Chapter 82 Number One Genius In Konoha

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What Hiro used in the entire battle with Shisui has been only a Mokuton clone. From the beginning to the end, his real body has been hidden in the dark, untouched. !

But even so, Shisui was still defeated by Hiro's Mokuton clone!

Seeing that section of wooden on the ground, everyone was stunned. This scene subverted their cognition.

That's how Shisui lost?

Uchiha's first genius, unexpectedly defeated so easily, the gap between him and Hiro is already so big?

Even Uchiha Shisui stood still, silent for a while, completely speechless.

Among the members of the Uchiha clan, several of them watched the battle with their Sharingan, and they were completely surprised.

"When did he use Mokuton clone? How come Sharingan can't see the difference between a clone and the real body..."

"Yes, l also didn't notice, how is this possible?"

Such remarks one after another, everyone was completely shocked and stunned.

When they saw Hiro was using only a clone, surprising to everyone, their Sharingan couldn't distinguish between the clone and real body.

When Hiro heard these people from the Uchiha clan and laughed secretly. Even Uchiha Madara could not distinguish the Mokuton avatar of Hashirama during their battle, let alone the ordinary Sharingan?

The Mokuton clone is far stronger than the normal clone ninjutsu, and more importantly, it is extremely difficult to distinguish, almost completely like a real body, so even Uchiha Madara will make mistakes in judgment.

Of course, this is also because Uchiha Madara's opponent is Hashirama.

Shisui was still standing by as if still immersed in battle.

" Shisui?" Hiro patted Shisui's shoulder. There was no conflict between him and Shisui.

Only then did Shisui return to his senses: "Ah, I'm fine."

Shisui said sadly: "you are really strong, the gap between me and you is so big. Sure enough, you are as powerful as the rumors say."

This time losing to Hiro, was a blow to his confidence, but Shisui still maintains calm and demeanor, Hiro was surprised, there is indeed a reason for him to be strong in the future.

Hiro said: "In fact, you are already very good." Hiro's words are sincere. Now he has a Mokuton and a sage body, so the performance of Shisui is already quite good. After all, Shisui Only eight years old.

Shisui was silent.

And Kakashi and others also recovered.

Guy finally opened his mouth. He rarely did not say some words such as passion and youth, but said: "I have to say every time I watch Hiro's battle, I feel very weak..."

when Guy said that everyone becomes silent. Rin and Obito nodded in agreement.

Even Kurenai was holding her small fist, and she had to work hard in the future, otherwise, wouldn't it be completely left behind by Hiro?

Kakashi didn't speak and was completely silent from the moment Hiro's Mokuton appeared. He was wearing a mask, and no one knew what he was thinking.

After the match between Shisui and Hiro is over, the next step is the seal of reconciliation, which is the end of the match. At this time, the Uchiha clan members were even more amazed, seeing the battle just now in their eyes full of emotion.

It can only be said that Hiro is really strong to a certain extent. Everyone probably guessed Hiro could win Shisui, but who would have thought that he would win Shisui in this way?

This is simply...

They didn't know what to say, Shisui quickly recovered its state. Of course, it was only superficially restored. Shisui's mood is complicated and subtle.

The people of the Uchiha clan were completely surprised. And the reason why Hiro used this conspicuous method was also his plan. He wanted to test whether the Uchiha clan had any powerful ninjas noticed through such a battle.

But now it seems that the Uchiha clan is declining.

seems that there is no response...

Hiro can't help but feel a little disappointed.

Could it be said that the Uchiha clan doesn't have any other kage-level ninja? Only Uchiha Fugaku?

This is unscientific, based on the background of the Uchiha clan, there should be some other characters...

Hiro doesn't want to kill Uchiha Fugaku, because it is too conspicuous and will cause a lot of trouble.

While Hiro was thinking about it, he heard a coughing sound at this time.

But I saw an old man walking out of Uchiha's ancestral hall. This old man was about sixty years old. His face was full of wrinkles, his hair was sparse, and his silver hair was visible. The old man had a serious face and looked quite prestigious.

As soon as he appeared, the Uchiha clan members greeted him one after another: "Elder."

"I have met the elders." All Uchiha clan members greeted him politely, respectfully, they respected him very much.

"Grand Elder." At this time, even the stubborn Obito did not dare to make a mistake and greeted politely. The same is true for Shisui.

Hiro's expression shrank, and he knew that a big man had arrived!

Does it seem to be the elder of Uchiha's family?

" Shisui, this battle between you and Hiro, it is not a bad thing to lose to him, but you must train very hard. You are the genius of our Uchiha clan. I have high hopes for you" The great elder spoke.

Shisui's spirit was lifted, he nodded quickly and said, "Yes, Great Elder."

The elder nodded slightly and then focused his gaze on Hiro's body: "Hiro, I have long heard that a strong genius has appeared in the village. I didn't think it was a big deal before, but now it seems I was wrong. You are the number one genius in Konoha!"