Chapter 64 Killing Ebizo

Chiyo's ten puppets have different roles, among them the bull-head-shaped puppets, they are melee puppets and usually stand beside the puppet master to protect the puppet master from harm.

When Hiro attacked, Chiyo let the bullhead puppet stand by Ebizo's side to protect him!

Ebizo with just one hand, had no power to resist Hiro's attack, just Hiro's blow was about hitting him, but Chiyo's quick response blocked Hiro's attack and saved Ebizo's life, so Hiro's Chidori Sharpe Spear could only pierce bullhead puppet, the bullhead puppet was hit by the Chidori Sharp Spear. Although it blocked Hiro's attack it took damage, a big hole appeared on its body.

Ebizo's life was saved but his face was filled with fear

Ebizo was shocked and terrified. He didn't expect Hiro would fake his death, and also he seemed to be unscathed by his puppet explosion!

How this possible?

Ebizo knew the power of his puppet explosion, how could Hiro survive from it? And above that he was unscathed?

All kinds of thoughts popped up in Ebizo's mind for a while, he was deeply shocked by Hiro's plan.

Hiro didn't say a single word and immediately shot again.

"Quick retreat, all retreat!" Chiyo couldn't believe what was happening, the sand ninja was frightened when then saw Hiro just like sheep seeing a wolf, they immediately retreat the moment they saw Hiro.

Konoha's ninjas were also shocked but they were refreshed, attacked, and inspired. It turned out that Hiro was not dead at all! The ninjas in Konoha were all happy and overjoyed.

In a short time, Hiro has become the backbone of these Konoha ninjas.

As soon as Hiro appeared, the battle was turned to Konoha's advantage!

Chiyo and Ebizo started retreating hurriedly, leaving the bodies of several sand hidden ninjas behind. Hiro won't let this opportunity so he start pursuing them again.

"Hiro!" Seeing Hiro's sneak attack was blocked by Chiyo, but Hiro went to chase Chiyo and Ebizo, she was feeling very anxious. After all, it was too dangerous for Hiro to chase them by himself.

However, Hiro turned a deaf ear to her. He had only one thought at this time, killing Ebizo!

If you have grudges, you must retaliate. This is the nature of life!

What's more, it is a good opportunity, if he let Ebizo go, there won't be another opportunity. Thinking of this, Hiro did not hesitate at all.

Tsunade groaned for a bit, one step behind, she was worried about Hiro's safety, she chased him out.

Hiro's speed was extremely fast, and it didn't take long for him to catch up with Chiyo, Ebizo, and other sand ninjas, Hiro saw the sand hidden ninja running in front of him.

Chiyo and Ebizo discovered Hiro's pursuit. Ebizo frowned. He didn't expect Hiro would chase them alone.

"Damn it, this kid, I..." Seeing Hiro was alone, Ebizo was no longer afraid of him.

Hiro made a hand seal while chasing them " Fire Style: Dragon Flame Jutsu!"

Ebizo saw the flames rushing like a giant dragon, rising and burning with raging flames, roaring fiercely, he quickly avoids it, Ebizo gritted his teeth and said to Chiyo and others "damn it, we can only fight against him!"

Hiro said nothing, but his hand seal explained everything. Hiro continued to release ninjutsu, and Ebizo finally stopped running, Ebizo was completely pissed off, Hiro chased them alone, he turned around to deal with Hiro.

"Die to me!" Ebizo yelled, " Wind Style: Thousand Stinging Needles of Death!"

This technique is used to create puppets through channeling. Several puppets simultaneously release extremely strong wind escapes and are accompanied by poisonous needles. It is one of Ebizo's ultimate moves, which consumes too much chakras. Ebizo is relatively old, and his Chakra is weaker than Hiro's, so he has always kept his strong moves which consumes too much chakra, he didn't dare use it.

Ebizo has been completely enraged by Hiro, so he used one of his strongest ninjutsu, he didn't care anymore, he just wants to kill Hiro.

Hiro's eyes start changing.

His eyes color become bloody red, with strange and evil charm. In the blood-colored eyes, three tomoes appeared in his red bloody red pupil, they are constantly spinning.


Hiro's used Genjutsu directly: "Genjutsu: Shackles of Darkness!"

Hiro was forced to use Sharingan, to kill Ebizo quickly, because Chiyo will come to support Ebizo in a while. Hiro couldn't waste much time, so he directly used the Sharingan.

This is also one of Hiro's trump cards, he has never shown on the battlefield before.

Hiro has been studying Sharingan's genjutsu, Shackles of Darkness genjutsu is one of his genjutsus. Combined with Sharingan, it becomes extremely powerful genjutsu.

In an instant, Ebizo falls into Hiro's genjutsu.

Ebizo felt a dark and cold space encompassed him, and there were countless iron chains locked in his body, he couldn't move his body, he couldn't even use his chakra.

"genjutsu?" There was only one thought in Ebizo's mind, there was boundless fear in his heart, he was vaguely aware of something.

In the next second, death came.

"Chidori sharp spear!"

Hiro's Tiger Fang stabbed, lightning burst out, Chidori Sharp Spear stabbed out.

Chidori Sharp Spear can be said to be the fastest ninjutsu Hiro can do right now. Ebizo was affected by Hiro's genjutsu, Hiro knows with Ebizo's strength, his genjutsu would affect Ebizo only for a few seconds at most.

But, many things can be done in these few seconds.

Ebizo had never expected Hiro was able to make such strong genjutsu, so he didn't have time to defend himself from Hiro's genjutsu.

Thunderlight penetrated Ebizo's heart.

Ebizo's eyes widened, his body slowly fell, his mouth opened slightly, and he uttered a few words arduously: "Shari...gan..."

Before he could finish speaking, he fell to the ground and died.

He died with a horrified and unbelievable look on his face.

Ebizo of Sand Village, die!