Chapter 69 His Fighting Style!

Hiro is very confident in his strength.

After all, with the continuous growth of his strength and his high talent, so his future potential is no less the Hashirama or Madara, so he doesn't need to worry about Chiyo at all.

As time goes by, the gap between him and Chiyo will only get bigger and bigger.

In the following time, Hiro was pulled by Tsunade to drink.

However, both of them knew this was a battlefield so they couldn't relax so much, after a few drinks. two blushes appeared on Tsunade's cheeks, making her even more beautiful.

Hiro found out Tsunade would blush easily after drinking. Although he was not drunk, his face was also slightly red. The attractive appearance made Hiro's face filled with smile, he could feel Tsunade was completely different than usual.

Perceiving Hiro's gaze is always looking on her, Tsunade's mind has changed into a different kind, her thoughts became hazy.

Tsunade is blushing, a special emotion lingered in their hearts.

Tsunade's blushing posture was very beautiful, filling Hiro's heart and soul, making his heart to have some weird ideas. Hiro believes after passing through this battle with Tsunade, a crucial step has been taken between the two. If it was said that Tsunade's affection for Hiro was only the affection between teacher and student, then now it has quietly changed.

It is said that women's hearts are needles in the sea bottom, Hiro keenly perceives the changes in Tsunade's mind.

It's hard to take the first step. Everything is difficult at the beginning. Since Tsunade and Hiro have taken the first step, Hiro is very sure about the rest.

Thinking of Tsunade's extremely amazing figure, Hiro couldn't help but glance again, his small actions were noticed by Tsunade, Tsunade seemed smiling at him.

This bad boy! Tsunade felt a little angry.

Hiro changed the topic at the right time: "Teacher, why don't we train with each other? I want to get familiar with my new ninjutsus~"

"En?" Tsunade was very puzzled, wondering why Hiro would say that.

Hiro had this idea a long time ago.

Because Hiro's current hidden cards are not few, such as Mokuton, Sharingan, and Flying Thunder God.

As for other ninjutsu, such as Chidori, Fireball, etc., they belong only to Hiro's ordinary ninjutsu. Not as good as Mokuton and Flying Thunder God.

Sharingan couldn't be exposed, so Hiro rarely uses Sharingan. But Hiro's latest ninjutsu Flying Thunder God is different.

Flying Thunder God only requires kunai, which is similar to the flicker body jutsu in certain situations. As long as it is properly hidden, it is still difficult to find.

Therefore, Hiro intends to use Mokuton and Flying Thunder God to create his fighting way!

All the powerful ninjas in the original work are like this.

For example, Minato is a fighting style based on the two types of ninjutsu, Flying Thunder God and Rasengan.

There is also Uchiha Itachi, his fighting style based on illusion.

The fourth Raikage Ai, with thunder style plus Taijutsu, etc .... etc...

Every strong ninja has his fighting style, so finding the best fighting style will greatly enhance his combat effectiveness. Hiro planned to combine the Mokuton and Flying Thunder God to create his fighting style.

That's why Hiro wanted to train with Tsunade. There is a Kage-level ninja around him, it will be a waste if he didn't use this opportunity.

Hiro explained his general plan again, but didn't mention the Flying Thunder God part, Tsunade readily agreed upon hearing this.

After that, Hiro was fighting Tsunade.

To have such a three-level ninja one of three scannings as a partner training, the training effect will be amazing for sure.

Hiro quickly became familiar with the different methods of using Mokuton. Mokuton is indeed very powerful and convenient ninjutsu. No wonder in the original work Hashirama was invincible in the Warring States period, even Uchiha Madara couldn't defeat him.

Also, Hiro trains Flying Thunder God ninjutsu.

the space-time Flying Thunder God ninjutsu is indeed a bit difficult to learn, far higher than ordinary ninjutsu. Hiro admired Minato a little, he could train Flying Thunder God to a high level.

For several days in a row, Hiro was consolidating his fighting style and making rapid progress.


this day, Hiro found Tsunade.

Tsunade said to Hiro: "Hiro, you have made rapid progress in the past few days. I think the combination of our two strengths is enough to cause severe damage to Sand."

Hiro's eyes brightened, what Tsunade said was exactly what Hiro thought, Chiyo is leading Sand's remaining force, making Sand last defense line collapse, Hiro and Tsunade can return to Konoha with a full load!

Hiro nodded and said, "I was thinking about that too, teacher, let's do another raid together? one last time, let's defeated sand in one fell swoop!"

"No problem, but Chiyo will be very cautious this time. We may not be able to attack smoothly. ." Tsunade said seriously.

Hiro smiled: "we will win. now I am more familiar with Mokuton, plus there is no Ebizo, I think we will succeed."

"Though there will be arrangements for Chiyo, she definitely wouldn't think We will attack openly, so why don't we both try to break into it directly?" Hiro said in anticipation.

His power reached a new level, he has learned Flying Thunder God ninjutsu which will save his life at any time, of course, he wants to try.

Even if he exposed Flying Thunder God ninjutsu, Hiro can protect himself as well.

Seeing that Hiro was so bold, Tsunade's eyes lit up, she was tempted by this proposal and finally agreed.

Therefore, Hiro and Tsunade both slew towards the sandy camp once again. This time, Hiro and Tsunade intend to end the war with the sand directly.


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