuhisa is also among them.

In the specially prepared observation room, there are several perceiving ninjas who are showing images of the dead forest through special ninjutsu.

Nara Shikuhisa and Uchiha Tenmu were sitting in the observation room. At this time, they noticed Hiro's actions, and their eyes showed approval.

Nara Shikuhisa smiled: "This Hiro is indeed a talent even Hokage-sama can make pay attention. The strength is even more higher than chunin level. It is really unimaginable, at such young age..."

Uchiha Tenmu nodded: "It is true, no wonder Tsunade-sama accepted him as a disciple."

Both of them admired Hiro at this moment, Nara Shikuhisa said: "But this time he did something a little bit out of the ordinary, he actually grabbed so many people's scrolls, there has not been such a thing in the previous Death Forest assessment."

Uchiha Tenmu agreed, and suddenly he exclaimed, "What is Hiro going to do?"

"En?" Nara Shikuhisa was also startled, only to see Hiro on the screen just hitting Kakashi's group!


In the dead forest.

The wind gusts, blowing on his face.

Hiro finally met the Kakashi trio team.

Kakashi, Rin, and Obito were extremely alert at first, but they were relieved when they saw Hiro coming.

Obito even sighed and said: "oh? It turned out to be Hiro. I thought someone come came to snatch our scroll."

Rin also greeted Hiro with a smile, and waved her hand: "Hello Hiro."

Kakashi snorted, still coldly, but his expression was much more relaxed.

"Hiro did you snatch any scroll? You are more strong than us, it must be easy to you." Rin said softly while looking at Hiro.

"It's okay, I just grabbed a dozen scrolls." Hiro shrugged.

"A dozen?!" Kakashi, Obito, and Rin couldn't help but exclaimed, they were extremely surprised.

Hiro nodded and showed the scrolls one by one. The three were convinced that Hiro had robbed more than a dozen scrolls.

There are only 20 scrolls in total, and Hiro snatched so many?

"What do you want to do now?" Obito murmured.

Hiro said faintly: "Taking everyone's scrolls so that they can't pass through the death forest, I will win."

"Could it be that you..." Kakashi's expression changed, thinking of a certain possibility.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I also want to grab your scrolls." As soon as Hiro's voice fell, he raised one hand in front of him, and the other hand raised high to do hand seal .

Water Style: Hidden Mist Jutsu!

The thick fog lingers and emits, the dense fog is around Hiro, shrouded within a radius of tens of meters, and the fog is thick and interferes with the line of sight.

"Be careful, Hiro, this guy really wants to snatch our scroll!" Obito also reacted and hurriedly shouted. Obito wanted to protect Rin. In his heart, Rin is always come first.

Kakashi looked confused, Rin was at a loss. Hiro actually want to snatch their scroll, Rin was stunned for a while.

In the dense fog, the sight of the three of Kakashi, Obito, and Rin was blocked. But Hiro didn't open his Sharingan yet.

Hiro was in dense fog, and was not afraid of being discovered by the examiners. Hiro moved his body and used ninjutsu.

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Hiro's figure turned into multiple shadow clones, attacking Kakashi, Rin, and Obito respectively. Both Rin and Obito were blocked by the shadow clone, but Kakashi's strength was higher after all, so he quickly defeated Hiro's shadow clone.

"Not bad, Kakashi." Hiro smiled lightly: "But I didn't come to compete with you, I just want the scroll. I guess where the scroll should be with, it should be Rin's, Right."

Kakashi, Obito, and Rin were stunned at the same time, how did Hiro know? The scroll is indeed on Rin's body!

Hiro got it right! He knew that Kakashi and Obito had always been at odds, whether it was on Obito or Kakashi's body, the two of them would definitely not agree. The best choice is to give it to Rin. so Obito and Kakashi will protect Rin.

Originally this was indeed a normal strategy, but now in the thick fog, Kakashi and Obito can barely protect themselves, so giving to Rin has become the biggest flaw.

Flicker Body!

Hiro's figure flickered, and in a blink of an eye, he came to Rin's side, Kakashi's pupils shrank. This was clearly Chishui's flicker body jutsu one of Water Ghost Brothers. How did Hiro get it?

Before Kakashi and Obito could react, Hiro quickly cut off the ninja bag from Rin's body with Kuni, and opened it, and the scroll of the earth was in it.

"It's done!" Hiro smiled lightly and said to Kakashi: "Thank you for your scroll, goodbye!"

"Damn it!" Hiro yelled and hammered the ground violently.

Rin looked at Hiro's back with a complicated expression.

Kakashi was just stunned, so they lost? Was it eliminated in second chunin exam?

Hiro suddenly act on them, Kakashi and others had no time to react, and the Scroll of Earth was taken away

On the spot, Kakashi stood foolishly...