Chapter 93 Fighting with Kage-Level Ninja! Using Full Power!

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Hiro did not hesitate and used all his strength from the beginning.

His chakra started surging out, the chakra swept to all directions as a sea tide, with such a huge amount of chakra, facing Uchiha Ken.

Seeing how much chakra dose Hiro have, Ken was surprised, his expression changed slightly, and his eyes became more determined. Because of the Sage Body, his Chakra is even be better than Uchiha Ken's.

After all, Uchiha Ken is already an old man, Chakra is not as good as his peak period.

When he thought about this, he showed stronger murderous intent: " Fire Style: Dragon Flame Caterwaul!"

This is a high-level fire style ninjutsu, it is a strong fire style ninjutsu. Uchiha Madara once used this ninjutsu in the original book.

Of course, Uchiha Ken is not as good as Uchiha Madara, but this ninjutsu is still terrifying.

The Fire Dragons roared loudly, and was moving very fast toward. The five huge Fire Dragons seemed to be five huge ropes, moved directly towards Hiro's body, trapping him inside.

At the same time, the flames are constantly rising, roaring, and becoming stronger.

These Fire Dragons are lifelike, just like real dragons. These Fire Dragons were so violent that it made the space tremble a little bit. Fortunately, it was shrouded by enchantment ninjutsu, otherwise, the voice here would be discovered soon.

"Sure enough, he is stronger than Ebizo." Hiro was surprised, he realized that the strength of Uchiha Ken was indeed extremely strong, making him feel quite pressured.

The strength of Uchiha Ken made Hiro show some fear.

"Can't hesitate anymore, otherwise..." Hiro said to himself as he also started using ninjutsu.

As the five Fire Dragons directly engulfed Hiro, suddenly Hiro's figure turned into a wooden figure. It turned out that it was only Hiro's Wooden Clone that was swallowed by the flame just now.

Uchiha Ken is not surprised: "Sure enough, it is Mokuton Clone? Even if it is a Sharingan, Mokuton Clone still very difficult to recognize"

As Uchiha Ken spoke, his eyes started turning red. In split-second his eyes were completely blood red. The power of the Sharingan is finally revealed.

"Have you finally used Sharingan?" Hiro's expressions gradually dignified: "Mokuton Style: Deep Forest Emergence!"

A sea of ​​trees start growing from the ground, towering trees rising from the ground. Within the barrier, the trees were clustered, and the vines followed like a shadow, attacking Uchiha Ken from all direction

Ken dodged back and forth but ultimately lost. He was still submerged by tree vines. But thanks to his strong Body Flicker Jutsu, he still managed to escape.

But at this time Uchiha Ken's body was already covered with some scars, stabbed by the vines and thorns, making Uchiha Ken's eyes even more fierce.

"Damn boy..." Uchiha Ken looked coldly at Hiro, then he made another hand sealed again: "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

"Wind Style: Sandstorm Jutsu!"

Ken released two ninjutsu one after another, fire style and wind style. The combination of Wind and Fire makes the flames of fireball swell at the sight of the wind, burning all the surrounding forests, so the forest that created by Hiro with Mokuton starts burning.

Ken solved part of the Mokuton environment, his eyes condensed, and at this time he seized the opportunity, his figure flashed, and he reached Hiro's side.

Body Flicker Jutsu.

Uchiha Ken's figure flickered, he quickly reached Hiro's side and then slashed out in his hand.

"Secret Sword Technique: Leafs Cutting!"

Ken's katana is extraordinary. Hiro only saw countless sword shadows attacking, cold light bursts, as the sharp blades almost attacked from all directions. With the sword light, countless sword shadows fell directly on Hiro, Hiro felt a great threat from this attack.

This move was very quick, and the pressure is simply suffocating. And more importantly, the katana slash contained a lot of power.

The secret sword technique is an attack that Ken has always been good at. The sword art combined with Sharingan, so he has never been disadvantageous in the past battles. Many extremely powerful ninjas have died under his sword.

Uchiha Ken's leafs cutting can swing dozens of katana's in an instant, which is extremely powerful and terrifying.

This sharp katana was about to fall on Hiro's body

But at this time, Hiro's figure suddenly flashed, and he disappeared instantly.

In the next moment, Hiro's figure appeared at the other end of the barrier.

"This..." Uchiha Ken's katana fell to the ground, and the knife hit directly on the tree below, causing the tree to instantly become fragments, and the surrounding area was smashed into a deep hole for several tens of meters. This blow was so powerful that if it hit Hiro just now, the consequences would be disastrous.

Uchiha Ken's face was gloomy, and he couldn't believe it: "How could my attack?!!!"

He was very confident in his swordsmanship. He used this trick to kill countless enemies. He also knew the power of this trick, so he was extremely surprised when Hiro dodged it.

How is this possible?!!

Of course, Hiro was able to avoid his attack because of the Flying Raijin Jutsu. He had made arrangements in the back mountain before, he had buried a lot of kunai in the soil before the fight, so he could move at any time using Flying Raijin Jutsu.

Hiro said coldly: "Uchiha Ken, I will let you see my true strength."

As he spoke, Hiro chakra surging all over his body, and once again released a strong move!

"Multiple Mokuton Clones!"

At this time, several Hiro figures appeared. Hiro used Multiple Mokuton Clones to cooperate in the battle. In this case, seeing this Uchiha Ken's expression became solemn.

Uchiha Ken held the katana in his hand tightly, and felt a burst of pressure: "Is this Multiple-Mokuton Clone? It seems that this time I will face his continuous attack. Damn it, I don't know which one is the real body!"

Uchiha Ken said as he looked at the clones. When he moved, the three tomoes in his Sharingan were continuously turning , spinning and rotating very quickly.

The spinning of the three tomoes at this speed means Uchiha Ken is going to uses illusion!

"Genjutsu!" Uchiha Ken used Sharingan's Genjutsu, which is also the ultimate move he prepared.



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1- ''Naruto God Modifier System.''

2- ''Harry Potter: The legendary Successor System.''

3-'' XXXX'' Not released yet, but soon enough it will.

4-'' XXXX'' Not released yet, but soon enough it will.

5- ''XXXX'' Not released yet, but soon enough it will.

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