Chapter 78 Mokuton Vs Mokuton

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"Sorry, I am not interested in the time being." Hiro refused very simply, making Danzo a little bit ashamed and angry.

This kid is really smart!

Danzo was thinking Hiro would take his offer without hesitating, but who would have thought this kid won't be fooled!. Ever since he took control of the 'Root', even Third Hokage won't move him easily. Who would have thought he would encounter such a difficult situation with Hiro?

Hiro was holding fire in his heart.

Danzo said faintly: "In this case, I will not force you, but the door of 'Root' will always be open for you."

"Then thank Danzo sama." Hiro shrugged and said nothing.

Hiro could see that Danzo was a little angry, but Hiro didn't care, anyway, he didn't bother to fight with Danzo and Orochimaru. Their talk comes to an end, Hiro and Danzo have nothing to talk about anymore.

But he has to think of a way to get 'Mokuton Ninjutsu Scroll' leftover from the first Hokage, which will be very helpful to Hiro's training of Mokuton.

Thinking of this, Hiro decided in his heart.

"Since there is nothing to talk about, then I will leave first," Hiro said lightly.

While talking, Hiro raised his foot and prepared to leave.

When Hiro was about to leave, he was stopped by Danzo: "Wait."

"Is there something, Danzo sama?"

Danzo smiled, but his face was a little gloomy: "I still want to tell you that in the Root we have a ninja can use Mokuton ."

"Oh?" Hiro turned around and deliberately said: "is there something like this?"

Hiro swept forward, he had guessed who it was, but he didn't speak...

Danzo shouted: "A, get out."

"Yes, Danzo-sama." The ninja codenamed Kinoe is Yamato! he is about the same age as Hiro at this time, probably less than nine years old. He has already joined the root organization.

Yamato was the experimental subject of Orochimaru, but because of the cooperation between Orochimaru and Danzo, so Danzo knew about him, because Danzo was very interested in Mokuton, so he helped Yamato escape from Orochimaru's hand.

After escaping, Yamato joined the root, from then on he was controlled by Danzo and became a puppet in Danzo's hand, code-named " Kinoe ", he was highly valued by Danzo.

As Hiro thought, the short ninja is Yamato

Hiro immediately understood.

I saw Yamato wearing a cat face mask, took a step forward, looking at Hiro, his expression remained calm, and said: "Hiro sama."

Hiro looked at Yamato, and a strange feeling surged in his heart. Did this fellow Yamato join the 'root' so early? But it seems to be the same. In the original book, when Kakashi was twelve years old, Yamato was already in the Root he had been there for a long time.

At the moment, Yamato should be just joined the 'root'.

After a few years, Yamato escaped from the root, and directly joined the Anbu of Third Hokage, so he becomes directly under the Third Hokage.

A thought flashed through Hiro's mind, when he saw Yamato standing in front of him, he could see a fighting intent in his eyes.

Hiro glanced at Danzo.

Danzo said lightly: "This Kinoe, he is a ninja of our root who can use Mokuton. He has good strength. I heard you are also can use Mokuton, so it's better to point him to one or two and open my eyes. "

Danzo wants to test Hiro's Mokuton power, and at the same time, he wants to know the difference between Yamato and Hiro's Mokuton!

Hiro instantly knew what Danzo was thinking.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, Danzo, he is an old fox.

fine, don't you just want to see Mokuton? I will let you see how strong the Mokuton style is! Let you see the gap between me and Yamato!

Hiro squinted his eyes, and a glimmer of cold light flashed across his eyes. He planned to take action ruthlessly so Danzo would be more careful when he deals with him in the future, Hiro wants to kill him right now.

"ok." Hiro agreed.

Seeing Hiro agreed, Danzo smiled happily, then looked at Yamato and nod his head.

Yamato was very respectful: "Hiro sama, please take care of me."

Hiro nodded casually.

this time, Yamato acted, he quickly made a hand seal, and shouted: "Mokuton: Giant Forest Jutsu!"

Mokuton Style!

When Yamato completed his ninjutsu, many trees grew out of his arms. These woods gathered together, as if they were spiritual, like a group of poisonous snakes, biting in to trap Hiro.

The dense wood is densely packed, and looking at the offensive, it is quite extraordinary.

Yamato was able to use Mokuton to this degree, which was already considered good.

These pieces of wood wrapped around Hiro, Hiro was completely trapped. The power of Mokuton lies in its user ability, if he is powerful he can change it into various forms and shapes.

Hiro smiled: " Mokuton: Tree Bind Eternal Burial!"

Whose Mokuton is better and stronger?

Yamato's Mokuton is only.

Yamato also doesn't have a Sage body like Hiro, plus Hiro's extraordinary talent, so Hiro's Mokuton power is more powerful, Yamato can't be compared with Hiro.

As soon as Hiro's ninjutsu came out, Mokuton's mighty power was instantly revealed. Numerous vines grew from the ground. The number of these branches was several times that of Yamato's. Yamato's expression changed. He didn't expect the gap between Hiro and him is so big.

Danzo was very surprised.

What a strong Chakra, what a strong Mokuton!

Trees and vines spread wildly, forming a small forest in a blink of an eye!

Directly destroying Yamato's Mokuton. The Mokuton style used by Yamato was suppressed by Hiro's Mokuton style, and the wood was torn apart, completely unable to compare with its power!

At the same time, Hiro's wooden rope bound Yamato's body! This kind of wooden rope has very good flexibility and durability and is very strong. The person tied up by the wooden rope cannot move at all and can only wait to die.

Yamato was defeated in seconds!