Chapter 59 Fighting with Ebizo

Ebizo completed his hand seals and shouted : "Wind Style: Vacuum Great Sphere!"

This ninjutsu injects Chakra into the wind to form a vacuum air current, which envelops the enemy in an indiscriminate knife-cutting attack for a long time. Where the wind blows, there will be sand, which is used to cut the enemies. It can also create a vacuum effect, so that fire style, sound, bombs and other ninjutsu are all ineffective.

In a vacuum state, flames cannot burn, so this is why Ebizo use this wind style ninjutsu.

In this way, he won't be afraid Hiro's Fire Style!

Ebizo is a high-level ninja with a very strong awareness, because he was fully aware of Hiro's terrible strength, he didn't dare to be careless.

The violent wind destroyed a large area, almost completely covering the location of Hiro, Hiro yelled: "Mokuton: Domed Wall Jutsu!"

After he completed the hand seals, row of wooden pillars appeared in front of his body. The wood bends to form an arch, firmly protecting Hiro's whole body, so he won't be harmed. Mokuton power is extremely strong.

Hiro's body was behind wooden wall, his expression was calm. Despite the constant wind and sand outside, the wind was raging like a tornado, but he didn't effect by it at all.

In this situation, Ebizo naturally saw his attack was blocked. He could only curse: "Damn it, why this kid is so difficult to deal with."

Ebizo turned to look at the fight on the other side, he saw Tsunade and Chiyo. Tsunade was using her Chakra Enhanced Strength combined with Reserve Seal caused her every punch and kick to cause explosions and ground cracks within a range of tens of meters. Their fight attracted most of the sand hidden ninjas attention.

Hiro also looked at them.

He knows very well, Tsunade was helping him by attracting the attention of sand ninjas so he could kill Ebizo!

Hiro was moved in, so he tried his best.

For Hiro it is relatively easy to defeat a weak kage-level ninja, but it is extremely difficult to kill a one, so Hiro had to do his best.

Hiro uses Mokuton, while Ebizo uses Wind Style.

The two of them were fighting together in a frantic manner, they were using all their secret moves.

"Controlling Jutsu" "!"

Ebizo shouted in a low voice, he slightly shocked his arm, the Chakra line was shoot out, the Chakra line directly linked to several sand hidden ninjas, making this Several sand hidden ninjas fought under the control of the Chakra Line.

Ebizo actually didn't use puppets, but directly manipulates living people to fight!

Hiro was slightly surprised. This is a puppet forbidden ninjutsu for manipulating living people. In the original work, Chiyo had manipulated Sakura in this way.

"Mokuton: Tree Bind Eternal Burial!"

Hiro's hand seal speed was very fast, countless vines emerging from Ebizo's behind , the number of these vines is staggering , It was almost like Gaara's " Giant Sand Burial", and directly buried two sand hidden ninjas. The sand hidden ninjas were buried among the trees and vines before they even screamed.

Seeing this scene, Ebizo was shocked and angry, but calmed down and continued to manipulating sand hidden ninja to fight Hiro. Ebizo's move was useless against Hiro , Hiro had a sage body, the amount of Chakra he has is very huge. Ebizo is in the twilight years, the chakra volume and physical combat effectiveness have declined, he can only rely on manipulating the sand hidden ninja to fight and save his chakra.

Ebizo's eyes flickered, implied murderous intent, and he was clearly planning something.

If the battle between Tsunade and Chiyo was shocking and powerful. Then the battle between Hiro and Ebizo was murderous and extremely dangerous.

Ebizo is very cautious. He won't go forward to fight whiteout holding back like Chiyo, but he is thoughtful. Hiro even deliberately let some flaws, but he was not fooled.

Hiro knew this old fox must be planning to do something, it seemed he should end this battle as soon as possible.

Ebizo has always saved his Chakra while fighting Hiro.

"Mokuton: Cutting Sprigs Jutsu!"

Hiro said in low voice, a branch grow from his hand, and directly pierced toward Ebizo.

Ebizo subconsciously reached out his hand to resist, a shield appeared in Ebizo's hand. It was a "Machine Light Shield Seal" formed by Chakra, using the mechanism puppet as a medium to use his chakra Transform into a shield that defends everything.

Ebizo transforms his hand into a puppet's hand, so he can use this ninjutsu.

The machine light shield defend against the branches, but Hiro's face was smiling.

The branch stabbed the machine light shield, but it did not stop, but continued to branch and grow! With a few rustling sounds, the branch actually penetrated the Chakra shield and pierced Ebizo's puppet arm!

One of Ebizo's hand was abolished by Mokuton!

Ebizo didn't expect this. He looked at this scene with shock, not believing what just happened, he didn't expect Hiro has such jutsu.

".~ Damn it." Ebizo's expression changed, he was aware of the danger. His arm was scrapped and his body was also under a huge load.

Ebizo's face was gloomy, and only one hand moved: "Red Secret Skill: Three Puppets!"

Ebizo realized his situation wasn't good, and finally stopped hiding his secrets and used the puppet secret skills. three puppets appeared in front of Hiro. These three puppets are all shaped like wild beasts and they are large.

The three puppets locked against Hiro, forming a triangular formation.

A fierce light flashed in Ebizo's eyes, and shouted: "Red Secret Skill, puppet big explosion!"

when Hiro head him, his expression slightly changed, suddenly three puppets exploded directly!