Chapter 134 New Bounty!

(T/N: If you want to see more chapters, go to my P@treon to see more chapters ahead.

you can see more than 55 chapters ahead of everyone just for 15$, you can read till Chapter 192 in my p@treon:


The Konoha's ninjas became very quiet as if the darkness swallowed their voices.

When Hiro told them what he did, the expressions on everyone's faces were very dull.

Choza opened his mouth slightly. His face and eyes were filled with shock.

Shikaku didn't speak either, but the astonishment in his eyes showed what kind of state his mind was in right now. As for Inoichi, who stood in silence, there was only a wry smile on his face.

The expressions of the Konoha ninjas were clear in Hiro's eyes. In their eyes and faces, he saw surprise, shock, and unbelief.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe that Hiro had achieved such an impossible thing. Although Hiro is very powerful, killing the captain of Assassination Unit Fuguki Suikazan is a completely different thing, so everyone felt hard at believing. It was like a dream for them.

"Hiro, what you said just now, is it true?" Choza still couldn't believe it.

Hiro smiled and said, "Of course, I will never lie about something like this."

The Konoha's ninjas finally came back to their senses, and their eyes filled with surprise as they looked at Hiro.

"It's awesome, as expected of Hiro-sama..."

"Yeah, he became too strong. Looking at the Five Great Villages, almost no one can achieve such an amazing achievement at such young age, right?"

"I didn't expect that Hiro-sama would lead us to this point. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist, all of them killed except Mangetsu Hozuki, none of them was Hiro-Sama's opponent..."


Everyone kept talking as they were looking at Hiro with respect and awe. They were stunned and convinced completely.

Right now, Hiro's prestige and reputation reached a new peak, which has made countless people admire him very much. It also made these Konoha ninjas show respect from the bottom of their hearts when they mentioned Hiro's name.

After all, Hiro's performance was mind-blowing. He almost became a myth in Konoha ninjas' minds.

Among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Hiro killed four by himself!

He almost destroyed the Seven Ninja Swordsman by himself, and the Hidden Mist ninjas must be completely frightened right now after receiving this news. Hiro reversed the whole situation of the battle, making everyone admire Hiro even more.

"Hiro is too powerful."

"Yeah, but I really can't think how a nine-year-old kid can have this kind of strength..."

The voices of admiration continued non-stop. From the bottom of their hearts, they admired Hiro from the bottom of their hearts and felt that having Hiro was like a very strong backbone.

Hiro's achievements on the battlefield this time made him a legend in the heart of Konoha's ninjas. People will talk about Hiro's deeds and regarded him as a legend on the battlefield for a long time.

The most important thing is that Hiro is less than ten years old now, and at this age, he has created such a legend. Even in the strongest village in Ninja World, Konoha Village, something like that is unprecedented, let alone the other Four Great Villages.

"It's just right. It seems we can celebrate tonight. I want to eat more meat, and it's been a long time since I've been so comfortable. During this time on the battlefield, I feel that I have lost some weight." Choza said with a smile.

Hearing what Choza said, Hiro glanced at his fat body and tingling belly again. Hiro couldn't help but laugh dumbly. Choza felt very embarrassed after saying that.

Thinking of nature, the Akimichi family, Hiro was quite speechless.

Hiro also saw Guy's long-lost smile. Hearing the legendary victory of Hiro, and he almost destroyed the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Guy was finally relieved a little bit.

Not only Guy, but Kakashi, Obito, and others are also like this.

In any case, Hiro's achievement was outstanding this time. In this battle between the Hidden Mist Village and

Konoha Village, Konoha finally gained a slight advantage on the battlefield, but most importantly, Hiro's victory is

the first victory of Konoha Village since the beginning of the battle between the two villages.

And all this was brought by Hiro!

The news that Hiro killed Fuguki soon spread all over the Hidden Mist Village, and the Hidden Mist was shocked.

Even the Third Mizukage was frightened. After hearing the news, he stayed in the Mizukage's Office alone for a long time, and no one dared to go in and disturb him.

The next day, more shocking news came out.

The news was that any Hidden Mist ninja could kill Hiro. Not only he will be reward with a one hundred million ryo, that ninja will also be directly promoted to the Captain of the Hidden Mist Assassination Unit, taking over the previous position of Fuguki Suikazan.

It can be seen that the Third Mizukage started seeing Hiro as a great danger for his village.

Hiro's performance was indeed quite amazing. This is the first time the Hidden Mist has had such a big battle since its creation, and Hiro did all this.

The Hidden Mist ninjas were all shocked. They didn't expect the Third Mizukage to offer such a high bounty for Hiro's head, which shows that Hiro is the terrifying enemy on the battlefield.

The Seven Ninja

Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Hiro killed four of them by himself!

The new bounty for Hiro's head from the Hidden Mist Village soon reached the Konoha Camp. Everyone was surprised by this high bounty. Shikaku thought for a while, then said seriously: "Hiro, you must be careful from now on. The Hidden Mist is focusing on you. Now, you play a great role in the battlefield of the Hidden Mist Village, so you must be very careful."

"Don't worry. I know what to do." Hiro nodded.

Hearing Hiro's words, Shikaku didn't say more because he knows that Hiro is well-measured.

After receiving the Hidden Mist Village news, Hiro was very calm, but he wasn't in a hurry at all. He is now busy with another thing, which is eating barbecue!

In order to celebrate this great victory, Choza personally made the barbecued and then invited Hiro and others to eat, everyone had a full meal, and they were very happy.