Chapter 120 Mei Terumi, Captive?! 

(T/N: If you want to see more chapters, go to my P@treon to see more chapters ahead.

you can see more than 40chapters ahead of everyone, you can read till Chapter 160 in my p@treon:


A smile appeared on Hiro's face. If there is one person he doesn't hate in the Hidden Mist village, then the person in front of him should be the only person he doesn't hate or desire to kill.

Hiro felt that this chakra belongs to someone he knows, Mei Terumi.

That's right. Mei Terumi is here!

Mei was lurking in the shadows as she was approaching Hiro gradually and slowly. Mei was approaching Hiro very cautiously. The corner of Hiro's mouth could not help but slightly twist. Is this girl trying to assassinate me? Interesting, Hiro thought.

Sensing her movements in front of him, Hiro's expression didn't change.

After a few seconds, the distance between Hiro and Mei became less than 20 meters, then suddenly, Mei's body turned into water stains and fall to the ground, which is a very good hiding method.

Hiro kept running as before without letting her discover anything, but he deliberately approached the water pool.

Right now, it has been almost a day since Hiro killed Juzo. Mei must already know about Hiro's amazing deeds on the battlefield, which means that Mei was probably here to assassinate him.

Hiro slowly approached the water pool, then suddenly he saw Mei's figure came out from the water pool in an instant, she let out a soft snort, then her figure flashed, and she came towards Hiro with a Kunai in her hand, trying to stab him.

It's a pity that Hiro had already seen through Mei's small tricks a long time ago, three bloody tomoes flashed in his eyes, he directly grabbed Mei's small wrist, and then shouted in a low voice: "Mokuton: Silent Strangle Jutsu!"

As Hiro stretched out his hand, the vines of the trees started popping up from the ground. These tree vines directly grabbed her and then bound her body.

"Lava Style: Lava Spray!" Mei opened her mouth and spat out a large mouthful of Lava, which startled corroding the trees instantly.

After seeing Mei's Lava Style Ninjutsu, just like in the original, Mie's Lava Kekkei Genkai is unique.

Hiro squinted his eyes slightly, and he didn't expect Mei to respond so well to his surprise attack.

Hiro's figure flashed, the Lava did not touch him, the Konoha's ninjas also noticed Mie's surprise attack, so they stepped a few steps back.

"Damn it, you found me!" Mei shouted in a low voice.

Hiro shrugged and said with a calm voice: "Mei, it's been a long time since I saw you."

When Mei heard this, she looked at Hiro with a slightly complicated expression.

Even the Konoha ninjas were surprised when they saw the attacker's face. They didn't expect that the person who attacked Hiro is such a beautiful and young female ninja.

"If I am not mistaken, then she is Mei Terumi of the Hidden Mist Village, a super-strong ninja, just like Hiro-sama, she has a special Kekkei Genkai, Lava Kekkei Genkai."

"It seems so. Many people said that Mei Terumi is the number one ninja in the HiddenMist village's new generation."

"She seems to know Hiro-sama?"

Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that Mei Terumi and Hiro know each other.

Seeing that Hiro and Mei Terumi seem to know each other, everyone was a little bit curious. After all, whether it is Hiro or Mei, both of them have very special auras surrounding them, so it's not surprising if there's a special relationship between the two.

Mei stared at Hiro with a complicated expression for a while and then said to him with a light voice: "Yes, It's been a while. I didn't expect to see you so soon. You even killed Juzo-san. Your deeds in the past few days turned the village upside down."

"So what?" Hiro squinted his eyes and said lightly.

Mei clenched her white teeth: "You...Hiro, if you want to save your life, then leave the Hidden Mist village right now, but if you insist, continue attacking the Hidden Mist ninjas, then what is waiting for you is inevitable death."

Hearing what Mei said, Hiro asked her with a calm voice: "Are you threatening me?"

Mei bit her lower lip and said: "I'm not threatening you. Now all the ninjas of Hidden Mist Village have decided to fight you with all their strength. They will try to kill you at any cost."

Hiro was touched a little bit, but his face was still expressionless: "Oh really, then let them come."

"You..." hearing Hiro's careless answer, Mei became angry instantly.

Why is Hiro so ignorant? Doesn't he know the difference between good and evil? Does he think that all that she said just now was a joke? Now the entire Hidden Mist Village ninjas regard Hiro as the number one enemy. Even if Hiro has Kage-Level ninja strength, he still can't take the whole village by himself, not to mention one of the Five Great Villages!

"Mei Terumi, you seem to be caring about me so much?" Hiro smiled faintly and said, "But looking at your current strength, it seems that you have improved a lot."

"Who, who cares about you. If you are looking for your own death, then just go!" Mei's expression changed slightly. After hearing what Hiro said, she became angry from embarrassment.

Hearing Mei's angry words, Hiro's expression became gentle a little bit, and then he said faintly: "Mei Terumi, although your strength is very good comparing with your peers, you are far from being my opponent. Right now..."

Mei was slightly startled. She didn't understand what Hiro meant.

Suddenly, Hiro's body flashed and threw countless kunai toward Mei.

Mei escaped from the coming kunai, but in the midst of kunai throwing, Hiro's body flashed again and directly appeared beside one of the kunai, which completely stunned Mei.

"This..." Mei didn't expect that Hiro will have such fast movement ninjutsu, she wanted to attack Hiro, but Hiro resisted her attack.

There was a surprised look in Mei's eyes. Her big beautiful green eyes were filled with surprise.

"Lava Style: Lava Spray!"

Mei used Lava Spray once again, the Lava spread all over Hiro's body, but she saw Hiro's body gradually turned into a wooden block. Hiro used Moukton Clone to escape from Mei's attack!

Mei was surprised and was about to move away, but she found that a kunai had been placed under her neck.

"You lost again, Mei Terumi, and you are my captive now." Hiro let out a chuckle.

Seeing Hiro's smug expression, Mei clenched her teeth angrily, she was very unconvinced about her loss, but she could do nothing about it.