Chapter 104 Shocked!

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"What kind of ninjutsu is this?" Sasori was extremely surprised, he felt that Hiro is very mysterious and unpredictable, his attacks could penetrate his body, what kind of ninjutsu is this?

Is it time-space ninjutsu? Or it is some kind of special ninjutsu?

He never heard of Hiro being proficient in this kind of ninjutsu before. Besides Mokuton, this guy also has this kind of weird ninjutsu?

Suddenly, Sasori had a bad feeling in his heart, a completely different state surged, and this sudden bad feeling came from the extreme shock that he was just gone through, besides the shock, he also felt helpless as he didn't know how to deal with it.

People are afraid when they encounter the unknown.

Sasori was in this situation right now. It was the first time he encountered such weird ninjutsu, a ninjutsu can make all his attacks invalid.

Sasori started getting panicked, but after a few seconds, he started calming down, after all, he was a very strong ninja with Kage-Level power. So he started manipulating the Third Kazekage puppet again. He released ninjutsu: "Iron Sand Needles Attack!"

The Iron sand started gathering in the sky. As a huge amount of Black Iron Sand floated up and started changing its shape very quickly to form needle-like weapons, in just a few seconds, the sky was filled with needles of Iron Sand.

This ninjutsu of Third Kazekage has the widest range attack. Sasori directly started using this powerful move to attack Hiro.

In an instant, the Iron Sand scattered all over the sky, and then Iron Sand needles were densely packed, and with a wave of Sasori's hand, they started shooting towards Hiro.

The sky as if started raining torrentially. The dense Iron Sand needles started falling from the sky with very fast speed, making countless holes on the ground. Although Hiro could feel the power of the Iron-Sand Attack from the countless holes that appeared around him, but Hiro stood in his place with a calm face as he looked at Sasori.

All the Iron-Sand needles passed through Hiro's body again without exception!

With a faint smile on the corner of Hiro's mouth, he looked at Sasori with mockery.

"Even the Iron Sand Needles Attack..." The Sasori was shocked again, and he started getting panicked again. He didn't expect that his Iron Sand Needles attack wouldn't be able to hurt Hiro at all. This is the widest range attack he has now.

Ah... What kind of ninjutsu is this guy using?

Sasori started feeling that things are getting more and more weird and unexpected, but when he looked toward Hiro, he saw Hiro smiling at him then said faintly: "It looks like you are having a good time, but it is a pity that your ninjutsu is useless to me."

"Damn it, he has many weird abilities, and all of them are very powerful, but his body will definitely materialize when he will attack, as long as I attack him at that moment, then my attack shouldn't pass through his body like before!" Sasori's mind was working at a very fast speed to find Hiro's weakness, and although he was a little scared after seeing Hiro's strength, but he forced himself to calm down again.

Hiro's strength was completely beyond his expectations. He really didn't expect that Hiro will have such a weird ability, at the beginning he came for revenge but now he is fighting for his life.

Hiro suddenly threw dozens of kunais, Sasori made a quick move and blocked all the coming kunais with his tail.

But these kunais aren't ordinary because there is a Flying Raijin seal on them, which will make Hiro teleport to Sasori's side. In a flash, he appeared beside Sasori.

"This Body Flicker ninjutsu...No, it's not Body Flicker ninjutsu, it's Time-Space ninjutsu!" Sasori said in shock when he saw Hiro suddenly appeared beside him.

He didn't expect that Hiro not only had the ability to let all attacks pass through his body but also had Time-Space ninjutsu which is more powerful than Body Flicker Ninjutsu!

It turned out that Hiro has other powerful ninjutsu other than Mokuton.

Thinking of this, the Sasori felt that he is under huge pressured.

This means that Hiro had been hiding his true strength before, and it turned out that he has one more powerful ninjutsu, which is the most mysterious Time-Space ninjutsu!!

Suddenly, Sasori's expression changed a few times, and he only felt that Hiro became even more mysterious, how can one person have so many strong ninjutsu at such young age!!

"Time-Space ninjutsu, although I don't know the power of the opponent's ninjutsu at all. But this instant-moving ninjutsu is somewhat similar to the legendary Flying Raijin Jutsu, but what exactly is that weird ninjutsu that makes my attack invalid against him?" Sasori thought.

At the life and death point, Sasori could only bet on his strong instinct to manipulate the puppets to fight, his strongest puppet, the Third Kazekage puppet.

Suddenly a huge amount of chakra burst from Third Kazekage's puppet.

Hiro's heart shrank, judging from the huge amount of chakra, he knew that the Sasori was about to attack him with strong ninjutsu.

"Iron-Sand Burial Ninjutsu!" As Sasori shouted, the Iron-Sand started surging to the sky, this attack was so powerful that even the sky was discolored, shock waves were stirred up all around. After a few seconds, the Iron-Sand quickly condensed and started gathering together by the magnetic force. In the original book, Gaara's Sandstorm Funeral ninjutsu used the same principle, but this move is more powerful than Gaara's Sandstorm Funeral.

Iron-Sand Burial.

The color of the sky completely changed to black due to the Iron-Sand. Between the sky and the earth, a weird black layer appeared, and then the Iron-Sand quickly condensed together, directly burying Hiro's figure!


An extremely loud sound came, like an earthquake, burying Hiro's figure in Iron-Sand. However, Sasori still looked solemn and unconfident, because he did not know whether this attack succeeded or not.

Soon, Hiro gave him the answer.

He saw Hiro's figure flashing and reappearing on the ground.

"Sorry, what you just sealed with Iron-Sand was my Mokuton clone," Hiro said lightly.


That's right, the majestic Iron-Sand Burial ninjutsu, just now only sealed Hiro's Mokuton clone. Hiro's Mokuton clone was difficult to recognize from his true body, so Sasori didn't see through his clone.

Hiro smiled faintly and said: "The power of Iron-Sand Burial is good, but it's a pity that it's still not good enough to trap me. "

"Sasori, I will let you see my true power."

Hiro said faintly, the three-tomoes of Sharingan in his eyes kept spinning, turning into a Six-Pointed Star Mangekyou Sharingan, and he whispered: "Kamui!"

As he said that, space suddenly changed around Sasori.

Mangekyou Sharingan's ability Kamui, Space Tearing power started!

Hiro only glanced at Sasori, to see the space around him started twisting and spinning, the strong pressure hit Sasori directly, he felt as if a mountain about to fall on him!!

"This, what kind of ninjutsu is this?" Sasori was completely stunned.