Chapter 40 Join the Anbu?

"You come with me." Third Hokage said to Hiro.

Hiro did not hesitate, and followed him into the Hokage office. Third Hokage asked Hiro to sit down. Then he said: "Hiro, I also see your strength improvement during this time. now, the current you do already have the power more than normal ninjas."

"I'm overwhelmed." Hiro replied unsatisfactorily.

Third Hokage smiled and said, "In that case, I want to invite you to join Anbu."

Join the Anbu?

Hiro was surprised, and his eyes suddenly became slightly brighter.

In fact, Hiro hadn't thought about joining Anbu. It is a good choice to join Anbu now, because Anbu has a special identity in Konoha and is easy to act on.

In Konoha, Anbu is divided into two types. One is the member of the root, which belongs to Danzo. Danzo has great power over the roots, just like the original Yamato and Sai in the original work.

The other is the Anbu directly under Hokage. For example, Kakashi, Yūgao Uzuki and others in the original work belong to this type.

There is no doubt that Third Hokage wants Hiro to join the Anbu directly under Hokage.

Hearing Hokage's words, Hiro didn't hesitate too much and was ready to agree. After all, Anbu's identity was also a good disguise for Hiro.

Third Hokage thought that Hiro was hesitant, and explained: "If you join Anbu, then you can participate in Anbu missions, and you can naturally go to the battlefield..."

The Anbu is performing some more dangerous tasks, and it is normal to appear on the battlefield. Hiro is very clear about this.

"En." hiro muttered, of course he knew this.

"Speaking of which, Danzo even found me a while ago and said that he wanted you to join the 'root' in the Anbu. I directly refused. For this reason, he also had a fight with me." Third Hokage drew again. A mouthful of smoke, puffing out the clouds.

Hiro was slightly startled, it turned out that Danzo had specifically found Third Hokage, and wanted to let Hiro join the 'root'!

It seems that Danzo has also noticed himself?

"Hiro, you are Konoha's most outstanding genius. I value you very much. I hope you will join Hokage's direct Anbu instead of root." Sarutobi cut.

Third Hokage also made it clear that he was recruiting him, and at the same time he made a request, hoping Hiro would not join the roots.

Hiro knew that Third Hokage, looked amiable, but in fact his hand was dark.

If he doesn't have a dark hand, how could it be possible for Hokage to stand still for so many years? how could Third Hokage be holding Danzo for so many years?

No matter what tactics Danzo used, he never snatched Hokage's position from his hand, which shows the power of Third Hokage and his means.

Hiro said faintly: "Okay, thanks Hokage Sama, I will join Anbu."

Hiro's words made Third Hokage extremely satisfied, and smiled and said: "Okay, then you will report to Anbu tomorrow, and I will notify the people of Anbu to meet you specifically. The current captain of Anbu is Minato. Jiraiya's student."

Minato? he is the captain of Anbu?

Hiro was a little surprised, but with strength of Minato it won't be surprising if he is Anbu captain. And Minato is Jiraiya's student, and he is considered one of the most trustworthy people of Third Hokage, so he is very suitable as the captain of Anbu.

"I know."


Saying goodbye to Third Hokage, Hiro went down from the Hokage Building, he saw that Kakashi and others had not left.

Hiro heard a voice of dissatisfaction from a distance: "Huh, what? I didn't let us go to the battlefield. I am from the Uchiha clan anyway. When I become Hokage, huh..."

Noticing the sight of Rin, he seemed to be more proud in front of her, he was talking endlessly.

Kurenai saw Hiro coming down, and said: "Hiro, what did Hokage-sama tell you?"

Kurenai and others were very puzzled, she was also concerned about Hire so couldn't help but asking.

Hiro smiled and said, "He asked me to join Anbu, and I agreed."

When everyone heard it, they were all taken aback.

Join the Anbu?

What is rhythm?

Suddenly Obito, Rin, Guy and even Kakashi's faces were full of surprises. Looking at Hiro in awe, they didn't expect Hiro to join the Anbu ! In the hearts of these people, Anbu is a symbol of incomparable respect, and there are very few ninjas who can join Anbu, and they are all elites.

Looking at the envious eyes of Obito, Kakashi, Guy and others, Hiro felt very happy. After all, Obito and others are important roles in the Ninja world in the future. At this time, they are so envious, Hiro can feels their envious.

"Let's go, I will go back first, tomorrow I will report to Anbu." Hiro said.

Hiro couldn't wait, firstly he will go to the Anbu to report, and then found a chance to go to the battlefield!


the next day.

Hiro set off and went to the Anbu Base.

The base of Anbu is in underground in an old building in the back mountain of Konoha Village. Follow the building and enter the secret road, and you can see the tunnel that extends in all directions like a spider web. As soon as Hiro entered the tunnel, he immediately saw two anbus with animal masks. The masked person appeared in front of Hiro.

These two were obviously members of Anbu, and they boy used flicker body jutsu.

"Hiro?" One of the Anbu members was slightly taller, and then took off the mask. The face of a man in his 30s appeared in Hiro's eyes. Hiro was surprised. How did this person look familiar... …

The man had red eyes and black hair, and he was looking at Hiro with a scrutinizing gaze.

"It's me." Hiro replied.

"Well, I often hear my girl mention you, she admires you very much." The man smiled.

Hiro was taken aback, he finally knew why the man in front of him was so familiar, he is Kurenai's father, Shinku Yūhi!

He jounin ninja, who is proficient in illusion, is extremely powerful and should not be underestimated.