Chapter 28 Hiro vs Terumi!

Hiro was close to Terumi, but he wasn't too close, otherwise Terumi would detect his hiding spot. He wouldn't underestimate Terumi, after all, she is the future fifth Kage of hidden mist.

The three-person team of Terumi is of course leaded by Terumi. From a distance, the voice of talking could be heard, and Terumi Ming's clear and sweet voice came in a blur.

"Huh, I didn't think Konoha has another genius ninja besides Hiro, he seems to be from Uchiha family, the examination becoming more interesting." Terumi Mei murmured.

Hiro was surprised, from Uchiha family? It seems that Terumi really ran into Uchiha Shisui!

"That's true, but luckily, Terumi, you are even more powerful. You defeated him with the bloodline limit, hey." One of her teammates said.

Terumi wasn't proud and said: "You guys have done a lot, and although the he was powerful, he hasn't opened his Sharingan yet, otherwise that would be trouble, maybe I wouldn't be able to defeat him."

At this time, Shisui was only seven years old. Although his strength was strong, his Sharingan had not opened yet. After all, even Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes at the age of seven.

Hiro secretly said in his heart. As expected, Terumi defeated Shisui with the help of her companions, they are strong enough to snatch Shisui's scroll.

"I just don't know where Hiro is, I really want to compete with him!" Terumi hummed.

Hiro quietly approached Terumi, so his movement detected, when she saw Hiro she immediately became alert: "Someone!"

Immediately, two of her teammates guarded her from left to right. Terumi's teammates were also good and equally high-quality ninjas.

Hiro was discovered, so he didn't hide it at all: "Terumi, you are very vigilant."

"Sure enough, it's you!" Terumi looked towards Hiro, and when she saw Hiro was alone, her heart was determined: "Hiro, you are determined to lose."

"Really?" Hiro shrugged, his expression indifferent.

"let's do it!"

Terumi made decision immediately, her two companions also released ninjutsu at the same time, and what they released was the "Hidden Mist Jutsu" which Hiro was familiar with.

The dense fog spread, Hiro suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. Before, he used this jutsu against Kakashi, but now it was used by Terumi and others on him.

But in the dense fog, Hiro combat effectiveness was even stronger! Because of the thick fog, Hiro could use Sharingan with ease and without being discovered.

Hiro used Sharingan.

Two blood-red tomoe appeared, and Hiro made a decision, first solve the two guys beside Terumi. Solve the weak first, and then focus on Terumi! ~

Thinking of this, Hiro made his move first.

"Chidori Flow!" In an instant, Hiro's body radiated with thunder and lightning, allowing the Chidori to cover his whole body. This is also one of the morphological changes of Chidori, a jutsu derived from Chidori. In the original work, Sasuke often used this ninjutsu.

There are two types of Chidori flow. The first is to cover the whole body with Chidori, forming an alternative absolute defense, and paralyzing the enemies when they come into contact with it, causing damage.

The second is to drive the Chidori underground, conduct electricity, flow to and attack the opponent.

It can be said that Chidori is the real ninjutsu with both offensive and defensive, very convenient, and powerful. This is also the reason why Hiro developed Chidori.

As soon as Chidori flow appeared, the dense lightning spread out. Hiro also prepared a knife before the exam begin, he conduct Chidori through the knife, the Chidori's attack range became wider.

"This Jutsu... be careful!" Terumi was surprised, a bad premonition appeared in her heart, and quickly reminded her friends around her.

But when Terumi reminded them it was too late.

Hiro used the first type of Chidori Current. The dense thunder and lightning of Chidori almost formed a grid, pervasive, causing Terumi's two companions to be stricken by the current and paralyzed.

"It's not good, can't move, we can't move..." The faces of the two of them showed fear. What kind of ninjutsu is this, is it a special thunder jutsu?

Hiro used Chidori as soon as he attacked them. The strength was so impressive that the two of them were paralyzed by Hiro. Terumi immediately used ninjutsu: " Lava Style: Dissolving Jutsu!"

Lava Release Terumi's bloodline limit! One of her bloodline limits

Terumi Ming has two kinds of bloodline limits, one is Boil Release, the other is Lava Release, so her talent is also top-notch. In addition, the Dissolving Jutsu of Terumi in the original book can corrode even Sasuke's Susanoo, and it is extremely powerful. Of course, the current little loli Terumi isn't that powerful now.

When he saw Terumi lightly opening her mouth, and whens he vomited, the corrosive water sprayed out, spreading towards Hiro.

Hiro move away immediately in a flash.

"It's actually flicker body jutsu!" Terumi's beautiful big eyes blinked slightly, slightly surprised.

Hiro evaded the attack and achieved his goal. Both of Terumi's companions were temporarily paralyzed by Hiro, unable to move for a while.

The battle between Hiro and Terumi began now, and at this time, due to the hidden mist jutsu, Shikuhisa and Tenmu couldn't see what happening inside. They only saw the flash of thunder and guessed that it was Hiro's Ninjutsu.

"What a strong thunder jutsu, this seems to be released from Hiro, it is really surprising that Hiro's actually can release such a strong thunder jutsu..." Tenmu sighed.

Shikuhisa nodded: "Hiro has never used this ninjutsu in pervious battles before, and it was only used when he meet with Terumi team. I didn't expect him to hide his strength."

Shikuhisa was really surprised at this time, this kid will surely has his name in Ninja World in the future. Oh, the exam almost finished, I'm afraid that after this chunin exam, many people will know his name.

What Hiro did this time was indeed an amazing move!

In the thick fog, Hiro and Terumi finally officially confronted each other!


sorry guys for not updating 2 chapters yesterday, i was working.

so today there will be 3 chapters