Chapter 107 Shocking News, Shinku Yuhi is Dead?

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"Minato is leading our Konoha ninja unit at the battlefield of Cloud Village, Shinku and Jiraiya are in Mist Village, Mist Village not only has Sandaime Mizukage but also the Seven Swordsmen, they are very strong ninjas." Sandaime sighed.

Hiro nodded his head in agreement.

At this time, there are still many powerful ninjas in Hidden Mist Village.

But the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were finally killed by Might Duy after opening the last gate of Hachimon Tonko no in the original work.

"Sandaime is planning to let the Uchiha clan enter the battlefield?" Hiro asked.

"Yes, I have such a plan. I want Uchiha Clan to go to the battlefield to help Shinku. After all, there is also a Rock Village who are watching from the side..." Sandaime didn't hide his thoughts from Hiro

To avoid the direct conflict between Danzo and Uchiha, Sandaime's plan is for the Uchiha clan to enter the battle.

Hiro didn't care, because he knows when the Uchiha Clan enters the battlefield, Uchiha Fugaku was very likely to open his Mangekyou Sharingan, just like in the original work.

Just Hiro was about to speak. Suddenly, a member of Anbu wearing a dog face mask appeared and knelt on one knee and said "Sandaime-Sama, an urgent report from the frontline!"

The Sandaime Hokage suddenly had a bad feeling.

An urgent report from the frontlines can only be issued under very serious circumstances, and that means the situation is urgent and something unexpected has happened.

And that's why when Sandaime heard these words, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"An urgent report..." The Anbu member handed the intelligence scroll to him. After he opened it, he saw the intelligence scroll was full of special text symbols, which were specially encrypted information of Anbu, only a few people in Konoha can understand these special and secret symbols. They took this strict measures to prevent information leakage.

As Sandaime opened the scroll, he saw the content inside it. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he was became stunned, the information inside the scroll greatly impacted him.

"This... how could this be..." Sandaime muttered.

Hiro suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart: "Sandaime-Sama, what's the matter?"

Third Hokage's voice was slightly hoarse: "It is about Shinku, he was surrounded on the battlefield by the Seven Swordsmen and Third Mizukage, then he died in Sandaime Mizukage's hands"

"What? "Hiro was startled.

He couldn't believe what he just heard.

Shinku died?

This... Hiro remembers that Shinku appeared in the Nine-Tails attacking the village in the original work, but now he is dead, this...

Hiro stood in his place without moving, Shinku is Kurenai's only family member, she has had no mother since she was a child, she was raised by her father, Shinku, and taught her the principles of ninjas, it can be said that the relationship between Kurenai and her father is very deep and strong.

But now... Shinku Yuhi is dead!

Hiro felt a bit unimaginable, if Kurenai receives this news, she will be very sad.

Shinku has always been good to Hiro. During his first mission in Anbu, Yuhi had taken care of him, and Hiro also regarded him as one of his family.

But now, Shinku is dead!!

Flame of anger burst in his heart.

Hidden Mist Sandaime Mizukage!

There is also Seven Swordsman!

Hiro clenched his fists, his eyes flickered.

The character of Sandaime Mizukage didn't appear in the original work.

"Shinku Yuhi is the deputy captain of the Anbu. His genjutsu skills are super strong, and one of Konoha's strongest ninjas. I can't believe..." Sandaime also fell in sorrow and became extremely sad, Shinku is one of the strongest ninjas under his hand.

Hiro's thoughts were complicated at the moment, he was looking at the wall with an unbelieving expression, as his heart gradually sank into a dark abyss.

Seeing Hiro's sad expression, Sandaime remembered that Hiro was close to Shinku, so he immediately said: "Hiro-Kun, please comfort Shinku's daughter and see if she needs anything, just come to me..."

"Okay." Hiro nodded his head with a heavy expression.

He carried Shinku's death news and left the Hokage building, with heavy steps he walked toward Kurenai's house.

Soon, Hiro arrived at Kurenai's house.

Seeing Hiro's arrival, Kurenai smiled happily, as a happy lark ran, she rushed into Hiro's arms, then hugged Hiro tightly, and said in surprise: "Hiro-Kun, how come you are here today? Shouldn't you guarded Sandaime-Sama's safety?"

"Well, not many things happened today..." after saying a few words, he suddenly stopped, Hiro realized that he didn't know how to tell her the news of her father's death.

"Oh, that's it." Kurenai didn't ask anything else, she just held Hiro's arm tightly, and said with joy: "By the way, I have made a lot of dishes today, come and try it."

"Ah well." Hiro followed Kurenai into the room, he looked at Kurenai's smiling face, although he was worried and afraid about her, but Hiro finally chose to say the sad news: "Kurenai, I wanted to tell you something."

"Say it." Kurenai smiled sweetly while holding a drink in her hand, ready to serve Hiro.

When she saw Hiro's serious face, Kurenai suddenly had a strange premonition in her heart.

After a few seconds, Hiro took a deep breath and earnestly said. "I just received information from the Hokage Building. Your father..."

"My father? What happened to him?" Kurenai trembled.

"He died on the battlefield!!!"

The glass in Kurenai's hand overturned to the ground, and tears started falling from her eyes instantly.

Hiro felt extremely sad as he saw the miserable appearance of Kurenai, his heart was filled with anger and fury...

Hidden Mist Sandaime Mizukage! The Seven Swordsman!